Democratic Party makes lists of NY Jewish Money

Democrat N.Y. Congressional Seat Accuses Republicans of being Jews

this is not just hate speech this is violent speech when you realize the Democratic party is making lists of New York Jews.
Part Italian, part German and criticized for taking Jewish money... in New York?
Mike Grimm, a Republican candidate for the congressional seat currently occupied by Democrat Mike McMahon (pictured), representing parts of Brooklyn and Staten Island (New York) has come under criticism from McMahon for taking money from Jewish sources (Hat Tip: GWBROS).
Mike Grimm, a G.O.P challenger for Mike McMahon's Congressional seat, took in over $200,000 in his last filing.Allahpundit has some free advice for McMahon (via The Weekly Standard):
But in an effort to show that Grimm lacks support among voters in the district, which covers Staten Island and parts of Brooklyn, the McMahon campaign compiled a list of Jewish donors to Grimm and provided it to The Politicker.
The file, labeled "Grimm Jewish Money Q2," for the second quarter fundraising period, shows a list of over 80 names, a half-dozen of which in fact do hail from Staten Island, and a handful of others that list Brooklyn as home.
"Where is Grimm's money coming from," said Jennifer Nelson, McMahon's campaign spokeman. "There is a lot of Jewish money, a lot of money from people in Florida and Manhattan, retirees."
As a point of comparison, the campaign also provided in-district and out-of-district fundraising totals from McMahon and Grimm's G.O.P primary opponent, Michael Allegretti. However, they did not provide an out-of-district campaign filing from Grimm, but only a file of Jewish donors to him.
Nelson said that the list was compiled by the campaign's finance director, Debra Solomon and that she did not know exactly how the finance team knew who was Jewish and who was not.
"She herself is Jewish so she knows a lot of people in that community," Nelson said.
Nelson stressed that the point of compiling the list was not to show that Grimm had a lot of Jewish support, but that he had little support in the district.
"I don't think ethnicity matters. When people look at who is funding his campaign it's not people who have a direct vested interest [in the district.]"
When making a charge like this in polite company, the proper terminology these days is “Zionist money.” Wink.Allahpundit also notes that Sarah Palin endorsed Grimm a few days ago.
Politico reports that McMahon has apologized and has fired Nelson but not Solomon.
By the way, New York's 13th district has voted Republican in the last two Presidential elections. Looks like low-hanging fruit for Republicans to me.
Much more here.
Gaza Rocket Attacks - Unprovoked Again

THE TELEGRAPH: Israel has carried out air strikes on targets in Gaza after militants in the territory fired a rocket into the Jewish city of Ashkelon, the first such attack in more than a year.get those cameras out. show time!
Late on Friday, aircraft shot at least four missiles at buildings used by Hamas security forces in Gaza City, wounding eight, medics said.
Warplanes also hit smuggling tunnels on the border with Egypt, without causing casualties, witnesses said.
Palestinians reported several explosions in Gaza City and Israeli aircraft could be heard flying over the territory.
There were no immediate reports of injuries.
The earlier rocket attack, seen by some observers as an attempt to undermine the possible resumption of direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, marked a significant escalation in the attritional campaign Islamist groups based in Gaza have waged on Israeli civilians living nearby.
It came a day after Arab foreign ministers meeting in Cairo told Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian leader, that they would not stand in his way if he decided to talk to Israel face-to-face. >>> Adrian Blomfield in Jerusalem | Friday, July 30, 2010
Clinton Wedding near my house in Poughkeepsie

Zion bashers and the criminal element at Astor Courts Estate. Astor would fit right in. Local testies are dropping. A feminist marriage. Isn't that an Oxymoron? Will Chelsea fit under her mom's <---- tent?
Chelsea Clinton's big wedding day has finally arrived. The location is the Astor Courts Estate in Rhinebeck, NY (yes, "Astor", as in John Jacob Astor) ...
The rehearsal dinner is reportedly taking place at the nearby Grasmere, a 525-acre estate boasting a Federal-period manor house with formal gardens, stucco guest cottages and a large stone barn complex. Another area manse rumored to be serving the family over the weekend will be Glenburn, where the Clintons are said to be staying over the weekend. Glenburn is the Rhinebeck home of Eric and Andrea Colombel. Andrea Colombel is the daughter of billionaire financier and longtime Clinton supporter George Soros.
Does anyone recall this kind of breathless coverage for the wedding of Jenna Bush, arguably more "historic" given she was the daughter of a sitting president? Anyone remember the MSM referring to the wedding as "royal"?
so how much money will you offer me to crash the Clinton wedding? offers in pretty daughters appreciated only if they aren't ball busting feminists
this would make an interesting horror film. If only Hollywood were not censored by the Obama friendly

