Study finds guys not so naughty, gals not so noble
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 06/20/07
When men look at pictures of women in the buff, where are their eyes likely to go first?
In a new study, using eye-tracking gizmos, where guys looked first on a naked woman defied stereotype.
Men are more likely to look at a female's face before gazing at other body parts, according to a new study by researchers at Emory University.
And when men and women look at pictures of heterosexual sex, women look longer at the photos than men do, according to the study published in the journal Hormones and Behavior.
Both findings may run contrary to what most people think, but they shed light on sexual attitudes that really aren't all that mysterious when considered in a scientific light, said psychologist Kim Wallen of Emory.
Wallen and his former graduate student, Heather Rupp, showed still photos of couples having sex to 30 women and 15 men between the ages of 23 and 28. Each was rigged up with a high-tech eye-tracking gizmo to measure where his or her gaze went first, and how long it stayed there.
While men went straight to the face and lingered awhile, most of the women were more interested in what was going on in the pictures — the sexual activity.
Not surprisingly, Wallen said, women on hormone-filled birth control pills were interested in the overall view of the photos and "background" items like jewelry. But women not on the pill were more interested in areas of both men and women normally covered by clothing.
Rupp, who's now at Indiana University's Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction, said the "eye-tracking data suggested that what women paid most attention to was dependent on their hormonal state."
The scientists traced the findings to a brain region called the amygdala, which processes emotional information and excitement.
In an earlier brain-scanning study, Wallen found more activation in the amygdala of men than women in response to sexual stimuli. But the cause of the increased activity was unclear, and Wallen and Rupp's latest study suggests higher amygdala activation in men may be related to their increased attention to faces.
They've also concluded there are biological and evolutionary reasons for what they found.
Women can tell by looking at naked men whether the guys are in the mood, Wallen said, but women's bodies don't reveal much.
Which is why men home in on their faces.
"It's cryptic, but facial expression is one way of showing an indication of interest in and enjoyment of sex," Wallen said.

Women drawn to men with muscles

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Noah David Simon Is running from Leftist Guerillas
Date: Jun 30, 2007 11:55 PM
did you miss me today?
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From: (uRi0u$
Date: Jul 1, 2007 12:35 PM
Of course I did, darling, I've just been busy this weekend.
What are your plans for the rest of this beautiful Sunday afternoon??
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From: Noah David Simon
Date: Jul 1, 2007 6:54 PM
maybe do a drawing of you?
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From: (uRi0u$
Date: Jul 2, 2007 12:11 PM
That would be incredible. So what are your plans for this wonderful fourth of July?
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From: Noah David Simon
Date: Jul 2, 2007 2:28 PM
I'll get you to sit on my face for the 4th
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From: (uRi0u$
Date: Jul 2, 2007 2:42 PM
Wow, that's really beautiful!!
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From: Noah David Simon
Date: Jul 2, 2007 5:51 PM
just an abstract.... only 4 hours of work
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From: (uRi0u$
Date: Jul 3, 2007 11:39 AM
I love it.
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From: Noah David Simon
Date: Jul 3, 2007 11:58 AM
thankyou.... would love to work on one with you nude :)
From: (uRi0u$
Date: Jul 3, 2007 12:10 PM
Lol, maybe someday.
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From: Noah David Simon
Date: Jul 3, 2007 5:49 PM
I sure hope so...
you can be coy if you take your clothes off.....
oh hell... you can be a damn communist with your clothes off.
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From: (uRi0u$
Date: Jul 4, 2007 12:42 PM
Another great part about my Russian heritage. Communism comes naturally. ;))
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From: Noah David Simon
Date: Jul 4, 2007 8:18 PM
I see the russian. That must of been what caught me. My mother's family are Lithuanian Jews. My mother had similar facial resemblance when younger... (not exactly) mind you.... there is still the Jewish element kind of Regina Spector like face... but I see why you moved me.
