Check out this interesting question on Yedda
Chicken McNuggets : According to a recent study most artists can not find "Chicken McNuggets" on a map. Are all artists therefor a flame broiled "Wopper"?Topics: war, artists, fast food, models, iraq, politics, fashion, europe, beauty, art, feminism, heraldic artists, women's issues, mcdonaldsAsked by SimonStudio on September 09, 2007View the entire discussion on Yedda
We're not candy
We're not candy
Gregory Hergert
9:54pm September 8th
Obviously a PETA study...artist know chickens have small testicles...mainly the roosters...and yes I have a whopper on Whopper Wednesday for a $1.49...good deal
Sadly artist are beauty pageant smart...me not included oh my god...and whatnot%*#
Noah David Simon
10:17pm September 8th
seem to be losing friends on these posts. some like to collect cute guy artists as long as they don't say nothing that turns their world view in a loop.
miss south carolina is beautiful... but she simply suffers from being a bitch. those pageants and anyone who wants to take part in them are bitches. a smart person would of looked at the judge and told him to go fuck himself and then would of told them that Americans aren't stupid and would asked who was doing the science and what methods were used to find people they were testing. by the time they came back with that information you would then explain how much different the American economy is to other economies in deversity (if the results seem genuine - doubtful). Little miss sunshine there was such a bitch that she got caught in her own trap. But I don't think she is the only bitch there... in fact I think that Amy Teegarden girl is a bigger bitch... and that smiling prick on the stage is a bitch. The whole idea of someone being intelligent when they are nothing but meat is a bitch. I like my porn... so I'm not going complain... I don't need my porn ladies answering educational questions to get off. First question Jenna Jameson... mmmmmrppphhhhh... looks like she's got her mouth full.
Gregory Hergert
10:42pm September 8th
Just maybe Miss S.C. is an evil genius that mastered stupidity and is parlaying it right into Kati Kuric's replacement.
I love Jenna Jameson but lately she's talking to much due to too much girl on girl action...the mute button is useful...and who picks the music for porn...Miss Elevator?
Noah David Simon
11:29pm September 8th
for those that have no idea what we are talking about because you live in a wood shack ( I didn't want to post it because it was lame.... but I changed my mind because I'm a mean spirited guy)
Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina answers a question
Miss Teen USA 2007 - Ms. South Carolina answers a question
Gregory Hergert
12:01am September 9th
I forgot how endearing that was...geniune stupidity is intoxicating...she's more famous than I'll ever be...this month anyway.
Iph.then Ontological
10:57pm September 8th
who are you bitches and why am i on your list?
i wish you were candy i would feed you to some children.
Gregory Hergert
11:04pm September 8th
That would be child endangerment....bad...want some candy?
Iph.then Ontological
11:04pm September 8th
no. i want someone to buy me the clothes i saw at fashion week.
Gregory Hergert
11:08pm September 8th
you would have to do bad things for that amount!

Noah David Simon
11:22pm September 8th
ah iph.then... introductions are needed... this is Gregory Hergert the artist.... one of the most talented artists I have ever met.
Gregory Hergert
12:01am September 9th
Oh and thanks for the awesome compliment...such as
Noah David Simon
2:16am September 9th
On a change of subject:
The new work you are doing is amazing Gregory. your stuff is coming alive. and I am impressed that you have a new marketable "G" flavor that has tremendous energy. It might be a good idea to create an alias for the new stuff. It has an Alice in Wonderland purity that I can't quite describe. It is twisted like your other stuff... but yet childlike. I think your on to something. You were born to do children's illustration. it is amazing how the graffiti wall breathes new life into peoples art... there is something about the quality of sharing that was lacking in the digital art world. Your new children's work is fresher then some of the "edge" stuff you were working on. It is very exciting. I find it amazing that twisted guys like us often have a side that appeals to children in ways the so called normal non-perverse people can't. It is because we have not let go of our inner child. We are free spirits.
