I know that Gaza has led to real strains in Turkey ’s relationship with Israel. But Turkey is a friend of Israel. And I urge Turkey, and Israel, not to give up on that friendship. Let me be clear. The Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla was completely unacceptable. And I have told PM Netanyahu, we will expect the Israeli inquiry to be swift, transparent and rigorous. Let me also be clear that the situation in Gaza has to change. Humanitarian goods and people must flow in both directions. Gaza cannot and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp. But as, hopefully, we move in the coming weeks to direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians so it’s Turkey that can make the case for peace and Turkey that can help to press the parties to come together, and point the way to a just and viable solution.So he too has joined the anti-Israel rhetoric, and probably spouts the worst of all. Peter Wehner makes clear that the blockade was justified, yet Cameron fails to take notice of any of the facts.
By the way, what was Cameron doing in Turkey? Backing their bid for EU membership, what else? The man is a downright dhimmi.
but I thought only the so called Liberal was a hater

Britain's new prime minister has proven himself no better than the last. He's given a speech in Ankara, Turkey (via Commentary's Contentions), where he said: