I imagine if she had met the Smurfs she would of plotted against them as well simply for having a male head.
another example of Clinton saying it was a mere mistake... how many times will we believe this?For those who don't recall the picture, that's Hillary kissing Suha Arafat just after Mrs. Arafat claimed that Israel was poisoning the water in Gaza. Hillary later claimed that she didn't understand what Suha said. Sure....
via israelmatzav.blogspot.com
You can find the full transcript here (8-page pdf)
AIPAC was behind the disastrous Oslo Accords, Wye Accords, Gaza pull-out, and, behind the scenes, a total pull-out from the West Bank (including suburban Jerusalem, and ultimately “East” Jerusalem. AIPAC supported a Palestinian state early on and actively joined lobbying forces with the lobbyist hired by Arafat’s Palestinian Authority in meetings with Members of Congress. On college campuses, especially of late, left-wing AIPAC student groups at the University of Michigan, Duke, and Princeton, have repeatedly opposed other students who’ve opposed Islamic terrorism.
AIPAC is single-handedly responsible for shoving the disastrous Oslo Accords down Israel’s throat, for getting the U.S. to remove the P.L.O./Fatah from any U.S. terrorist designations, and for pimping America on the false notion that Fatah is the “moderate” terrorist group and a “partner for peace.” AIPAC even held joint lobbying sessions for the Palestinians all over Capitol Hill, loaning its lobbyists to anti-Israel, anti-Semitic Edward Abington, the PLO’s lobbyist. AIPAC’s friend, Abington, is now working for HAMAS. And AIPAC will probably help Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton force-feed the wholesale further amputation of Israel down the country’s throat.via debbieschlussel.com
WASHINGTON (AP) -- New Israeli construction on land claimed by the Palestinians threatens peace efforts and undermines America's ability to help end the Arab-Israeli conflict, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told a leading Jewish organization Monday. Israel's recent announcement of new housing in east Jerusalem exposed differences between the U.S. and the Jewish state that others could exploit, Clinton said. Her remarks to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee were friendly, but contained a blunt account of a severe diplomatic breach between the close allies over what the United States sees as the provocative and shortsighted expansion of Jewish settlements and other housing on land claimed by Palestinians. Clinton defended the Obama administration's strong criticism of a recent large housing announcement because she said it hurt attempts to launch peace talks in which the United States will be the intermediary.
http://xrl.us/HitleryClinton said the square of Dalal al Mughrabi was named after Hamas, not Fatah?
When a Hamas-controlled municipality glorifies violence and renames a square after a terrorist who murdered innocent Israelis, it insults the families on both sides who have lost loves ones in this conflict. And when instigators deliberately mischaracterize the rededication of a synagogue in the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem’s old city and call upon their brethren to “defend” nearby Muslim holy sites from so-called “attacks,” it is purely and simply an act of incitement. These provocations are wrong and must be condemned for needlessly inflaming tensions and imperiling prospects for a comprehensive peace.Dalal al Mughrabi was a FATAH terorrist. FATAH did that dedication - not Hamas. in complete denial that her friend is a terrorist? Not likely.Another excerpt from Clinton:
The conflict with the Palestinians . . . threatens Israel’s long-term future as a secure and democratic Jewish state.
The status quo is unsustainable for all sides. . . . The dynamics of demography, ideology, and technology make this impossible.
First, we cannot ignore the long-term population trends that result from the Israeli occupation. As Defense Minister Barak and others have observed, the inexorable mathematics of democracy – of demography are hastening the hour at which Israelis may have to choose between preserving their democracy and staying true to the dream of a Jewish homeland. Given this reality, a two-state solution is the only viable path for Israel to remain both a democracy and a Jewish state.
Well, that’s only the case if each so-called democracy in the two-state non-solution can get rid of the ethnicities that cause demographic problems. Is Hillary saying she’ll allow all Arabs and Muslims inside Israel’s green line to be expelled, the way that will certainly happen to the Jews in any Palestinian state in the so-called West Bank, the same way it happened in Gaza?
Hitlery Clinton again:
Last fall, I stood next to Prime Minister Netanyahu and praised his government’s decision to place a moratorium on new residential construction in the West Bank. And then I praised it again in Marrakesh and Cairo. We also made clear that this was just a first step and, like every administration for decades, underscored that the United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements. As Israel’s friend, it is our responsibility to give credit when it is due and to tell the truth when it is needed.no not trueEvery other administration characterized 'settlements' as 'not helpful,'but did not question Israel's right to have them
Laura Rozen reported that they changed the seating arrangements in the hall so that it would be harder to hear Clinton being booed.One attendee says ahead of Clinton's speech to the conference, "They've set up the hall so that there are fewer people between the podium and the TV cameras than usual." To lessen the chance of any "boos" being picked up, he explained.
It seems that in the Obama White House, the boss may not be the biggest Israel hater. That title may well belong to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton(Hat Tip: Shy Guy).At a time when elements of the American Left embraced the Palestinian cause and condemned Israel, Hillary was telling friends that she was "sympathetic" to the terrorist organization and admired its flamboyant leader, Yasser Arafat. When Arafat made his famous appearance before the UN General Assembly in November 1974 wearing his revolutionary uniform and his holster on his hip, Bill "was outraged like everybody else," said a Yale Law School classmate. But not Hillary, who tried to convince Bill that Arafat was a "freedom fighter" trying to free his people from their Israeli "oppressors." (1)
Of course Hillary's feelings about the PLO and Israel are only one aspect of her character, often a person's true nature is more closely revealed in a more intimate setting. In an early showcase of Hillary's diplomatic skills Christopher Anderson relates an experience that she and her future husband had during a trip to Arkansas in 1973.It was during this trip to his home state that Bill took Hillary to meet a politically well connected friend. When they drove up to the house, Bill and Hillary noticed that a menorah-the seven branched Hebrew candelabrum (not to be confused with the more common and subtler mezuzah)-has been affixed to the front door."My daddy was half Jewish," explained Bill's friend. "One day when he came to visit , my daddy placed the menorah on my door because he wanted me to be proud that we were part Jewish. And I wasn't about to say no to my daddy."
To his astonishment, as soon as Hillary saw the menorah, she refused to get out of the car. "Bill walked up to me and said that she was hot and tired, but later he explained the real reason." According to the friend and another eyewitness, Bill said, "I'm sorry, but Hillary's really tight with the people in the PLO in New York. They're friends of hers, and she just doesn't feel right about the menorah."
It is painfully obvious that Secretary of State Clinton still has issues with the Jewish people and the state of Israel. How tragic that someone with a history of anti-Semitic views and behavior should be placed in such a sensitive position. But then, President Obama would seem to echo Hillary's sentiments.
I suspected as much. I believe the reason she made so many efforts to reach out to the Jewish community in NY was because she knew all along it was her weak spot. Its' my Anti-Semite radar if you will. People in free countries that hate Jews are usually overly friendly to those same Jews. it is part curiosity and part prudent behavior that leads to give the perception to other's that they aren't haters... that is if they are educated.