As Israel Matzav reports:
He then goes into a detailed analysis of Barak firing Ashkenazi, and speculates:This is one of the many downsides of having a Leftist Defense Minister: The IDF has drafted a plan to pull back its troops to their positions on September 28, 2000, which was the date that the Oslo Terror War (also known as the 'intifada' or the 'second intifada') started. That would mean that the IDF would move away from 'Palestinian' cities in Judea and Samaria. The pullback was one of the demands allegedly made by President Obama to Prime Minister Netanyahu at their hostile March 23 meeting.....
But there's another possibility as to why Netanyahu is going along with Barak firing Ashkenazi: That Netanyahu also wants to pull IDF troops back in Judea and Samaria and wants a more pliable Chief of Staff who won't raise objections.Considering recent history, none of this is too difficult to believe. Be sure to read the rest, here.