"The name Chas Freeman Jr. has been "floated" in the media as President Obama's selection for Chairman of the National Intelligence Council, the intelligence community's primary big-think shop and the lead U.S. governmental body in producing national intelligence estimates. For the last dozen years, Freeman, the former US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, has been President of the Middle East Policy Council (formally known as the American Arab Affairs Council) a Lobbying group for the Arab World. One of the groups primary functions is to Publish a quarterly journal called Middle East Policy. The Journal is filled with anti-Israel messages that are beyond even the broadest definition of mainstream of U.S. thinking on the region. As the President of the the organization responsible for this Journal, who's viciousness and willing to show bias, the appointment of Freeman as a gatekeeper for U.S. Intelligence is a very disturbing matter."
post feminism in the NYTimes

porn is what is considered obscene. you can have willing porn. don't believe the 70s and Gloria Steinem. all those experiments were lacking the proper axioms for truth. I've read the book by David copp and Susan Wendell. they aren't objective stats at all. did you read the post feminist article in the NYTimes last month. pretty much throws all those lies out. most of the stats that claim the mental distress from porn is based on the idea that it causes pain in both genders. that is a lie. it is relaxing to many. it causes a loss of status for women... but soap operas do the same to men. the final finding from those Copp/Wendell studies were based on levels of aggression towards women. it also claims that women also feel aggressive to other women from watching porn. but what it fails to mention is the cause of the female aggression is different then the cause of male. men might be more likely to be dominant after watching a display of this... but the aggression that women feel is their..
"...maybe the value is the fact that feminism doesn't value women to begin with? a thought? why must the tyrannical theoretical religion of Gloria Steinem not be questioned? maybe the girls really are different then men. maybe their value really is proportional to their sexual nature and possession. why must these asshole feminists be so judgmental? ironically gender theory is about to reach the same paradox that communism did. that our nature is not the problem. the problem is in not understanding the dignity in the parts. our failure is in hating the roles we play. so sad that these gender thugs have not come to terms with the social engineering they have committed."
it is true that viewing domination causes the audience to be dominant, but it is also true that to not be appreciated for your traits causes feelings of anger. should I not appreciate a women's beauty? androgyny causes negative violence. masculine domination on the other hand can be liberating for heterosexuals
wasn't that what I've been saying for 20 years?
Binary Politics

ever get the feeling that Ron Paul would steer the ship in the wrong direction? The scene in the "The Poseidon Adventure" comes to mind when Hackman begs the people to climb up the Christmas tree and the elite bourgeois decide to follow the rules. Remind people of what Obama is doing to your kids and that the dumb prick "Libertarians" are going absolutist against it. WE NEED A NEGOTIATION! our children will be living in poverty if we don't. Time tables must be made for all social spending and foreign debts. The government must privatize all finance companies if the economy picks up and this is all a false alarm. Let us pass legislation that gets us back into the free market, but does not let capitalism run wild either. Elegant legislation please! Tell Ron Paul that he was wrong about Iraq and he is wrong about the BAILOUT too. if we don't do something soon our kids will all be in debt
Formats available: Flash Video (.flv)
send people a card
stupid liberal Jews voted 4 Livni. Unilateral "peace" seize fires all decade. war is always indecisive & so is hell. start bombing now!

wondering why people get so testy over issues

they wouldn't be issues if there were answers. if it doesn't hurt you, sit down. shut up
I'm eating Seth Godin

I just came back from outside. I noticed my grapevine in my garden had falled from all the snow. I fixed a few supports and within three minutes my grapevine was as good as last year. don't you wish marketing people and government had the same level of intuition. there is a time for libertarianism and then there is a time where you have to fix a support. free range tribalism is another hucksterism
Re: sitting ducks in Dimona for the U.N. and Hamas

"Noah" Maxim

big cancerous business ends in big government, but big government does not necessarily evolve to big business. that is a "Noah" Maxim
Conversation with Heather "Milk?" Gold

