MSNBCrap hits the fan

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MSNBC is the network of loons. They all seem to have different opinions, but they all are nutbag bigots. Watching it is painful.
Neither Joe Scarborough nor Mika Brzezinski, the cohosts of Morning Joe, asked Buchanan to explain why he provided a platform for Holocaust deniers. Chris Matthews did not ask Buchanan whether he approved of or agreed with the Holocaust denying screeds that were posted on Andrea Mitchell did not ask Buchanan how and why the Holocaust denial forum was so suddenly removed from his Web site. via
but these guys don't like to see Olbermann call anyone:
irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, tea-bagging supporter of violence against women and against politicians with whom he disagrees."
There was a little public tiff between MSNBC's Keith Olbermann and Joe Scarborough, this week.

Scarborough blasted Olbermann's comments via 3 quick tweets:
Olbermann, the non-contrite nutbag announced on his show that night that he was sorry--because he didn't go far enough."I'm sorry," he said. "I left out the word sexist."
MSNBC Head Phil Griffin was not happy with this public display of disunity, especially after the fights during the 2008 conventions which made the network and its star Mr. Olberman look more idiotic than usual.
So Griffin sent out a memo telling his people to chill out(because we know what a thin skin Olbermann has).

"We have many strong personalities with differing, passionate opinions, but it is important to remember that we are all on the same team," Griffin said in the memo. "I want to reiterate my long-standing policy: We do not publicly criticize our colleagues. This kind of behavior is unprofessional and will not be tolerated."
But you see Phil everyone may bee on the same team, but when one of them (Olbermann) is a drooling, raving lunatic they have to bash him in public or else people will think they are as crazy as Olbermann.
Full memo below:

From: Griffin, Phil (NBC Universal)
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 3:02 PM

MSNBC is THE place for viewers to get the best political analysis and opinion in today's vast marketplace of ideas. We don't tell our hosts what to say. We don't have talking points. We encourage our talent to voice their opinions strongly and smartly, always rooted in fact. All of this has brought us great success, culminating in last year's victory over CNN.
Hosts strongly voicing their OWN opinions can no-doubt lead to spirited, substantive disagreements. This debate is encouraged. What we're doing at MSNBC is something our competition is not. And it is difficult. We have many strong personalities with differing, passionate opinions, but it is important to remember that we are all on the same team. I want to reiterate my long-standing policy: We do not publicly criticize our colleagues. This kind of behavior is unprofessional and will not be tolerated.
Let me be clear: I encourage you to keep doing what you do best. Give the viewers your perspective and a vigorous debate on the issues they care about. But do not turn substantive differences into personal ones.