I worked on July 4th.... some more.... look below
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From: (uRi0u$
Date: Jul 6, 2007 10:02 AM
That's amazing. Mind you, though... I'm half russian, half native american.
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From: Noah David Simon
Date: Jul 6, 2007 9:09 PM
the mother of my child is half cherokee half german scott irish something white.... yup.... on the looks side your a genetic match for me...... too bad your not Jewish... we can work on that part. In fact I have this amazing ability to put a little Jewish in you. :)
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From: (uRi0u$
Date: Jul 7, 2007 1:17 PM
Lol, Oh, I've never heard THAt one before. :)
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From: Noah David Simon
Date: Jul 7, 2007 4:39 PM
Being "Coy" again "Curious"... but that just makes you all the more sexy. I suppose it is the danger. Call me self hating "Trotsky": the moment I saw your face I was ready to give all my possessions to the state. I would so be a socialist if I knew my only possession was between your thighs. I would be quite jealous if I had to share it with the party however.
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From: (uRi0u$
Date: Jul 8, 2007 11:10 AM
Lol, you have a very interesting train of thought here.
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From: Noah David Simon
Date: Jul 8, 2007 1:21 PM
I'm not an atheist... but here are some fun quotes I read today:
Martyrdom is the only way a man can become famous without ability.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Behind all their personal vanity, women themselves always have an impersonal contempt for woman.
Friedrich Nietzsche
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From: (uRi0u$
Date: Jul 9, 2007 1:42 PM
HA! I truly have to agree!
Thanks for that little kernel of wisdom, love.
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From: Noah David Simon
Date: Jul 9, 2007 1:58 PM
Shows we don't have to agree to see wisdom in a philosophy... I find myself quoting Jesus all the time.
this one
Behind all their personal vanity, women themselves always have an impersonal contempt for woman.
Friedrich Nietzsche
is especially tantalizing... when you have a girlfriend and mother @ war with each other.
If you think I'm thickheaded.... you should see old ma.
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From: (uRi0u$
Date: Jul 9, 2007 2:04 PM
Lol, trust me, I have one, too. And an in law. :((
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From: Noah David Simon
Date: Jul 10, 2007 11:18 AM
I never got a reply after I spilled my guts. Well it is more complicated then just some Bisexual I'm with. Please don't judge. Her ambivalence stems from the fact that she does love me and is attracted to me, but some where deep inside is some racism coming from her father who would never accept me. Your talking about civil war people. Oakies and upstate New York People.... the grandmother lives in Texas... is a Repubican in Houston and voted for Nixon. Their biggest fear is the family fortune ending in Jewish hands. They were delighted to have my darling son for a grandson... He looks like a white boy with blue eyes.... but they try to keep me from him. They think I will corrupt him with my radical anti-christian ideas. Sara and I slugged it off on our own... barely getting by for five and a half years. Neither my parents or her's approved of the relationship. She was not always loyal to me though... and I was stupid and thought having the child would make her love me the way I loved her... It did not. In fact I could not afford to pay the hospital bill for the pregnancy. I couldn't even afford the abortion the first time it happened.
So yeah... I'm like a piece of shit to the world. The sister of Sara... the Rich Lesbian I referred to: her name is "Laura". Laura doesn't call me by my real name. She calls me "the sperm doner". She is married to a columbian guy in New York who sleeps around with young girls like the mayor of Los Angeles. She keeps him around like a dog on a leash. To ammuse herself and because she lives in Inwood and needs a man to scare off other men from the Lesbians going in and out her house. She makes about 100,000 a year, but has recently got cancer of the thyroid. She is a very bitter women...but she has money and seems to love being with Maxx. I get along with Sara's straight sister "Liz" and of course the Autistic brother. Now that I am unemployed I am like a piece of shit.
