Museum disinvites Lars Wilks from Art Exhibition for Speaking Out Against Islam

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(Pamela Geller)It's funny (/not) how the art world fashions itself as cutting edge, outside-the-box, brave culture warriors when in fact they step an fetch it for Islamic supremacists and leftist totalitarians.
Lars Vilks er endnu engang endt i et stormvejr. Foto: Stigake Jensson/AP
They should have been 17, now there are 5 artists back in Swedish exhibition.
17 Swedish artists should have presented their works at the exhibition "The pr & Jämt" on länsmuseet Jamtli in Östersund from 30 September.
But at present there are only five artists left who want their art on display at Jamtli.
The reason is the controversial artist and cartoonist Lars Vilks.
Is no longer welcome
Vilks, who among other things is known to have drawn the Prophet Mohammed as a dog, was selected to participate in the exhibition with a video installation.(MORE)
Wow do I know about this kind of thing
