A Saudi Arabian father forced his 10-year-old daughter to return to her 80-year-old husband Sunday, after she was found hiding at the home of her aunt for 10 days, Arab News reported.
The young girl's husband, who denies he is 80 despite family claims, accused the aunt of violating the terms of his marriage, allowed by Sharia Law.
"My marriage is not against Sharia. It included the elements of acceptance and response by the father of the bride,” he told a local newspaper.
A member of the National Society for Human Rights said there are no regulations in place to stop the marriage of young girls, which is seen as harmful to their wellbeing.
MEMRI: Human Rights Treaties Are Worthless And Unacceptable If They Violate Islamic Law!

The OIC created the Goldstone Report's accusation of human rights abuse. But what is the real opinion of Islamic states regarding Human Rights? Hypocrisy!
via youtube.com
To bring up a defensive maneuver like Israel's maneuver in Gaza against rocket fire denies children are victims of Islamic terrorism. Another correlative in pointing out prostitution in the West is denying the great level of prostitution in Islamic lands.
I support the right of minors to be sexually active. This man is distorting this right. The girls in Arabia are not given a right. They are forced into this.