on facebook
Heather RT Last wk judge ruled that YesOn8 donors must be made public. Names were released today! http://bit.ly/1488O & http://bit.ly/ByRl (list).via Twitter - 3:33pm - Comment
Noah David Simon at 1:20am February 3
Big Brother is Gay?
Heather Milk Gold at 5:09pm February 3
Nothing big brother-y at all about having transparency with political contributions. Partnof democracy. Donations to *all* campaigns are public including no on 8's.
In order to be "Big Brother" one would have to be anonymous (all no on 8/pro gay marriage orgs and donors are public) and in power (we lost. Gay peeps have least legal standing/power/rights in the nation).
Noah David Simon at 8:36pm February 3
that is about as balanced as Ron Paul isolationist statement and it sounds like something Joseph McCarthy would say. all for the transparency. great... I'm for nudity on all beaches. I don't want any bitching about Cellulite. come now... we all know about the Prop8 blacklisting going on. lame!
Heather Milk Gold at 1:18pm February 4
You think political donations should always be secret? Transparency is the issue the court ruled on and one that I support 100%.
Noah David Simon at 1:32pm February 4
now you want to reveal and black list people who are fighting your hate. your transparency is glaringly arbitrary as is your concept of social contracts. "Gay Marriage" is terribly un-transparent in that it does not reflect the biological truth that you have no dangers with pregnancy. you are taking government support away from people burdened with pregnancy because of hate and bigotry and I do not approve of it. what is good for the geese is good for the gander or whatever the in-between label they have for gay birds is. I can't wait to get the Pilosi people out of power.
Heather Milk Gold at 1:36pm February 4
Dude, I have never said a thing about black listing. I'm really not sure what you're talking about. "Taking government support away from.." ? I didn't write anything like that. I said I'm glad the court decided the donors to the campaigns have to be public. btw, I'm in the process of planning pregnancy right now.
And I live in Pelosi's district and didn't vote for her. You've made a whole lot of assumptions there.
Noah David Simon at 1:38pm February 4
yeah I know about the Pelosi alternative too. even worse. don't know about the blacklisting? come now!
Heather Milk Gold at 1:42pm February 4
Unclear from your notes. Do you support my legal equality and right to marry or no?
Heather Milk Gold at 1:42pm February 4
Legally speaking, that is. We're already married and that's not really up to anyone else.
Noah David Simon at 1:43pm February 4
here is some info from google for the Sheehan haters http://www.google.com/sear
Heather Milk Gold at 1:43pm February 4
I don't hate anyone, btw.
Noah David Simon at 1:45pm February 4
I support your right to do whatever you want as long as you don't hurt other people. taking away social contract that are honest and reflect the reality on the ground is bigotry and hate and I will not allow it. you can apply for the same benefits once you adopt and not before. It would be unfair to children and parents otherwise.
Heather Milk Gold at 1:47pm February 4
My focus is on equalitycamp.com and doing everything I can to build our movement by reaching out to people one on one.
But if people want to choose another hotel instead of Marriott, that doesn't bother me. That's choice.
The way we will eventually win our legal rights is reaching out to people and finding common ground. But also not accepting poor treatment.
I hope the Mormon Church will stand behind its statements that it supports some rights for gay couples and individuals. I know Equality Utah is working on a Common Ground law and has taken out ads asking the Mormon Church to work with it.
Heather Milk Gold at 1:50pm February 4
Where have you read me say that I want to take away a right from anyone?
I'm going to give birth, so I won't be adopting. NY State law already states both my wife and I will be on the birth certificate for the child. I don't see how our having a family harms anyone. on the contrary, it invests us in working harder for family protections for all.
Noah David Simon at 1:56pm February 4
I support your right to do whatever you want... but when you are talking about a legal contract you are talking about "meaning" that applies to a real situation. giving privileges to those that don't need it is not an attribute our government should aspire to. a marriage means something. It has a civil meaning that the Prop8 blacklisters do not respect. Obviously this is not just an absolutist strict constitutional argument either. I believe there is enough hate and violence coming from the gay community that I have experienced first hand that I can say that this is by no means a theoretical argument. I could get into the details of my experiences in NYC when my son was born four years ago... but I'd rather not. This goes beyond legalities and reflects a reality where I do not believe "Gay Marriage" is about equality at all.
Noah David Simon at 1:57pm February 4
you chose to have the child. straight people don't have that choice. a legal contract should reflect that.
Heather Milk Gold at 2:04pm February 4
I am gay and married. I agree that marriage means something. That's why we're married. It is a real situation.
Stacey and I don't have the same tax benefits as straight marriages in most of the country. We don't have the right to visit each other in the hospital in most of the country. We aren't recognized as family when we cross the border traveling together. Many gay couples can't stay together if one is from another country (I am but was able to naturalize and become American). All of these things we need. We take care of each other are committed to each other and deserve all the same recognition of that.
