Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister, Danny Ayalon, is headed for Latin America on Wednesday to try to convince countries there to vote against the unilateral recognition of 'Palestinian statehood' in the UN General Assembly in September.
Ayalon will travel to Mexico City on Wednesday, for meetings there, followed by a trip to El Salvador where he will attend a meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS). Israel has observer status in the OAS.
"We have realized that we can make a counter campaign," Ayalon said Tuesday. "We must conduct a counter campaign to the Palestinians, even though they have a comparative advantage in the General Assembly. We are not going to give up."
Mexico did not follow Brazil's lead late last year and recognize a Palestinian state, and its position on the matter is considered very influential with a number of Central American states that have not yet recognized a Palestinian state. Among these are El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Panama.
The wave of recognition of a Palestinian state that began with Brazil last year swept South America, with the exception of Colombia, but did not wash over Central America or the Caribbean states, who are also members of the OAS.
Colombia, Israel's closest ally in South America, is currently a member of the UN Security Council, and in various assessments being made in Jerusalem could very well vote with the US against a Palestinian state resolution in the Security Council.
While it is widely expected that the US would veto any such resolution in the Security Council, Washington is keen on not being isolated on the matter and is interested in getting other countries on the council to vote with it – thereby preventing it from having to use its veto.
Ayalon should at least be going to Honduras and Colombia. I'd even consider a trip to Aerrorisrgentina. Even though they have come out in favor of recognizing the 'Palestinian' reichlet, they are also familiar with the scourge of terrorism.
if there is one guy that needs to undo a misdeed it's Ayalon... or so I am told. He was responsible for the withdrawal from Gaza. My friend says this is unforgivable... but I at the time thought it was a good idea myself. Thousands of Jewish families lost their homes because of Danny's actions. Let's hope Ayalon gets a chance for redemption