Anders Behring Breivik is an updated Hitler hybrid. The goals are shared, but the methodology is changed. He isn't interested in outside his Cultural Christian (but tolerant to atheism) borders. Anders' attack was against Socialists. Socialists that were hostile to the West, but he didn't see them as inherently hostile. Muslims were merely a side theatre. And yet he didn't seem to have any real beef with Socialism. For Anders it was all about the dangers of "Internationalism", but he seemed content with large government if he could control it. He had no problems with attacks against Muslims, as a way of encouraging Jihadi attacks, but even in this case, Muslims are just tools in his fight against the European traitors. His quotes are in RED...
Q: Do I have to believe in God or Jesus in order to become a Justiciar Knight?
A: No, you don’t need to have a personal relationship with God or Jesus to fight for our Christian cultural heritage. It is enough that you are a Christian-agnostic or a Christian-atheist (an atheist who wants to preserve at least the basics of the European Christian cultural legacy
If the NSDAP had been isolationistic instead of imperialistic (expansionist) and just deported the Jews (to a liberated and Muslim free Zion) instead of massacring them, the anti-European hate ideology known as multiculturalism would have never been institutionalized in Western Europe.
this image is taken before the carnage |
While most have swallowed the idea that Breivik was a counterjihadist, his actual plan was to exploit tensions over Muslim terrorism, in order to conduct a campaign of terrorism against European targets and seize power with a more stable version of National Socialism.
Breivik was not a Nazi himself, for tactical reasons, because he disagreed with Nazi expansionism. But his own plan called for the use of WMD's in Europe and the mass murder of hundreds of thousands of traitors. The echoes of the Turner Diaries are very obviously present in his manifesto.
Breivik viewed Muslims as the enemy, but only domestically. He emphasized that;
"Knights Templar do not intend to persecute devout Muslims"And he contemplated collaborating with them on terrorist attacks against Europe.
"An alliance with the Jihadists might prove beneficial to both parties... We both share one common goal."

"They are asked to provide a biological compound manufactured by Muslim scientists in the Middle East. Hamas and several Jihadi groups have labs and they have the potential to provide such substances. Their problem is finding suitable martyrs who can pass “screenings” in Western Europe. This is where we come in. We will smuggle it in to the EU and distribute it at a target of our choosing. We must give them assurances that we are not to harm any Muslims etc."Ask yourself if these are the words of a anti-Jihadist who was fighting against Islam. Or a delusional European terrorist who was willing to ally with Jihadist against his fellow Europeans.
Breivik spells out that he is willing to kill Europeans on behalf of just about anyone...
There might come a time when we, the PCCTS, Knights Templar will consider to use or even to work as a proxy for the enemies of our enemies.This should put to rest any idea that Breivik was on a crusade against Islam. He was a deluded man who imagined himself leading a takeover of Europe, even if he had to serve as a Muslim proxy to do it. This post has quotes from Sultan Knish
Under these circumstances, the PCCTS, Knights Templar will for the future consider working with the enemies of the EU/US hegemony such as Iran (South Korea is unlikely), al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab or the rest of the devout fractions of the Islamic Ummah with the intention for deployment of small nuclear, radiological, biological or chemical weapons in Western European capitals and other high priority locations.Justiciar Knights and other European Christian martyrs can avoid the scrutiny normally reserved for individuals of Arab descent and we can ensure successful deployment and detonation in the location of our choice.
over the week my family was in Cape Cod. I was left to tend the house in Poughkeepsie with my mother's pal... a radical feminist. I try to understand her. In a conversation at the farm here at Vassar she clarified that she was against penetration of any form. That penetration according to her was the cause of all oppression against women. I asked her how she would apply this finding. She said she would only work with consent. The wording was left is such a way as to assume harmony. She doctored her fascism in such a way that was suitable for her to spread her ideas in a popular forum. Her real intent remains hidden... of course we all know that mob tyranny always works with consent.... ok... so why does this apply to Anders? Because I am making speculation that Anders might of not really spoken his real beliefs. That Anders was trying to make a philosophy that others could swallow... often when people create fabrications they start believing it themselves. Somewhere in Ander's subconscious was a fear of others... to get rid of others he was willing to work with the others. None of it makes sense to you and me... but Anders convinced himself of his own fabrication. He had no problem with greater control and socialism... as long as it was his own control and socialism. He had no problem with Christians... because he created his own "Christian". and he had no problem working with Muslims because he created an Islam he thought he could control. Islam is very simple. It says to kill or tax those who are not Muslim. Anders made his enemy and his own identity more complex then they actually are. Christianity and Islam can not be altered like Judaism can be.