A USAF Stealth bomber fires a 'bunker buster', the latest variant of the B61
Recently Obama had blocked a shipment of bunker-busters that was slated for Israel, and in the meantime the murdering Mullahs of Iran are on their way to obtaining nuclear warheads. Now our America hating Dictator is pledging not to develop any new nuclear weapon systems. I know that Obama wants to destroy America as we know it, but what is even more disturbing is that many of his followers actually believe that other countries will not see this as a sign of weakness, and look to build up their military might to challenge us. They are just do not deal in reality.Hat tip to Roger.
President Obama will rewrite America’s policy on nuclear weapons next week, heralding further reductions in the US stockpile and giving a pledge not to develop new systems.
After a review of the nation’s nuclear weapons arsenal that has involved, among others, the Pentagon, the Department of Energy and the intelligence services, as well as the White House, Mr Obama is expected to reject the doctrine on nuclear weapons — the “nuclear posture” — adopted by George W. Bush, which included the possibility of the United States launching an attack on a non-nuclear state.
The Obama Administration has come under pressure from arms control analysts to redefine the circumstances in which the US might consider using nuclear weapons, and to state beyond doubt that the justification for keeping them is purely as a deterrent.
After the President’s speech in Prague last April, when he laid out his personal vision of a world without nuclear weapons, the US has been carrying out a review of its nuclear posture and the conclusions are due to be published in a declassified version early next week — before Mr Obama flies back to Prague to sign the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (Start) with President Medvedev of Russia on April 8.
Dmitri Medvedev spoke on the phone to President Obama to seal the deal
It took no more than 15 minutes yesterday for President Obama and President Medvedev to agree on the final wording of a treaty that will lead to significant cuts in American and Russian strategic nuclear warheads. The hard work had already been carried out by US and Russian negotiators inGeneva, but the two leaders spoke to each other on the telephone briefly to
seal the agreement that will cut nuclear arsenals on each side to 1,550
warheads — down from 2,200 — and reduce stockpiles of missiles and launch
systems.Within minutes of Mr Obama making an announcement at the White House, Moscow claimed that the treaty would establish a legally binding link between
However, Robert Gates, the US Defence Secretary, who attended the announcement ceremony at the White House yesterday, insisted that the treaty would not prevent the US from “improving and deploying” missile defence systems in Europe and elsewhere.
strategic weapons and missile defence systems, hinting that it might impose
restrictions on America’s anti-missile programme, which the Russians oppose.