can you imagine describing this story to a liberal who censors any reference to Islam... like a government worker?Charlene Downes: Allegedly Pimped, Raped, Murdered by Islamic Pedophile Gang then minced into burgers and fed to kuffars
Charlene Downes: Allegedly Pimped, Raped, Murdered by Islamic Pedophile Gang then minced into burgers and fed to kuffars
Abduction and rape of young 'kuffar' (non-Muslim) children by Islamic Pedophile gangs is commonplace in areas near Muslim ghettoes in Britain.
Many of these children simply dissappear never to be seen again. Police investigations are met with a wall of silence from the Muslim community. However the gruesome fate of Charlene Downes sheds some light on this aspect of Islamic cultural enrichment.
The story was hushed up by the MSM, but the basic outline is as follows:
Girl’s body ‘put in mincing machine’
- Russell Jenkins
The mother of a 14-year-old girl wept in court as a kebab shop owner was heard on tape allegedly telling how he had chopped up her daughter and placed her body, “bones and all”, in a mincing machine.
Karen Downes broke down in the public gallery as the gruesome conversation between the fast-food shop owner and another worker in Blackpool was played at the murder trial of Iyad Albattikhi.
Mrs Downes’s daughter, Charlene, “vanished off the face of the earth” three years ago after kissing her mother goodbye, Preston Crown Court was told.
No trace of her has been found since, the jury heard, leading police and her family to the “inescapable conclusion” that she is dead.
Charlene was known to have been among a number of young white girls who congregated around a district of Asian fast-food shops in the Lancashire seaside town.
The prosecution claims that Charlene was killed by Mr Albattikhi, 29, the owner of the Funny Boyz kebab shop, and that he had boasted of having sex with the teenager.
The tape recording, the prosecution suggests, is of a conversation between Mr Albattikhi and his business partner and co-accused, Mohammed Reveshi, 50, about how the girl’s body was disposed of after her murder.
On one tape, it is claimed, Mr Reveshi said: “Her big bones went into the machine as well, you know that, don’t you?” Mr Albattikhi replied: “Her bones? Did you . . . inside the machine?” “Yes,” Mr Reveshi said.
More than 52 tape recordings were captured by covert surveillance of Mr Reveshi’s home and car between February and March 2004 by the police inquiry team set up after Charlene disappeared in November 2003.
The jury was told that in one conversation Mr Reveshi had said to his partner: “Well, hopefully I [done] it properly you know . . . he thought he saw me cutting her body up.
“Do you remember she was bleeding to death?” “Yes,” replied Mr Albattikhi. “So that she made a mess,” Mr Reveshi allegedly added. Later in the transcript Mr Reveshi allegedly says: “The last one then, it was the last deep one and then it was the [heart] . . . that finally killed her.”
At one point Mr Reveshi said: “I’m so worried and you was the one who killed her.”
In his opening address to the jury last month, Tim Holroyde, for the prosecution, claimed that a witness had heard Jorda-nian-born Mr Albattikhi joke with fellow takeaway employees about how the teenager had been chopped up, and how her body “had gone into the kebabs”. Mr Albattikhi, of Blackpool, denies murdering Charlene while Mr Reveshi, also of Blackpool, denies disposing of her body."
Islamic Child Sex Ring"It was nearly two and a half years later that three men were arrested for the murder of Charlene [3: BBC 2006 Mar 7], although eventually only two men were charged: [4: BBC 2006 Mar 9th] [5: Daily Mirror 2006 Mar 10th] [6: Blackpool Today 2006 Mar 9th].
The three men were:
Iyad Albattikhi, 28, Jordanian, divorced, charged with murder.
Mohammed Raveshi, 49, Iranian, bachelor, property landlord, social services worker and foster father, charged with assisting in the disposal a body.
The third unamed man, 29, questioned over the murder was released on police bail [7: Bolton Evening News 2006 Mar 9th].
During the investigation into the disappearance of Charlene Downes police uncovered evidence of a child sex ring offering girls as young as 12 to paedophiles leading them to believe she, along with other children in Blackpool, may have been sold for sex and forced into prostitution [8: Sun 2004 Oct 30th]. From
Women view modesty as sign of weakness

The study of 132 female and 100 male student volunteers found, however, that men did not view female modesty negatively.
The participants viewed footage of 15-minute job interviews of males and female actors delivering similar responses to questions for the position that required social skills.
The applicants were judged to be equally competent for the role but the “modest” males were less liked, results published in the journal Psychology of Men and Masculinity showed.
Corinne Moss-Racusin, a psychologist who led the study, said: “For men and women, there are things they must and must not be. Women must be communal and other-oriented, but they must not be dominant.
“Historically and cross-culturally, men have been stereotyped as more independent and self-focused than women. Women are allowed to be weak while this trait is strongly prohibited in men.
“By contrast, dominance is reserved for men and prohibited for women. Thus, gender stereotypes are comprised of four sets of rules and expectations for behaviour consist of both 'should’ and 'should notes’ for each gender.”
Researchers dismissed, however, suggestions that modest male applicants would have greater difficulty in finding jobs.
Miss Moss-Racusin, of Rutgers University, New Jersey, said she believed that men had a higher status in society than women which meant meek males were afforded the benefit of the doubt over dominant females.
this is poverty?

West Bank Gaza
Percentage of households with a computer
51.1 45.6
Percentage of households with an Internet connection
27.2 30.9
The Root of the Arab-Israeli Conflict: The Classic Islamic View of Jews

