Chomsky's Ravenous Bugblatter Beast

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if the person who quoted Chomsky had read anything about Chomsky they would know there isn’t anything systematic about language according to the axioms of Chomsky. Language doesn’t have meaning through systematic method. you can’t prove or disprove semiotics. it is simply understood. to be so obtuse and dry as to pretend that meaning is a mathematical science because you quote Chomsky is an immediate sign of bias. I have asked facebook to be true to free speech for years now. Now I am humbly asking them to at least to be socially responsible with their supposed “discretion”. the fact that they are neither and are in conflict with their own terms is a good argument for AntiTrust laws to be used. I disagree with the expansive mindset of facebook, but the argument is that they are supposedly creating a better environment for communication. enabling hate speech is in conflict with their own arguments. I happen to disagree with their claim that they can censor, but now it seems even their censorship is random and hate based. we would love for facebook to have free speech! what we have instead is populism. facebook caters to the tyranny of the mob. that isn’t freedom. What has happened is Holocaust denial has become hip enough that facebook is allowing it. In the same respect nudity has become culturally taboo in a majority of circles and therefor facebook censors it. In the same respect Jewish Conservative groups go down all the time. for crying out loud! how is this free speech? if facebook wants to enact a policy of free speech I would support it, but if they are not then it is the users interest to influence facebook into responsible behavior.

facebook goes Chomsky story continues here
