Gay Prejudice Against Muslims


Gay people always say they're more sensitive to other peoples' needs, so it's ironic that I get more racism from gay men than any other community
Gay Asians in Yorkshire say they are discriminated against
Gay Asians in Yorkshire say they are discriminated against
Kam bitches that:
"Before we can go into a club bouncers ask us to kiss other men to prove we are really gay. White men are not asked to do this so I just don't bother going out anymore, it's not worth it."
Yes Kam, and I wonder why they do so, could it be because so many Islamic idiots would drool at the chance of setting off a bomb inside a gay night club.

While I feel sorry for the gay Muslims, you'll have to admit the gay community are only playing safe.

my two cents :
it isn't that the gay community is wrong here, but perhaps the teasing is insensitive
