you remind me of the Jew.what Jew?.the Jew with the power.what power?.the power of voodoo.who do?.you do.do what?.remind me of the Jew..i saw my Jewy.crying hard as Jew could cry.what could i do?.my Jewy's love had gone.and left my Jewy blue .knowbody new.what kind of magic spell to use?.slimy tails, or puppy dog tails.thunder or lightning.and Jewy said..dance magic dance.dance magic dance.put that Jewies spell on me.jump magic jump.jump magic jump.put that magic jump on me.slap that Jewy if he screams..i saw my Jewy.trying hard as Jew could try.what could i do.my Jewy's fun had gone.and left my Jewy blue.knowbody new.what kind of magic spell to use?.slimy tails, or puppy dog tails.thunder or lightning.and Jewy said..dance magic dance.dance magic dance.put that Jewies spell on me.jump magic jump.jump magic jump.put that magic jump on me.slap that Jewy if he screams..dance magic dance.dance magic dance.dance magic dance.dance magic dance.jump magic jump.jump magic jump.jump magic jump.jump magic jump.put that magic jump on me.slap that Jewy if he screams..you remind me of the Jew.what Jew?.the Jew with the power.what power?.the power of voodoo.who do?.you do.do what?.remind me of the Jew..dance magic dance oo oo oo .dance magic dance oo oo oo .dance the magic.dance the magic oo oo oo..what kind of magic spell to use?.slimy tails, or puppy dog tails.thunder or lightning.something frightning