Saudi grand mufti calls for destruction of churches

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(Now Lebanon)According to Arabian Business, Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah has called for the destruction on all churches in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf.
He said it is “necessary to destroy all the churches of the region.” This comes after Kuwaiti MP Osama Al-Munawer called for banning the construction of “non-Islamic worship places.”
The most disturbing part is that the grand mufti has a lot of influence when it comes to tipping the balance regarding religious matters. So this issue will not blow over unless people protest, more specifically the Saudis.
The ignorance or narrow-mindedness of some obscure sheikhs banning bananas or Chevys is one thing. This, however, is bigotry at its finest.
Anyone see anyone in the Obama administration talking about this? Nah... our secretary of state is too busy inspecting her vagina to make sure she's still a woman.