I would not be in the unemployment situation I am now if my girl had a little trust in me. I helped throw a huge fashion party in NYC last year and I knew some of the biggest names.... all I had to do was look good... so I brought my girl (why not we have a child together) ....well she got drunk and humiliated me in front of some of the most important people in the world because she thought I was hitting on all the fashion models (I wasn't, it was networking).... it is a problem. I love my girl... but she holds me back because she doesn't honestly believe that I love her I guess. Her sister and her hate men... and they don't trust. They have been great with my son... he stays at her parents house, but if I had been supported by her at that party last year... I would be employed now. She wants me to be a working man like her father is, but I am a very talented artist and I can not help what I am. I still love her... but she has not been supportive. When people see a man whose woman doesn't think highly of him.... well it effects the ability of a man to market himself. All successful men have a powerful woman behind them propping them up.... My girl just wants to be mommy... and sees me as a financial failure. But it doesn't have to be that way. She made it that way. Art is Politics. She doesn't think I will stay loyal after I make it. Sara's mother's first husband had all these affairs before he died of a brain tumor. He was a successful engineer and was able to provide for his family... but I believe his actions effected the way my girl perceives strong men. Sara's father is a silent man who works hard labor with his hands. I can't be like her father. ...and I get the feeling that her father resents me... this is why we never married and yet have a 3 year old child.. who has been diagnosed autistic. Sara has taken great care of him though. they have him in a special school and he is getting better because he was diagnosed early.
I needed my girl's support because she is from a christian background and I work in a gentile world. I am a Jew. and while the war was going on in Lebanon, there was a lot of Anti Semitism going on. Even though she is not religious her contribution would of mainstreamed me. My boss was Greek, and my coworker was a Drews from Lebanon and Palestine... and they became violently dangerous. I had worked with them for 5 years and had dealt with their racism before... I had always regarded them as being Socialist like Chavez and at the time my background made me appreciate and respect their sense of liberty...., but eventually the true hatred showed it's true form. Little statements like Mel Gibson was only showing me what was true and things of this nature entered into the workspace. My girl could of stepped in and judged as a woman.... I'm sure you have seen where men fight and woman play judge. ....well that is about my story in a nutshell. Pretty hard to believe I worked in publishing.
your married and bi? no wonder. that would not go over well. While it might make a lot of guys happy in theory... it doesn't in reality. My girl is bi as well. But I think she really just is gay... she is still angry I knocked her up twice. Once she ran an aborted against my will... the second time... she kept it, but called the police on me in a post partum depression. Then fought a custody battle for a year with me before coming back for a year and a half. Is she really bi or not... I don't know. She's fucking insane! The best pussy I ever licked. great in bed... nurturing wonderful and fucking crazy. now they are saying my son is Autistic... He's not. They are trying to get him in a special school so that he can get special attention. Sara's family are masters at milking the state for money. If Maxx is Autistic... then so are you and me. He is just developing speach slowly because he has testicles... which is something that scares the hell out of feminists like my girl... but boys don't speak like girls do. The paranoia comes from my girl's brother really actually being Autistic... and the fact that one of my 12 cousins is autistic... but Maxx is not.... at any rate... before she left me again two months ago or so she said that she was bi.... what the fuck right? I think she would totally love to carpet munch with a rich woman who would support her. Her sister is a Lesbian... but I think that would gross her out. OH and her sister HATES me.... (typical typical) ...but her sister is rich as shit... and I think is conspiring to adopt my son and be the primary care taker. the whole thing is so fucked up. If you think I would ever vote Clinton for president... you got another thing coming. I would rather chop my dick off. Well in a week or so she says I can visit her and Maxx... so I guess I might get laid and stop being so ichy horny towards you. Still I can't help but laugh at the idea of you coming to NY and putting the moves on her... and seeing what the fuck is really going through her manipulative little mind.
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From: (uRi0u$
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: did you miss me today?
I think I get your reaction to my coyness, now. You certainly are a strong soul, and I wish you the best in your endeavors. You're a very heartfelt person, I admire that.