Children relate to minds that are unbound by restraint. When I see my son I see his eyes light up. He knows I'm a trouble maker and he loves me for it. The Superegos of life and their political corrections will always get in the way. I will never give in to the Mommy Police, and some day my son will understand what I was about... Daddy was Peter Pan
Gregory Hergert
3:12am September 9th
Thats the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.Interestingly I noticed that myself...I've always envied artist who were subversive in a childlike way...I think Niko Stumpo does it.
I think you should save those two paragraphs...they succinctly express your true self...free of anger...aware of your own gifts and able share support for someone else's...most sublime!

Noah David Simon
3:20am September 9th
I would of been a good salesman for an art resource!
gasp... I can only send sunshine up peoples ass till I get quite sarcastic.
I'm going to do my own art...
your doing some great stuff...
you should start a site for kids
Gregory Hergert
3:22am September 9th
Alas were both our own worst enemies!
Noah David Simon
12:50pm September 9th
no... it is all just a game we play
we are nothing but pawns if we play either side.
the leftist feminist pawn or the pawn of freedom.
they are both pawns....
but you might as well do what comes naturally.
better to fight to be yourself
then repress yourself
and be a million corporate automatons without will.
I won't censor myself anymore. I would sooner die.
you saw the end result of my corporate job and you were one of the victims of me cooperating. the end job of BLACKBOOK RAW magazine was ugly... there was good stuff in there... but you can't put together an art piece with too many libidinal compromises... and certainly not by charging the artists. it was evil... and in the end the evil consumed me as well. When you lie with dogs you shouldn't be shocked that you wake up with fleas.
Noah David Simon
8:37pm September 9th
Gregory... how did you make friends with Amy Winehouse?
Ally Barlow
9:23pm September 9th
Hello, dear friends. I would greatly appreciate being removed from this exciting thread. Thanks!
Noah David Simon
9:30pm September 9th
she's alive! what's up Ally... I really don't know how to do that.
Noah David Simon
11:35pm September 9th
try to bring in a fair forum...
I get rewarded like this.
screw these sorority chicks
Noah David Simon
Today at 12:24am
this girl is one twisted sister... she claims to be getting a sex change.
...before she claimed to have a boyfriend. look at her alias picture. she even says she wants to cause trouble... she's either gay and was lying about being straight... or she's straight and making fun of gay people. Just another self righteous smug elitist who thinks they are above other peoples feelings. They hide behind political correction and little "isms", but the truth is they just want to yank your chain.
Gregory Hergert
Today at 12:50am
A girl from Vasser picked me up in her red sports car.We went and sat by a stream...in her miniskirt with legs kind of up I could see her panties...she asked me to meet her at an EST meeting...with burning desire I went...I sat in this meeting while being brainwashed until I peed my pants...later I met her boyfriend who was older,more handsome, and successful...she got paid for recruiting me...a few years later she died of breast cancer...I was sad...she had awesome tits.
Gregory Hergert
Today at 1:19am
I started dating this beauty school girl...I picked her up at her parents home and we went to a nightclub of her choosing...soon enough she's dancing with some other guy...she comes over to me and says ,were going to some other club follow us...I'm following along and I have to pee...I pull over they go out of sight...I relieve myself and realize I don't know where they went...I go home... next morning her mom's on the phone accusing me of stealing her purse...damn her purse was in my car...I took it over to the beauty school and with a class of angry bitches glaring at me I handed it over...a week later I got mono!
Noah David Simon
Today at 7:09am
thank you for having the courage to share that with us.
now she says she is going to de-friend me. ...she is aruging with me... but she won't do it in public because she doesn't have a leg to stand on. This whole thing started when she said she would hang out almost a month ago... but said she had loyalties to this one location near Vasser called the "Cubbyhole". Going into the so called "friendship", I knew she had a boyfriend. It said so in her profile. I thought she wanted a friend. I was cool with that because I have a kid and don't want a complicated romance presently. I tried explaining to her that I had some problems at the place she was describing. After this email she strangely disapeared for two weeks... the next response was in this thread!