You don't seem to be talking to me about my words or experience but something you've decided on the basis of your experiences with others. I know lots of other Jewish men but I don't imagine everything they did or said is the same as what you would do or say.
Straight folks absolutely choose to have children. Every child born is not an accident.
Noah David Simon at 2:10pm February 4
no. I don't only make arguments on theory and logic when arguing hate. that is a given. I only want your social contract to reflect the reality of your situation and not reflect a lie. Is the Gloria Steinem one size fits all part of your feminism 2.0?
Heather Milk Gold at 2:58pm February 4
I honestly do not understand the points you are making. My marriage and our commitment and life needs are all real. We need protection so that our children cannot be taken away from us in other states and so that we are both recognized as our children's parents. That is the reality I'm doing my best to plan for given the drastic legal inequality in many parts of US.
We cannot receive social security and other benefits for each other etc. We will be spending our lives together. That's our reality. Do we have spousal immunity in courts of law? These and many other questions generally leave us unprotected until the law is amended.
Noah David Simon at 3:07pm February 4
when you respect my right,... and the reality I deal with (where pregnancy is not an option it is part of life that happens in unwanted circumstances. Abortion is not a healthy option and it is proven to be that even if you think it is a moral thing)... perhaps then you will see what you are talking about is just more blacklisting and hate. you ask for respect, but you give none. your legal status is like Palestine's. it will be DENIED, till it is safe for the other party who is threatened. You can violently reject my rights... or you can acknowledge your situation. the fact that you voted for Sheehan doesn't leave me with much confidence in your understanding of an existential situation.
Heather Milk Gold at 3:19pm February 4
1. You don't know who I voted for and it wasn't Sheehan.
2. What have I done that you feel is violent to you?
3. How are you unsafe? How, specifically am i making you unsafe? I desire safety for everyone. That includes you.
Noah David Simon at 4:08pm February 4
you had not corrected me, and I know Sheehan was a major opposition to Pelosi. I brought it up above.
violence would be attempting to take my rights to special government support away for your theoretical needs that you can chose to burden yourself. I've experienced tremendous hostility from the "Gay" community in NYC. I've lost my job at "The Black Book" due to this exact issue partly. The man I worked next to was gay and while I showed him nothing but tolerance, he showed nothing but contempt, which is ironic because I was one of the few heterosexual males that didn't contempt people for sexual lifestyles at that company. I've had a $4000 PowerBook destroyed at Starbucks merely for questioning this issue. I do not feel safe. I understand your community has been burdened by bigotry, but you are giving off nothing but that hate. This is not theory. This is real. I sympathize with your situation, but your community is not compromising on taking away straight people's rights
Noah David Simon at 4:25pm February 4
compound this to a NYC environment where people were telling me I should have to get a license to procreate? how about the "breeder" jokes. if it weren't real I wouldn't be involved. The law will evolve when the hatred is put away, but I assure you that marriage is a civil contract that needs to reflect people, not the theory that you can chose to go to a sperm bank. where is my choice? this is some affirmative action you will not get from me. my rights will not be compromised by your hypothetical mono culture.
Heather Milk Gold at 5:21pm February 4
Overall it sounds like you've had some bad experiences with other people (none of which are me). So I'm not sure why you assume I believe or support things that others may have that you feel hurt you.
One thing at a time here so I can handle it:
"violence would be attempting to take my rights to special government support away"
What are you your rights to special gov't support ? I don't know what this is. I don't advocate you losing any rights whatsoever, and no gay equality or gay marriage group I'm aware of does either.
Noah David Simon at 6:14pm February 4
there are violent economic ramifications in California and New York. To deny this is silly and you would have to be pretty smug to pretend the social networking "blocks" haven't gone haywire over this issue.
Noah David Simon at 6:44pm February 4
to be supported in "hetero" needs are the government institutions I ask for and we get this through "marriage". Marriage is a convention and social contract you want to water down with people that don't have the situation where they are facing a reality where they face no choice.... which you have. the violence comes from your inability to realize that there is a real threat from your community to people that speak out or finance Prop8... especially in places where the Gay Community is powerful. it is violence to ignore that reality... I have faced it first hand. there is also smug lack of respect that I am feeling. The first part of respecting difference is in respecting my difference. which you and the gay community have not. you are denying a real violence. economic and physical. try being a young poor single straight male in an urban gay community and try renting an apartment. try socializing outside the "Republican" community onlline and meet the Scoble fascists. bigotry