From the day Israel was established, the Muslim world has been hostile towards the State of Israel. This has been increasing over the years, despite the efforts of so many to settle the conflict. Although Israel signed Peace Agreements with Egypt and Jordan, nevertheless, many leaders in the Arab world, including Egyptian and Jordanian officials, make anti-Zionist and even anti-Semitic statements, and oppose normalization with Israel. When asked why, they answer that this peace is between governments, and not between the people of their countries.
Trying to find solutions to the Arab-Israeli conflict, politicians and statesmen have spent endless hours with experts on Islam to understand the roots of the conflict. They have usually heard two answers: "The root of the problem is territorial," and "The root of the problem is religious; it stems from the classic Islamic view of Jews as evil."
Muslims often accuse Jews of harassing and plotting against Muhammad, Islam's founder and prophet, a charge abundantly clear since the start of classic Islamic writings, which are filled with anti-Jewish imagery.
In our "post-modern" age, most Western scholars, who are secular, find it difficult to accept the idea that medieval texts can dictate the lives of, or even inspire, people today. They criticize those who see the conflict as religious, arguing that scholars who see the conflict as religious, place too much emphasis on these ancient texts, as both the times and circumstances have changed. For them, these texts are outdated. In short, secular scholars find it difficult to believe that people even still regard religious ideas as relevant.
In talking with the common people in the Arab and Muslim world, however, it becomes clear that for them, these classical texts are as relevant today as when they were written. For the overwhelmingly majority of Muslims, these texts indicate that the conflict is indeed religious, not territorial.
As Muslims view the world, Muhammad was the ideal Muslim. How he acted is how all Muslims should act. So how Muhammad acted towards the Jews in Medina and Khaybar is how Muslims should act towards Jews.
How, then, did Muhammad act?
In 622 CE, Muhammad asked the Jews to recognize him as a prophet and join Islam. When they refused, he turned against them. After Muhammad became stronger in Medina, he instructed the Muslims to terrorize the Jews. Muhammad's first victim was Ka'ab bin al-Ashraf, the leader of one of the three Jewish tribes in Medina. After the Muslims decapitated him, they brought his head to Muhammad who took it and said, "Praise G-d for the death of Ka'ab." (Source: Kitab al-Maghazi [The Book of Muslim Raids Against the non-Muslims], Vol. 1, pages 184-190).
Immediately thereafter, Muslim tradition talks about the murder of the Jewish trader ibn Sunayna by the Muslim, Muhaysa bin Mas'ud. When Muhaysa's brother Huwaysa, heard about the murder, Huwaysa beat his brother mercilessly and said to him: "Much of the fat in your stomach is due the man (i.e., the Jew) you just murdered." Muhaysa responded, "If the one who commanded me (i.e., Muhammad) to slaughter ibn Sunayna would ask me to kill you – my own brother – I would do so." His brother responded, "a religion that can make a brother kill his own brother is a wonderful/amazing religion." Huwaysa immediately converted to Islam. (Source: Kitab al-Maghazi, Vol. 1, pages 190-192). Simultaneously, the Muslims murdered many more Jews in the back alleys of Medina.
In 624, when the Muslims besieged another Jewish tribe in Medina, the Jews gave up. Muhammad wanted to execute them, but one of the powerful non-Muslim allies of the Jews prevented Muhammad from doing so. Muhammad gave in, but exiled the Jews and expropriated their property and agricultural lands. A year later, Muhammad did the same thing to another Medinan Jewish tribe. (Source: Kitab al-Maghazi, Vol. 1, pages 176-180 & pages 363-380).
In 627, Muhammad besieged the last Jewish tribe in Medina. Their powerful non-Muslim ally had by that time died; the Jews had no one to protect them. The Jews then sent a messenger to Muhammad and expressed their willingness to surrender and leave the city. Muhammad said no and told them that if they agreed to surrender, he would appoint a negotiator who would settle the issue. When the Jews agreed. the negotiator Muhammad appointed was the man who had organized the murder of the above-mentioned Ka'ab, and who passionately hated the Jews. He decided that the Jewish men would be executed, and that their women and children would be distributed among the Muslims. About 750 Jews were then murdered in the marketplace in Medina, and heaped into a common grave. Muslim tradition teaches that Jewish blood flowed like a river through the market. (Source: Kitab al-Maghazi, Vol. 2, pages 496-520).
Interestingly, this image has been used over and over again throughout Muslim history. In 2004, for example, when Nick Berg, an American Jew working in Iraq, was kidnapped and then murdered by the Iraqi al-Qaida leader al-Zarqawi, as Zarqawi was about to behead Berg, he said: "I will do to you what Muhammad did to the Jews in Medina."
In 628, Muhammad besieged the Jewish city Khaybar. Before doing so, he sent in assassins to murder the Jewish leaders of the city, thereby terrifying the rest of the people. A bloody battle ensued; the Jews surrendered. Muhammad imposed on them the Jizya tax [for non-Muslims], and they thus became "dhimmis" [officially second-class citizens]. Muhammed also demanded that the Jews turn over to the Muslims half of their crops (note: the Muslims did not know how to raise crops). On the day that the Jews of Khaybar surrendered, Muhammad married to Jewish wife of the leader of the city, whose father Muhammad had previously killed. At the same time, her husband was tortured to death so he would tell the Muslims where he had hidden his treasure. (Source: Kitab al-Maghazi, Vol. 2, pages 440-479).
The victory against the Jews in Khaybar is deeply etched in the Muslim historical memory; it has become a source for mockery of the Jews so much so that it is constantly invoked at every opportunity when discussing the Arab-Israeli conflict. It is very common to hear Palestinians, when demonstrating against Israel, shout "Khaybar Khaybar Ya Yahud Jaish Muhammad sa-Ya'ud, (Khaybar Khaybar, Oh Jews, Muhammad's army shall return!") -- as the Turkish terrorists on board the Flotilla headed towards Gaza shouted just a few months ago.
There is also another version of this slogan - "Khaybar Khaybar Ya Yahud, ila Falastin na'ud, (Khaybar Khaybar, Oh Jews, We Shall Return to Palestine). In this context, the message is to return to "all of Palestine," including Israel's pre-1967 borders, as can been seen on virtually every Palestinian and Arab map.
The Muslim victory at Khaybar also serves as an inspiration for Hizbullah, the Shiite terrorist organization. Its spokesmen constantly invoke the imagery of Khaybar regarding their struggle against Israel, for example, calling the Fajar 5 rockets they fired at Israel during the 2006 Lebanon War "Khaybar Rockets;" and in 2002, the Iranians developed a rifle they named "Khaybar 2002."
Among the Palestinians, it is now an essential and integral part of the education system throughout most of the Muslim world, most notably in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and among Israel's Arabs as well.
Throughout the centuries, these stories have been passed down from father to son, and have become deeply rooted in the Muslim psyche. These images are constantly also used in Friday sermons in mosques, and are a deep source of inspiration for the Islamic terrorist organizations.
This, in short, is the source of the Muslim-Jewish and, therefore, the Arab-Israeli conflict .
Flotilla Update : David Cameron to Turkey. Join Us In the E.U.