"cubbyhole... I don't like it. I brought my girl there about five months ago.... (never been there before this incident)
I'm not the most picky guy... but two girls came up to my girl and said I was looking at other women there (which is odd because my girl is quite a catch and I feel confident of that). I had never been at the cubby whole before in my life and I don't like to have vizors on in a place that I don't know. I was there because my girl made me go... I felt like the people there were judging me. I didn't know the area and honestly was just trying to show the girl a good time. I was in a catch 22. Don't look and your antisocial... look and your a pervert. I understand that the ladies need a place to go without men looking. But it was my girl who forced me to come. Cubbywhole is just a little too catty for me. I don't need to pay my dues... I did my college time... I don't want to be judged. I would like to say that this is an isolated incident... but I went again with my brother and his friend and I felt like an alien there. I understand they need an elitism there to keep the quality of people there at a maximum.... but I think what is going on there has less to do with making a good environment and more to do with a lot of repressed sorority chicks who are peer pressuring each other to loyalty against normal guys. It is kind of sad... because despite the arrogance of the place... no one looked very happy there.
"I'd like to think that the boring lady who's talking to me now is a lot sexier and more interesting than the one who's doing NPR. You know, studious and reserved, and - I bet you're a lot of fun at a party."
Gene Simmons "
now she says because I did some joke videos involving beastiality that somehow excuses her for making light of a sex change. I don't buy it. She thinks I have a fear of gay people... which is not true at all.
Noah David Simon
Today at 7:14am
the thing that gets me is I just was like "let's hang out..."
do I deserve this? I was trying to tell her I found that coffee bar she hangs out in to be oppressive... She doesn't respond for two weeks. Says she doesn't need to feel pressured. Leaving me hanging in a conversation like that is leaving a lot of pressure on me. Especially since it was a completely platonic friendship. The right thing would of been to say... hey I'm sorry you had a bad experience, let's hang out in a diner.
Ally Barlow
Today at 8:22am
Haha, I know that you're trying to provoke a response, and I'll give you what you want, no problem. It's funny that you've turned out to be this insane after you seemed like an interesting person with whom I'd like to spend some time. What happened, Noah David Simon? Would you prefer that I copy & paste all of our facebook correspondence in this forum so that everyone understands precisely how ridiculous you are?
Much Love,
Repressed Sorority Chick (because clearly, you know me)
Noah David Simon
Today at 8:35am
if that ain't a chain yanker... I don't know what is.
Those who cannot understand how to put their thoughts on ice should not enter into the heat of debate.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Ally Barlow now pastes the entire thread of a previous conversation where she shows herself as a man in a video
Today at 9:32am
Noah David Simon
10:43pm September 9th
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you don't look well
Ally Barlow
10:44pm September 9th
that's not very nice
Noah David Simon
10:49pm September 9th
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neither is lying to your old boyfriend
Noah David Simon
10:52pm September 9th
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or for that matter giving me the silent treatment...
I never said I cared if you were into girls or guys.
you don't understand me at all.
and something tells me you won't try.
I think you have a lot to learn
Ally Barlow
10:58pm September 9th
well, noah, your message makes no sense to me. if you'd care to illuminate your meaning, i'll certainly take it. otherwise, i'm not interested in exchanging these confusing pleasantries.
Noah David Simon
11:06pm September 9th
Report Message
I have been trying to contact you all week...
we were supposed to meet up...
then you avoid me.
now you tell me your a guy with a girlfriend.
I am concluding that you think I am a homophobe...
and I don't think you should do that.
I have spent the last three years in the European art world... there are a lot of ignorance going on in Europe... and I can only conclude that you think that I hate gay people.
further.. if your not gay... shame on you.
and if you are gay... shame on you again for lying to your boyfriend. and if the boyfriend is fake... then shame on you for living a lie.
Noah David Simon
11:07pm September 9th
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you are acting very smug...
