check out the amusing advertising on Haaretz
where the article was found |
....Approximately 2,000 Palestinians and Israelis (
I thought Haaretz said thousands? I feel misled)
took part in the "March for Independence" Friday, calling for the
recognition of a Palestinian state. Although the organizers of the march
issued a statement saying the march was carried out peacefully, police
had to intervene and separate right-wing and left-wing activists.
The event was coordinated with the police, and organizers had pledged to
prevent any violence from breaking out, despite the expected right-wing
counter-protests. The event was coordinated with the police, and
organizers had pledged to prevent any violence from breaking out,
despite the expected right-wing counter-protests. Participants in the
march held signs quoting South African leader and anti-apartheid
activist Nelson Mandela saying "only free men can negotiate", while
others bore slogans calling for support of Palestinian independence.
Several MKs participated in the march, including Zehava Galon of Meretz
and Dov Hanin of Hadash. Other prominent public figures took part as
well, such as former Speaker of the Knesset Avraham Burg and former
Attorney General Michael Ben Yair. via
the original post said thousands of protesters on the Haaretz
website. The reality in the actual writing was 2000 people. Which
sounds about right.via