Egyptian Journalist Describes Absolute Prosperity in Gaza

With Hamas telling tales of deprivation and suffering in Gaza, Egyptian journalist Ashraf Abu al-Houl has added his report to others who were surprised to discover a “prosperous” Gaza in which prices are low and luxury businesses are booming. Al-Houl's story of his trip to Gaza and his realization that “in actual terms, Gaza is not under siege” was written up in the Egyptian daily Al-Ahram and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).Gaza's markets are filled with a “plethora of goods,” he wrote. Prices on many items, particularly food, are much lower than they are in Egypt, he said. With goods entering Gaza from both smuggling tunnels to Egypt and humanitarian aid shipments coming in via Israeli crossings, “supply is much greater than demand,” he stated.
Revolution Muslim Threatens Pamela Geller With Death

...and this IP address isn't in jail yet?
Phoenix Airport Bans Fox and CNN

Officials at the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport have caved in to complaints from some passengers that the cable networks were politically biased and have decided to drop the networks from the airport’s television screens.
From AZ Central
Media gives Anti-Semites cookies and milk

Everyone knows that the media is reeling. For instance, New York Times staffers recently took a 5 percent pay cut after a hundred of their colleagues were laid off. And yet, compared to their colleagues at the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune, both of which have been gutted after sliding into bankruptcy, journalists at the Times are clearly the lucky ones. None of the big media companies has figured out how to make their Internet presence into a profit center that can sustain operations, even as they turn their hallowed brand-names over to opinion bloggers who can generate copy at a tiny fraction of the cost of traditional reporting. The Israel, or rather anti-Israel, market is one of the most attractive niche markets in this trade because it taps into a passionate audience that is interested in news and can generate immediate and measurable results—page views, hits, and comments. Even on his best days, Stephen Walt can’t hold a candle to premier sports, shopping, or pornography websites traffic-wise. But he can tap into the prurient passions of a niche market.
In his review of The Israel Lobby, Walter Russell Mead explained how Jew-baiting has historically functioned: “Jews are in a double bind: refrain from responding with outrage and the charge becomes accepted as a fact, express utter loathing at the charge and give anti-Semites the opportunity to pose as the victims of a slander campaign by venomous Jews.” For the purposes of driving Internet traffic, it is helpful if Jews respond, but not necessary, as anyone who has waded through the cesspool knows.
Egypt guaranteed Jew Free Judea by the U.S., Palestine Demands it!

Peace by your enemies terms... will never be peace. the U.S. does not have a right to dictate the borders according to the mandate of Palestine that the U.S. signed.Mubarak received a letter signed by Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “signaling” the commitment of the United States to the establishment of an Arab state in Judea and Samaria.
Here's yet another 'Palestinian' precondition for talks: They want a guaranteed Judenrein state (Hat Tip: Gershon D).
Almost no notice was taken of another pre talks decision that the PA chairman revealed, as he announced clearly that if a Palestinian Authority state is created in Judea and Samaria, no Israeli citizen will be allowed to set foot inside.The PA chairman also stated that he would block any Jewish soldiers from serving with an international force stationed on PA-controlled land.No Israelis or Jews living there and no Jewish soldiers - not even as part of a NATO or UN force. Hmmm.
"I will never allow a single Israeli to live among us on Palestinian land,” Abbas declared. Israel is home to a sizable proportion of Arab citizens, who have the vote and are represented by Arab parties in the Knesset.
Arab League endorses direct talks between PA and Israel

don't hold your breath. they just know that their best bet is with Obama and not with whatever comes next
07/29/2010 22:24
Israeli officials say US pressure bears fruit, Israel ready to negotiate; Hamas rejects League's conditions as "cover for Zionist occupation."
Arab League foreign ministers on Thursday authorized the Palestinian Authority to enter into direct negotiations with Israel, but left it up to PA President Mahmoud Abbas to decide on the timing.
Jerusalem immediately welcomed the decision, taken at a special meeting in Cairo, with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu issuing a statement saying he was “prepared to begin direct and honest discussions with the Palestinian Authority in the coming days.” The US, which has been urging Abbas to switch from the current “proximity” talks to direct talks, also praised the move, and said it would seek to convene the direct talks “as soon as possible.”
Netanyahu added that it would be possible through direct negotiations to soon reach an accord “between the two peoples.”
Defense Minister Ehud Barak, currently in Washington, also praised the move, saying that only direct negotiations would lead to two states for two peoples. He added that the negotiations would require “difficult and courageous” decisions from both sides, and that he hoped the Palestinians “also realize that.”
Qatari Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassem al-Thani said the Arab foreign ministers decided to send a letter to US President Barack Obama explaining the Arab position vis-a-vis the entire peace process in the Middle East.
Abbas told the foreign ministers that Obama had been exerting heavy pressure on him to enter direct negotiations, a PA official in Ramallah said. Abbas told the ministers he saw no reason why he should succumb to the American pressure in light of the fact that no progress has been achieved during the current US-brokered proximity talks.
The US pressure, according to Israeli officials, was leveled not only at the PA, but also at the Arab League to ensure that it not “handcuff” Abbas.
One senior Israeli official said that the League’s decision could have been “much worse,” and that it could have piled on a number of conditions for Abbas before enabling him to enter the talks.
“Abbas now has the backing to go into the talks,” the official said, adding that the Arab League gave him the ball to do with it what he wanted.
The official said Jerusalem made no commitments to ensure the Arab League green light. Israel’s position is that it would not institute new confidence building measures toward the PA to get it into direct talks, but that once the talks began both sides would be expected to take steps to improve the atmosphere and ensure the talks succeed.
The official, who said he was fairly optimistic that direct talks would resume, gave no indication of where the negotiations would be held, or in what format.
In Washington, meanwhile, a State Department official said the US was “encouraged by reports that Arab states meeting in Cairo agree on the need to resume direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians to reach a final-status agreement. In the days ahead, we will continue to work with the parties, Arab countries, and our international partners to launch these negotiations as soon as possible.”
The Qatari minister said that Thursday’s meeting did not discuss when and how the direct talks would take place. “The Palestinians will decide when conditions are suitable for the negotiations,” he said.
“We are sure that Israel is not serious about the peace process,” the minister said. “Israel just wants to waste time. On the other hand, we are confident that the US is serious and we are sure of Obama’s intentions to achieve peace.”
He said that the Arab ministers were originally opposed to direct talks with Israel, but changed their mind due to the “situation in the Arab world.”
He added: “Whether we hold indirect or direct talks with Israel, there will be no progress as long as [Prime Minister Binyamin] Netanyahu is around. But we want to prove to the world that we want peace, without giving up our principles, and that there’s a price for peace.”
Asked if the US administration had given the Arab League any “assurances,” the Qatari minister said: “The Arabs don’t have guarantees; we only have hopes and fears.”
Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa, however, told reporters after the meeting that Obama’s message to Abbas, which included a pledge to work toward achieving a two-state solution, was tantamount to assurances.
“We don’t want lengthy talks that would allow the continuation of settlement construction and Israeli practices [on the ground],” Moussa stressed. “We know that Netanyahu is not serious. But we are addressing the US because the Americans are addressing us. We won’t enter negotiations without a time limit or a reference, as was the case in the past. The Israelis are playing a political game by winning time. This is what we are trying to prevent by proving that they are not serious.”
Muhammad Dahlan, a senior Fatah official, said in response to the Arab ministers’ decision that the PA’s position has not changed.
“We continue to insist on receiving assurances before moving to direct talks that would serve as a reference for the peace process and would be based on the two-state solution,” Dahlan said. “It’s clear to us that the US administration has failed to get any assurances from Israel. Nor has it managed to change the Israeli government’s position. Therefore we declare that we won’t move to direct negotiations until the conditions set by Fatah and the Palestinian Authority are fulfilled.”
Hilary Leila Krieger contributed to this report from Washington.
More Code Pink follies

