India Accuses Iran’s ‘Guards’ of Terror Attack

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Tal Yehoshua-Koren
(Tal Yehoshua-Koren
Israel news photo: Arutz Sheva)
The feared Iranian Revolutionary Guard was behind January’s terrorist attack on the wife of an Israeli diplomat in February, Indian police charged Monday.
India previously has agreed with Israel that Iranian terrorists were involved in the attack, but Monday’s report in the Times of India was the first time the Guards were named. A magnetic bomb destroyed the vehicle in which the woman, Tal Yehoshua Koren, was riding. She managed to escape with her life by noticing that an attack was taking place. She jumped out of the car as the bomb exploded and suffered serous injuries.
The investigation by New Delhi police sates that members of the Guards “discussed the plan to attack the Israeli diplomats in India and other countries with Indian journalist Side Mohammad Ahmad Kazmi in January 2011, after Iranian scientists had been attacked allegedly by the Israelis,” the newspaper reported.
Kazmi allegedly was in contact with the Guards for almost 10 years.
Sedaghatzadeh Masoud, the suspected leader of the terrorist cell, is thought to have planned the attacks on Israelis and Jews in Georgia and Bangkok.
Now about all that gold India traded with Iran?
