R.I.P. Mark Harding, Victim of Canada’s Anti-Free Speech Javerts http://t.co/cdVyJ4NidR
— Blazing CatFur (@Blazingcatfur) April 13, 2015
R.I.P. Mark Harding, Victim Of Canada’s Anti-Free Speech Javerts

Harding was a small town Ontario Christian pastor, who tried to warn people in his community about the jihad. Unfortunately, he did so pre-9/11, when such warnings were considered to be “hate speech.” For his “crime” of telling the truth about the supremacist Islam that has become all-too familiar in these days of ISIS and the rest of the litany of wretched jihadi outfits which are wreaking so much havoc worldwide, Harding was persecuted and prosecuted by Canadian authorities, sent to prison and, as a condition of his release, forced to do “penance” by performing his “community service” under the auspices of an organization with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.