what do you think causes feminism?
my guess is it's a downward spiral for these ladies
EP clinic offers to treat man ‘possessed’ by jinn - Arab News

EP clinic offers to treat man ‘possessed’ by jinn
By BADEA ABU AL-NAJA | ARAB NEWSPublished: Jul 26, 2010 23:21 Updated: Jul 26, 2010 23:21MAKKAH: A clinic in the Eastern Province that provides treatment to people possessed by jinns has volunteered to help Turki, a 29-year-old Saudi from Makkah who according to his father is possessed by a female jinn and has, as a result, been chained to a bed for more than six years.
“I’ve spoken to the center and they’ve offered to help my son. They will provide accommodation, food and air tickets for him, his wife, me and his mother who is my ex-wife,” said Turki’s father.
He, however, added that traveling to the Eastern Province is going to be difficult. “If we try to unchain him, he will become violent. Every limb in his body will undergo a radical change and we won’t be able to put him on the plane,” he said.
The father said he has taken Turki to see medical doctors and psychiatrists who have all been unable to diagnose his illness or treat him. “We’ve visited many doctors and none have been able to do anything. They simply gave him sedatives which aren’t useful and that’s why I started taking him to see religious sheikhs, who’ve also been unable to do much,” he said.
He added that all of the sheikhs who have seen Turki are unanimous that he is possessed by a female jinn who refuses to leave him. “She’s supposedly very powerful and said she is of royal stock and will not leave Turki until he dies,” he said.
Muhammad Al-Suhaili, professor of Shariah at Umm Al-Qura University in Makkah, confirmed that Turki has been possessed by a female jinn who talked to him and refused to leave him.
The father appealed to the authorities to treat his son in Makkah and to provide financial assistance to his family which is extremely poor.
gold and red compatible with the red and black - Former Nazi Guard, 88, Charged in Mass Murder of Jews

This photo made available by Yad Vashem Photo Archive in Jerusalem shows Nazi guards at Belzec death camp in occupied Poland in 1942. A former Nazi death camp guard has been charged with participating in the murder of 430,000 Jews and other crimes during the Third Reich. (AP Photo/Yad Vashem Photo Archive)![]()
BERLIN — German prosecutors have charged an 88-year-old former Nazi guard with aiding in the murders of 430,000 Jews at the Belzec death camp during World War II, and with shooting 10 people himself during his time there.
The former guard, Samuel Kunz, No. 3 on the list of most wanted Nazi war criminals published by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, was indicted earlier this month for crimes committed between January 1942 and July 1943, Christoph Göke, a prosecutor in Dortmund, said Wednesday.
In a case with echoes of the trial under way in Munich of John Demjanjuk, Mr. Kunz, an ethnic German who served in the Soviet Red Army, was captured by the German Army and given a choice of whether to remain a prisoner or cooperate with the Nazis, and he chose to cooperate. . Mr. Göke said that Mr. Kunz later trained at the Trawniki SS camp to work as a concentration camp guard.
Unlike Mr. Demjanjuk, who is not charged with specific murders, Mr. Göke said, Mr. Kunz is accused of personally shooting two people on one occasion and eight more on another day.
Mr. Kunz has not been arrested and he hung up without comment when reached briefly by telephone on Wednesday. The Associated Press reported that he said he did not wish to discuss the accusations.
He was informed last week of the charges against him, but law enforcement authorities said they had not taken him into custody because he was not considered a flight risk. Matthias Nordmeyer, deputy press spokesman at the district court in Bonn where Mr. Kunz is expected to be tried, said that no court date had been set.
“This reflects the changed, more proactive German prosecution policy, starting about two years ago,” said Efraim Zuroff, chief Nazi hunter for the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
“It underscores the fact that these people can be brought to justice despite the time that’s passed since their crimes were committed, and in that respect it’s very important,” Mr. Zuroff said.
German prosecutors last year indicted a 90-year-old man, Adolf Storms, a former SS sergeant, on 58 counts of murder for his suspected role in the massacre of a group of Jewish laborers near the Austrian village of Deutsch Schützen in March 1945. Mr. Storms died last month before he could be brought to trial.
Jabotinsky planned Hitler assassination in 1939

In December 1939, four months after the beginning of World War II, Zionist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky paid a visit to a retired 61-year-old British colonel.The colonel, Richard Henry Meinertzhagen, served as an advisor at the War Office in London and knew Jabotinsky from his service in the British army in the Land of Israel after the Ottoman era in 1918.
The colonel documented his conversation with the Zionist leader in his private diary, which was published in London in 1959 as a book titled, "Middle East Diary, 1917-1956." Here is a short segment from the conversation:
Jabotinsky: I have brought a plan to bomb Hitler and the entire Nazi leadership.Meinertzhagen: An ambitious plot.
Jabotinsky: An attainable one.
Meinertzhagen: Do elaborate.
Jabotinsky: A number of high-ranking Nazis in Munich must be assassinated. Their funeral will require the arrival of their senior comrades, including Hitler. Bombs containing 100 kilograms of explosives will be concealed in one of the coffins. As all the Nazis gather around the grave, 100 kilograms of bombs will explode and they'll all move on to the next world.
Meinertzhagen: Who will activatethe bomb system?
Jabotinsky: The Jewish gravedigger in Munich. He's a friend of mine.
The colonel, who was impressed by the plan, presented it to the Foreign Office in London. He concluded this chapter in one short line in his diary: The Foreign Office frowned and the Nazis were saved.
Cameron uses enemy talking points

