Palestinians hold a sign depicting a swastika during clashes at Qalandiya checkpoint near the West Bank city of Ramallah March 19, 2010. Stone-throwing Palestinians clashed with Israeli security forces in several locations in East Jerusalem and the West Bank amid tensions over Israel's recently announced plan to build houses in East Jerusalem.
via daylife.com
On Friday, I reported that four IDF soldiers were nearly lynched on Thursday night in Hebron.
Residents of the local Jewish community blamed the IDF's non-confrontational policy vis-a-vis Arab rioters for the incident. “The fact that the soldiers did not shoot when they saw they were in danger is a direct result of the orders forbidding them from dealing with the Arab rioters [in Hevron] over the past few weeks,” residents said. Instead of putting a stop to violent riots, “IDF soldiers have been told to stand by and wait for PA forces, who are the only ones authorized to restore order.”