It is amazing how many people hide between free thought to express hate speech. Recently I friended someone on facebook who ran a popular alternative website for free thought. I was excited to have such a influential friend that ran a website that was popular. The next week I returned to the same website and saw it was full of videos that were sympathetic to terrorists. I contacted my new friend who ran the site. He said while he personally felt sympathy for my point of view (because he was "CONSERVATIVE" he said), that his website was for free thought and he would not censor. He then offered me an opportunity to post my own things on his site. To test him I asked him if his website was so open minded to caustic expression, could I post photos of young children naked (I was speaking hypothetically... to find out how far he would take free expression). He didn't respond. Freedom of speech has it's limitations! Never believe someone who hides behind free expression. If it is hate speech or if the website features something obscene like Pedophilic images, there are limits to free expression. I brought up the obscene issue to prove a point. That this guy was picking and choosing his limitations of expression and he was a hypocrite. I hate to bring in such an extreme example... but I was trying to prove a point on free expression.