Media silent on Oliver Stone

Alana Goodman, who brought the Oliver Stone story across the Atlantic from the Sunday Times of London to Newsbusters, asks why the reaction has been muted compared with the reaction to Mel Gibson's drunken anti-Semitic rant four years ago.
Read the whole thing. Could it be that Oliver Stone is being treated like an etrog by his friends in the Leftist mainstream media? Jennifer Rubin seems to think so:
Maybe it’s Stone’s long leftist track record — who can forget his glowing biopic of Fidel Castro? — that has earned him a pass from the liberal U.S. media.
But maybe there is something else at work. Stone’s venomous rant against “Jewish domination of the media” and his assertion about the “Israel lobby” (”They stay on top of every comment, the most powerful lobby in Washington. Israel has f***** up United States foreign policy for years”) are not so different from what comes from the lips of Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer, the writings of the Israel-hating left, and the bile-drenched blogs of those who, for example, claimed John McCain was surrounded by Jewish neocon advisers.
It’s reasonable to conclude that Oliver Stone hasn’t been called out by the liberals — those who advertise themselves as experts on diversity and bigotry — because a great deal of what he said doesn’t sound all that objectionable to far too many of them. And of course, it’s rather embarrassing for those seeking respectability (the “tough love for Israel” gang) to illuminate that anti-Israel venom is, when you scratch the surface, nothing more than old-fashioned Jew-hating.
Al Qaeda No. 2 Threatens More U.S. Attacks

Oh American people. We offered you a peace plan, and mutual benefit; but your governments were proud and haughty, and so the attacks against you followed one after another, everywhere from Indonesia to Times Square, by way of Madrid and London. And the attacks are ongoing, and more will come one after another,
Al Qaeda’s second in command Ayman Al-Zawahiri has surfaced again, this time threatening more attacks against the U.S. and the West.
Pro Choice candidates in Michigan claims to be Pro Life?

Lois Shulman: Right to Life’s Pro-Choice Candidate Owns Stem Cell Co
damn that is low
Haaretz readership at pathetic 6.4% - YNet AKA Yedioth Aharonoth at 35% readership - So Called Free Right Wing Paper Yisrael Ha Yom is the winner

Here are a couple of indications that Israel is turning rightward. First, here's a survey on whether people would repeat the Gaza expulsion of Jews. Unsurprisingly, they would not. In fact, most people would like to undo it today.
A Geocartography telephone poll broadcast on Israeli Television's Channel 1 yesterday showed the following results:That sounds pretty definitive, doesn't it?62% Israeli Jews oppose additional unilateral withdrawals. 21% were in favor.
Results to the following additional questions appeared to confirm the trend:
Was the 2005 disengagement from the Gaza Strip the right thing to do?
Yes 25% No 54%Since the disengagement, has your support for the settlers changed?
Increased 39% Reduced 14% No change 32%Would there be a civil war if another unilateral withdrawal was carried out?
Yes 50% Maybe 18% No 21%Would you support another unilateral withdrawal?
Yes 21% No 62%Did the disengagement strengthen or weaken Israel's deterrence?
Weakened 55% No impact 28% Strengthened 8%But what might be even bigger news is that Yisrael HaYom (pictured at the top) narrowly edges out Yedioth Aharonoth (YNet) as the top circulating newspaper in the country. Yisrael HaYom is owned by Sheldon Adelson, and is a Right wing newspaper - the only non-religious politically Right newspaper among the Hebrew press. Each of Yisrael HaYom (which is handed out free on street corners) and Yedioth has a 35% market share.
Haaretz - to which many of you likely attribute exaggerated importance because of its internet presence - has a paltry 6.4%.
Many Israelis do buy a hard copy newspaper every day. This is because religious and traditional Israelis don't use their computers on the Sabbath. Once you're paying for the Friday paper, you may as well pay for the rest of the week (it's almost the same price).
For the record, we get a hard copy of the JPost every day.
Haaretz 6.4%?
I like the attempt to reflect equivalence, but they don't treat the UK like Jews

Leaks on mass civilian casualties in Afghanistan could form basis for Goldstone style prosecutions against American, Britain and other coalition countries.
Netanyahu and Abdullah Conduct Secret Meeting - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

King Abdullah of Jordan
how much do you want to bet that this meeting happening has something to do with a back room negotiation involving Obama's people? Obviously Obama wanted diplomatic relations with the PLO. Obama got what he wanted and the diplomatic meeting between Jordan and Israel was the hush money to keep Bibi quiet.
lol France Declares War on Al-Qaeda

France has declared war on al-Qaeda after members of the group killed a French aid worker it took hostage in April. Officials suggest France will activate accords with countries in which al-Qaeda members are known to be located in order to stop terrorists in their tracks.huh? they weren't at war with Al-Qaeda?
French Defense Minister Herve Morin said: "We will support local authorities so these assassins and (their) commanders are tracked, judged and taken before justice and punished.”
Stop the Reauthorizing the Domestic Violence Law

