Huffy po po did 2nd Amendment spin on LeBoon. no one in media as far as I can see mentions he's a Shi'a.
You can still see a cache of Leboon's shiamuslimcantbestop ("Shia Muslim can't be stopped") YouTube channel
In November of 2008, we wrote about a massive anti-JIDF campaign on YouTubeand originally featured a video by Leboon who was ranting and raving about the JIDF (as he did in many his videos). After he made another video bragging about being on our site (see below), we decided to remove it.
“Over the weekend, Congressman Cantor was notified by law enforcement that a threat was made against his life,” Cantor’s Press Secretary Brad Dayspring said in a statement Monday. “Law enforcement officials informed Congressman Cantor that the threat was determined as credible and they were responding accordingly. The Congressman was later notified that an arrest was made and a suspect was in custody.”
The arrest is one of many made in response to a string of violent threats against lawmakers that followed in the wake of the health care reform vote. Although the threat was made after Cantor’s announcement of support for Gov. Bob McDonnell’s Virginia Health Care Freedom Act, officials have not confirmed that Leboon’s threat is in response to Cantor’s rejection of the federal health care legislation.
The FBI is primarily responsible for handling the investigation, said Gene Lepley, public information manager for the Richmond Police Department. Leboon is scheduled to appear in federal district court in Philadelphia Monday and is being held without bail pending an evaluation of his psychiatric well-being.
Richmond police officials believe that an incident last Tuesday in which a stray bullet hit Cantor’s campaign office — which was unoccupied at the time — around 1 a.m. is unrelated to the threats, Lepley added.
“We believe this was a random act of gunfire and a stray bullet as result,” he said. “Someone fired into the air and when it came back down to Earth, it broke through a window of a conference room in a building that houses offices of the congressman.”
Lepley said that the Richmond Police are looking into all possibilities concerning the stray bullet. At this time, there are no suspects.
Leboon still has more than a dozen other videos of himself speaking posted on YouTube under the username “shiamuslimcantbestop.” He refers to himself in his videos as a messiah and prophet and often makes references to Islam.