Amanda Chapel; I thought she was gone?
I'm not getting a real life sex change.
I like being a guy in life.

Jean Baudrillard was explaining in "Symbolic Exchange and Death":
Power comes from the virtual.
I have no problem wearing the pants in life,
but I see benefit to the symbolism of being a woman.
I just want to be able to talk about sex online without being censored.
I'm tired of being wussy like Dr. Phil. I want to be dirty old crone like Dr. Ruth.
I see no benefit to being just a social butterfly.
I think if you were true to your art, you'd cut off your wiener.
- Amanda Chapel

After realizing that Amanda Chapel was an alias for a group of people and not actually a woman, it dawned on me that the marketing possibilities for an entity that is perceived as being a female are different then an entity that is perceived as being male. I am conceiving of creating a female fake alias and I am curious as to your input on the pros and cons of a virtual sex changes. I have seen pages owned by women on facebook that seem to be plainly pornographic, because of their status as women they are not disabled. My artwork is not pornographic, but does deal with gender issues. After having three aliases destroyed by the facebook police, I feel that I can not safely be honest as a man. Many have said to me that I should stop using facebook if I don't like it. Being that faebook is an academic monopoly I do not have that option. There is no other place to have a dialogue, but I am not comfortable being a man on facebook any more, even though I am quite comfortable with my heterosexual lifestyle in life. I am busy creating a female identity. I have figured that facebook is using video these days. So I am going to have an actress voice all the random blips of responses that an alias would have to say if it were female. I do not believe it is a form of artificial intelligence in that I do not believe my female will have any intelligence at all. Just the way facebook wants it. I know it is a strange compromise, but I do not feel the precedent and law involved in social networking is fair to any extent. It seems OK for a female to be aggressive in making "friends", but threatening for a man to do so. I am very tired of the double standard. I am waiting for facebook to disable me and I will return as a cross dresser. I do hope you understand I am not changing myself... this is why I am sending this letter as a warning... I am changing my PR ability. I will not be leaving my real life girl, child or opinions. I am simply creating an identity to get my opinions out there. I look forward to hearing your ideas on this issue.
Click here and read my posted conversation about Hermaphroditus