The federal law called the Violence Against Women Act will be coming up for its five-year reauthorization later this year, and I believe it is in need of major reform. Many people believe that reforming the Violence Against Women Act is today's basic civil rights issue because family courts have used it to deny American citizens, especially men, their basic constitutional the whole argument and the commentary in the original blog post via
It seems elementary that husbands and fathers who are accused of crimes by their wives or girlfriends should have the same constitutional rights accorded to any criminal, but they do not in family courts. Men are routinely denied equal treatment under law, the right to a fair trial, the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, the right to confront their accusers, and the right to have a court-appointed lawyer when they can't afford to hire an attorney. It's time to restore basic constitutional rights to husbands and fathers and repudiate the feminist agenda that treats men as guilty unless proven innocent.
What is the definition of domestic violence? Feminists have gotten family courts to operate on a loosey-goosey definition of family violence. It doesn't have to include any violence. It can simply be what a man says or how he looks at a woman. It can even be what a woman thinks a man might do or say. Definitions of violence include calling your partner a naughty word, raising your voice, causing "annoyance" or "emotional distress," claiming to be "fearful," or just not doing what your partner wants. The law should define domestic violence to mean violence.
something did happen while I was gone for a month with a broken laptop

There are a lot of people out there who believe that President Obama's seemingly warm embrace of Prime Minister Netanyahu three weeks ago, means that President Obama now recognizes (finally) that the most pressing issue in our region - indeed in the world - is the potential of a nuclear-armed Iran.
Caroline Glick argues that President Obama's upgrade of the PLO's diplomatic status in Washington last week proves that in fact nothing has changed, and Obama is as non-pragmatic - and as hostile to Israel - as ever.are you kidding me? Holocaust Jew killers are given diplomatic status. I stop blogging for a month and this is what happens?
While this step does not constitute US recognition of a Palestinian state in the absence of a peace treaty between the Palestinians and Israel, it certainly sends a clear signal that this is the direction the US is heading. As such, it represents a dangerous step that will encourage continued Arab hostility.
TO PUT this move in perspective, it is worth comparing the PLO's new status to that of the US's firm ally and fellow democracy - Taiwan, the Republic of China. Whereas the PLO now has a "delegation general" in Washington, Taiwan has the "Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office."
but I thought only the so called Liberal was a hater

I know that Gaza has led to real strains in Turkey ’s relationship with Israel. But Turkey is a friend of Israel. And I urge Turkey, and Israel, not to give up on that friendship. Let me be clear. The Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla was completely unacceptable. And I have told PM Netanyahu, we will expect the Israeli inquiry to be swift, transparent and rigorous. Let me also be clear that the situation in Gaza has to change. Humanitarian goods and people must flow in both directions. Gaza cannot and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp. But as, hopefully, we move in the coming weeks to direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians so it’s Turkey that can make the case for peace and Turkey that can help to press the parties to come together, and point the way to a just and viable solution.So he too has joined the anti-Israel rhetoric, and probably spouts the worst of all. Peter Wehner makes clear that the blockade was justified, yet Cameron fails to take notice of any of the facts.
By the way, what was Cameron doing in Turkey? Backing their bid for EU membership, what else? The man is a downright dhimmi.
Netanyahu must play for time

