Forian kid thinks Hanukah is a peace on earth holiday? uh.... Mahkahbees weren't hippies. festival of lights? what an ignoramus, it is the only Juda

this Forian guy thinks Hanukah is a peace on earth holiday? uh.... Mahkahbees weren't hippies.

Sugar Smacks

unrestrained free markets r no different then socialism

silly Camel Fucker. Tricks are for Bush. YOUR SHOE MISSED... and Dana is pissed!

NYTimes says Illinois isn't #1 state with corruption

NYTimes trying to spin Chicago corruption by pointing out the Illinois if actually #7 of government felons

Who's On 1st

Check out this interesting answer on Yedda
Who's on first?
you didn't say if you were traveling with anyone.
Yadja your joke still follows logic. "Who's on first" is funny because it ridicules the game. for who is on first... the joke is the wording has a double meaning and the less used meaning is the truth... consistently. The punchline is the explaination. your joke just was that you have to listen careful...
intent is everything. words have no meaning without it. if your intent is to confuse... then there is no way to prove malicious intent. hence the U.S. government is a Democratic Republic and not a Democracy to protect us from the tyranny of law vs. minority opinion, minority philosophy and minority religion.
Topics: life
Answered by SimonStudio on December 13, 2008
View the entire discussion on Yedda

you remind me of the Jew.

Justice may not be deliberately blind. Gittin 58a

"She left me within the hour of her arrival," said the apprentice. "But I have heard a rumor that she has been unfaithful to you."
"What shall I do?" asked the master.
"Divorce her" said the apprentice.
"But her marriage settlement is large, and since it is only a rumor, I must pay it."
"I shall advance you the money," said the apprentice.
As soon as the divorce was effective, the paramour married the woman. Soon he sued his former master for the money, and the latter, being unable to pay it, was compelled to agree to work off his debt by labor. While he waited at the table, his tears trickled down his cheeks and fell into the cups of wine he was serving.
Then it was that decree was sealed in Heaven that Jerusalem should be destroyed. No actual crime had been committed, it was entirely legal as to procedure, and well within the law, yet it merited a harsher penalty than an actual crime would have brought on.
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@IgorTheTroll only now do u understand DARK SIDE of d shwartz

Pacifism (Updated)

My naive younger brother fought me about Palestinian and Israeli politics. He told me ten years ago that he was a pacifist. He will deny this. The argument once heated up to the point where he swore he was a pacifist and saw no reason to ever use physical threats or action. I punched him to show him the need for defense. (younger brothers don't listen) Later that day he went up to my room and trashed it. (somehow he seems to have thought that destroying one's home was not violence) I attacked him. My mother called the police... and I was put in jail.
I punched him to test him. He thought he outsmarted me by not fighting back, an hour later he trashed my room. I went back into his room and hit him again. My mother called the cops and I was put in the NYC tombs for around four days before it got sorted out. He was seventeen years old at the time, and the police had me cited for domestic violence with a minor. I was like are you kidding, he's taller then me? I was incarcerated, but I still say calling the police doesn't count as an act of non-violence. I still have the stupid shit on my record that I assaulted a minor. To this day the little shit tests me. Today I'm a political "conservative" (..."classical liberal"), but when Rudy ran for the presidency I went out of my way to ruin his campaign. I did not like the police in NYC when he was mayor.

as a result of my fathers actions with the judge who found the entire situation amusing... she let me free on the premise that I would receive psychiatric counseling.