Noah David Simon
11:13pm September 9th
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you are not looking deeper into things:
1) one does not have to be a feminist
to respect women
2) one does not have to support gay marriage
to support the gay lifestyle
your being an elitist snob.
that is just wrong.
you are tangled up in your rhetoric
like miss South Carolina
Ally Barlow
11:44pm September 9th
dude, you need to calm down with the intense sensitivity. if i may, i'm going to address the issues you use to label me as some sort of antognizer:
a) "now you tell me your a guy with a girlfriend."
my belgian boyfriend is visiting me, and i thought that it would be funny if we sent you an unexpected video message. i'm not sure what you mean when you write this because, in response to many of my videos, you have sent equally bizarre and surreal responses. in my mind, we have created an internet relationship that allows for such bizarrity. it's interesting to find that the very peculiarity you initiated is precisely what offends you later.
b) "I am concluding that you think I am a homophone..."
I can do nothing but laugh when I read this. What have you ever done or said that you illuminate homophobic views? And which words or actions of mine suggest I feel this way about you? The thought never even crossed my mind.
c) "further.. if your not gay... shame on you.
and if you are gay... shame on you again for lying to your boyfriend. and if the boyfriend is fake... then shame on you for living a lie."
Seriously, what are you taling about? Why shame on me if I'm not gay? In what way is homosexuality at all relevant to any of our online correspondence? When did I ever claim to be gay, or straight for that matter?
d) "you are acting very smug... your being an elitist snob."
Again, whaaa? Where are you getting this from? I'm incredibly confused.
e) "I have been trying to contact you all week... we were supposed to meet up..."
Yeah, we were supposed to meet up at some point... we never planned timing. I'm incredibly busy, actually, and haven't had any time for a meet-up. I haven't even seen all of my friends at Vasser yet. I'm confused and turned off by your insistency. Friendship shouldn't be contrived -- I'm interested in natural developments, free of pressure.
So let me know what you think. If you're being serious, I'm bewildered. If you're joking, it's frustrating.
Noah David Simon
Today at 12:18am
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I'm not going to answer any of this here... I need an audience with you... your not to be trusted right now. your playing a game with sexuality... it's not funny. you have no sense of proportion at all. you are a very angry person. I have been trying to contact you for a while and you have been ignoring me. facebook tells me that.... once I see you lied here... I can't take anything you say seriously on the other more political lies. you should be ashamed of yourself for humiliating gay people for your cheap sorority trick. The issues you are dealing with are too complicated to be taken lightly.
I need you to explain yourself on the other thread.
in front of other people...
Ally Barlow
Today at 12:42am
i'm going to de-friend you because, whether or not you're joking, it's making me very uncomfortable.
Ally Barlow
Today at 9:35am
To reiterate my most important message:
If you're serious about all of this, then you need to cut back on the sensitivity and neuroses... and quit creating conflict where it doesn't exist (ie. me thinking you're homophobic? I still have no idea where that came from). If you're joking, which I'm assuming is the case, I'm not interested in being party to your sociology project.
Mary Riley
Today at 9:44am
I don't want to get anymore emails about this thread...what do I need to change in my settings to do so? Can someone take me off.
Noah David Simon
Today at 12:26pm
I have no idea Mary
Noah David Simon
Today at 12:28pm
as far as I know the only way to stop the thread is to stop writing on it.
does anyone know? this is getting to sound like a Springer show... thanks a lot Barlow
Noah David Simon
Today at 12:37pm
When you change your relationship status that changes what people perceive of you. I totally support your right to be with whoever you want, but something tells me you are the one who is uncomfortable with whatever you are. twelve days ago you were in a relationship with a guy... now your married to a girl... and now you say your boyfriend is back. All this is fine... but then you send me an email of you getting a sex change. Your just yanking peoples chain at the expense of other people's dignity. I do not respect this. Also if I did not approve of the gay lifestyle, you should respect my differences as well. Most people in the world do not respect gay lifestyles and your going to be a very unhappy person if you send sex change operation videos to all these people.
Noah David Simon
Today at 1:06pm
why is it when Clinton and Obama come out against gay marriage people call them shrewd, but when an average "Joe" does it he gets Vasser girls sending him sex change operation videos?