Islam and Feminism are so alike and symbiotic. both depend on collectivism to define how gender is not. I prefer to define how gender is.
I love Vaginas. I love women, but I have different expectations from them. They don't perform like men. They follow different patterns in leadership roles. The first part of respecting difference is to understand the different way women perform. I could not live without women.
while I am with the "Larry Summers" very obvious analysis that men are better at tinkering with tools and are less integrated socially which allows them to think differently.... I have an example of how women are creative and innovative....
but this might come as a surprise. the best women are married to brilliant men and they bloom because of that exclusive relationship. Intelectually women do need guidance away from the social Borg and Nanny state for them to flower.
example the first computer language was developed by a woman looking to compliment and help her man's invention!!!! Although her life was short, she only lived 36 years, Augusta Ada Lovelace anticipated by more than a century most of what we think is brand-new computing. Her work with Charles Babbage and his Calculating Engines produced what she called "the plan". In hindsight what Ada had proposed was a program stored on punch cards for use on an early computer, The Analytical Engine in 1843
this does not mean women can not lead. just that their leadership is rarely innovative and are usually involved in prudent public relations moves. In the case of the United States and Sarah Palin she might be just what is needed.
differences in learning is what makes society work. the first part of respecting difference is respecting difference.