French politician friends on Facebook of antisemitic pornographer Dietlieb Felderer. A reader wrote to draw our attention to the Facebook page of Austrian anti-Semitic, pornographer and Holocaust-denier (a bit difficult to write and to understand) Dietlieb Felderer. He has around 70 amis, and one of them is French member of the European Parliament Bruno Gollnisch (Front National). He used to be very close to the party's ex chairman Jean-Marie Le Pen and number two of the party. Gollnisch is a professor at the University of Lyon III . Interesting to see that these far right folks have some strange friends.
Photos from Felderer's Facebook. There are more than a 100 like these :
I'm going to warn you of some NAZI porn here... so scroll down if you want to see this... (well of course you will)
keep going
uh oh
it also might be a good idea to not scroll down further
no seriously... I'm about to show another Weiner pic
I'm not kidding... get the kids out of the room
ok here goes
if you want to see more... click for more via
I'm not going to comment
perhaps you feel more comfortable with something Heterosexual mein freund?