I have one question. these Centcom people... they don't leave after Obama is out of office... right? Perhaps we need to know more about this
Just ahead of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's trip next week to Washington, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas went on a charm offensive towards the Israeli media. On Tuesday Abbas invited representatives of the Hebrew-language press to his office in Ramallah and assured them of his good intentions towards Israel.We have been here before. In Netanyahu's last go-around as Prime Minister, it seemed like every time he was due to visit Washington, then president Bill Clinton's advisors would set up a meeting for Abbas's predecessor Yassir Arafat with the Israeli media. Arafat would talk about how much he wanted peace with Israel, and how he was just waiting for Netanyahu to agree to embrace the cause of peace.The peace-crazed Israeli media enthusiastically reported Arafat's lies to the Israeli people without questioning either Arafat's motives or his honesty. Has they exhibited even a minimal amount of journalistic competence, they would have at least checked to see what the Arafat-controlled Palestinian media was reporting about their meeting with the "Rais."But that would have ruined their Netanyahu-bashing narrative. And so the Israeli public was denied knowledge that not only did the Arafat-controlled Palestinian media fail to report their meeting, Arafat's newspapers and television broadcasts routinely told the Palestinian people that there could be no peace with the Jews. Indeed, they daily exhorted the Palestinians to view the destruction of Israel as their greatest goal.In a similar manner, this week as Israel's newspapers published ecstatic headlines about Abbas's moderation and desire for peace, the Abbas-controlled Palestinian media made no mention of the meeting. Moreover, in recent weeks, the Abbas-controlled Palestinian media have been intensifying their incitement against Israel and Jews.As Palestinian Media Watch reported this week, on Tuesday Abbas-controlled PATV aired a sermon by the PA's Mufti Sheikh Muhammad Hussein. The mufti said, "The Jews, the enemies of Allah and of His Messenger, the enemies of Allah and of His Messenger! Enemies of humanity in general, and of Palestinians in particular... The Prophet says: 'You shall fight the Jews and kill them...'"Similarly, last week PATV re-broadcast a "documentary" film in which all of Israel is described as "occupied Palestine." In one excerpt cited by PMW, the film's narrator asserts, "The West Bank and Gaza have another section in Palestine which is the Palestinian coast that spreads along the [Mediterranean] sea, from ...Ashkelon in the south, until Haifa, in the Carmel Mountains."Haifa is a well-known Palestinian port. [Haifa] enjoyed a high status among Arabs and Palestinians especially before it fell to the occupation [Israel] in 1948. To its north, we find Acre. East of Acre, we reach a city with history and importance, the city of Tiberias, near a famous lake, the Sea of Galilee. Jaffa, an ancient coastal city, is the bride of the sea, and Palestine's gateway to the world."Tuesday, the moderate Abbas told his Israeli guests that he's ready to hold direct negotiations with Netanyahu as soon as the premier gives him his positions on borders and security. As Abbas's full statement made clear, what he means by that is that he will negotiate with Netanyahu after the latter agrees to adopt his predecessor Ehud Olmert's position on borders and security. Those positions included an Israeli withdrawal to the 1949 armistice lines - including the division of Jerusalem -- and the stationing of foreign forces along the border with Jordan.For its part, the Obama administration is putting its own pressure on Netanyahu to make Abbas - and US President Barack Obama happy. Over the past several weeks the administration has been pressuring Netanyahu to extend the ten-month prohibition on Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria beyond its scheduled September end date. As a sweetener to help Netanyahu swallow this strategically and politically disastrous pill, Obama and his aides claim that an extension of the draconian, bigoted policy would serve as a confidence building measure to convince Abbas to begin direct negotiations with Israel.In Obama's bid to convince Netanyahu extend the Jewish building ban we see the foreign policy equivalent of a used car salesman's attempt to sell the same customer the same lousy car twice - using different lies each time.Last year, Obama and his advisors justified their demand that Netanyahu act to strangle the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria by claiming that doing so would make the Arab world to begin normalizing its relations with Israel. Obama's Jewish surrogate former congressman Robert Wexler told Netanyahu last July that in exchange for barring Jews from building kindergartens in Israel's heartland, Israel would see twenty Arab embassies opening in Tel Aviv.Of course not only did that not happen, moments after Netanyahu announced the prohibition on Jewish building, Obama's peace mediator George Mitchell claimed that his massive and unprecedented concession was insufficient. Channeling Abbas, Mitchell declared that the US expects Israel to agree to destroy all the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and withdraw to the indefensible 1949 armistice lines. Weeks after Netanyahu's concession in Judea and Samaria, the administration began its onslaught against Jewish building in Jerusalem.As the minutes tick by towards Netanyahu's visit with Obama at the White House, Netanyahu is signaling that he is willing to buy the same used car a second time. Although Netanyahu continues to insist that he will not accept preconditions for negotiations, he has empowered Defense Minister Ehud Barak to take a leading role in contacts with the PA.Wednesday Barak announced that he will be holding direct talks with Israel-boycotting PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in the coming days. Earlier this week Barak effectively announced his support for an Israeli withdrawal to the 1949 armistice lines even without a peace treaty. In a media interview Barak claimed that that the unilateral withdrawals from Gaza and South Lebanon were great achievements that should be repeated.Netanyahu's desire to avoid a confrontation with the Obama administration is understandable. Given the nature of the Israeli media, Netanyahu would certainly pay a political price if he were to be blamed for making the administration turn against Israel. But the truth is that today more than ever, Obama shares Netanyahu's desire to avoid an open clash.The midterm Congressional elections are just four months away and Obama's Democratic colleagues are running scared. Polls show that the Democratic Party is likely to lose control over the House of Representatives. The Democrats will also likely see their control over the Senate weakened if not lost. As the Wall Street Journal's political analyst John Fund reported this week, out of 70 competitive Congressional districts, the Democrats will likely lose 60 and so lose control over the House.Going into such a problematic electoral season, the last thing Obama needs is an open confrontation with Israel. A new row with Netanyahu will not only harm Democrats in key states like Florida, New York, New Jersey, Illinois and Pennsylvania. It will harm the Democrats' fundraising efforts among Jewish American donors. Over the past several months there have been repeated reports that Jewish Americans are drastically cutting back their donations to Democrats. The current trend will likely escalate if Obama forces Netanyahu into a corner next week.What this means is that Netanyahu is well placed to stand up to Obama's pressure. If he plays his cards wisely, he can say no to Obama and avoid an open confrontation. For instance, instead of agreeing to extend the building prohibition, Netanyahu should say that he is willing to discuss that demand in face-to-face negotiations with Abbas. Rather than agree to Abbas's preconditions, Netanyahu should say that he is willing to listen to Abbas's position in face-to-face negotiations. And so on and so forth. Such statements by Netanyahu will take the pressure for making concessions off him and put Obama and Abbas on the spot.Even more importantly, it will buy Israel time. And buying time should be Israel's chief goal with respect to Washington today. Since taking office, Obama has repeatedly demonstrated that he will not reconsider his fundamentally hostile view of Israel. Obama's basic belief that Israel's strength and size are to blame for all the violence and radicalism in the Arab world is not subject to change regardless of how clearly and continuously events on the ground prove it wrong.Even worse for Israel, Obama is not alone in this view. Indeed, as a report in Foreign Policy this week makes clear, Obama's position on Israel is moderate when compared to the positions being staked out in influential policy circles in the US military.Wednesday Foreign Policy published the content of a memo written last month in the US Military's Central Command. The memo, a "Red Team," assessment of how the US should position itself vis-à-vis the likes of Hamas and Hizbullah, reveals that among key members of the US policy-making community, Israel is viewed with extreme hostility.The leaked memo reportedly reflects the views of a significant number of senior and mid-level officers in Centcom, including large numbers of intelligence officers, as well as a significant number of area analysts stationed in the Middle East. It argues that it is wrong for the US to lump jihadist movements like Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaida and Hizbullah in one group.Dismissing the significance of the identical religious dogma that stands at the root of these movements, the memo asserts that Hamas and Hizbullah are pragmatic and important social forces with which the US must foster good relations. The memo calls for the US to support the integration of Hizbullah forces into the Lebanese military. It also calls for the US to encourage and permit the integration of Hamas forces into the US-trained Palestinian security forces.As far as Israel is concerned, the memo blames the Jewish state for the US's failure to date to adopt these recommended policies. Moreover, the memo's authors condemn Israel's maritime blockade of Gaza as keeping "the area on the verge of a perpetual humanitarian collapse."The Centcom memo also condemns Israel's July 2006 decision to respond to Hizbullah's unprovoked bombardment of northern Israel and its unprovoked cross-border attack against an IDF patrol in which five soldiers were killed and two were kidnapped and subsequently murdered. Denying Hizbullah's subservient relationship with the Iranian regime, the report claimed that Israel's decision to use force to defend itself against Hizbullah's acts of war served to strengthen Hizbullah's ties to Teheran.What this memo shows is that Israel has little hope of seeing a change for the better in US policy in the near future and its best bet today is to play for time. Next week at the Oval Office Netanyahu should capitalize on his advantage four months ahead of the Congressional elections and put the burden on Obama and Abbas to show their good intentions.Originally published in The Jerusalem Post.