Heather RT Last wk judge ruled that YesOn8 donors must be made public. Names were released today! http://bit.ly/1488O & http://bit.ly/ByRl (list).via Twitter - 3:33pm - Comment
Noah David Simon at 1:20am February 3
Big Brother is Gay?
Heather Milk Gold at 5:09pm February 3
Nothing big brother-y at all about having transparency with political contributions. Partnof democracy. Donations to *all* campaigns are public including no on 8's.
In order to be "Big Brother" one would have to be anonymous (all no on 8/pro gay marriage orgs and donors are public) and in power (we lost. Gay peeps have least legal standing/power/rights in the nation).
Noah David Simon at 8:36pm February 3
that is about as balanced as Ron Paul isolationist statement and it sounds like something Joseph McCarthy would say. all for the transparency. great... I'm for nudity on all beaches. I don't want any bitching about Cellulite. come now... we all know about the Prop8 blacklisting going on. lame!
Heather Milk Gold at 1:18pm February 4
You think political donations should always be secret? Transparency is the issue the court ruled on and one that I support 100%.
Noah David Simon at 1:32pm February 4
now you want to reveal and black list people who are fighting your hate. your transparency is glaringly arbitrary as is your concept of social contracts. "Gay Marriage" is terribly un-transparent in that it does not reflect the biological truth that you have no dangers with pregnancy. you are taking government support away from people burdened with pregnancy because of hate and bigotry and I do not approve of it. what is good for the geese is good for the gander or whatever the in-between label they have for gay birds is. I can't wait to get the Pilosi people out of power.
Heather Milk Gold at 1:36pm February 4
Dude, I have never said a thing about black listing. I'm really not sure what you're talking about. "Taking government support away from.." ? I didn't write anything like that. I said I'm glad the court decided the donors to the campaigns have to be public. btw, I'm in the process of planning pregnancy right now.
And I live in Pelosi's district and didn't vote for her. You've made a whole lot of assumptions there.
Noah David Simon at 1:38pm February 4
yeah I know about the Pelosi alternative too. even worse. don't know about the blacklisting? come now!
Heather Milk Gold at 1:42pm February 4
Unclear from your notes. Do you support my legal equality and right to marry or no?
Heather Milk Gold at 1:42pm February 4
Legally speaking, that is. We're already married and that's not really up to anyone else.
Noah David Simon at 1:43pm February 4
here is some info from google for the Sheehan haters http://www.google.com/sear
Heather Milk Gold at 1:43pm February 4
I don't hate anyone, btw.
Noah David Simon at 1:45pm February 4
I support your right to do whatever you want as long as you don't hurt other people. taking away social contract that are honest and reflect the reality on the ground is bigotry and hate and I will not allow it. you can apply for the same benefits once you adopt and not before. It would be unfair to children and parents otherwise.
Heather Milk Gold at 1:47pm February 4
My focus is on equalitycamp.com and doing everything I can to build our movement by reaching out to people one on one.
But if people want to choose another hotel instead of Marriott, that doesn't bother me. That's choice.
The way we will eventually win our legal rights is reaching out to people and finding common ground. But also not accepting poor treatment.
I hope the Mormon Church will stand behind its statements that it supports some rights for gay couples and individuals. I know Equality Utah is working on a Common Ground law and has taken out ads asking the Mormon Church to work with it.
Heather Milk Gold at 1:50pm February 4
Where have you read me say that I want to take away a right from anyone?
I'm going to give birth, so I won't be adopting. NY State law already states both my wife and I will be on the birth certificate for the child. I don't see how our having a family harms anyone. on the contrary, it invests us in working harder for family protections for all.
Noah David Simon at 1:56pm February 4
I support your right to do whatever you want... but when you are talking about a legal contract you are talking about "meaning" that applies to a real situation. giving privileges to those that don't need it is not an attribute our government should aspire to. a marriage means something. It has a civil meaning that the Prop8 blacklisters do not respect. Obviously this is not just an absolutist strict constitutional argument either. I believe there is enough hate and violence coming from the gay community that I have experienced first hand that I can say that this is by no means a theoretical argument. I could get into the details of my experiences in NYC when my son was born four years ago... but I'd rather not. This goes beyond legalities and reflects a reality where I do not believe "Gay Marriage" is about equality at all.
Noah David Simon at 1:57pm February 4
you chose to have the child. straight people don't have that choice. a legal contract should reflect that.
Heather Milk Gold at 2:04pm February 4
I am gay and married. I agree that marriage means something. That's why we're married. It is a real situation.
Stacey and I don't have the same tax benefits as straight marriages in most of the country. We don't have the right to visit each other in the hospital in most of the country. We aren't recognized as family when we cross the border traveling together. Many gay couples can't stay together if one is from another country (I am but was able to naturalize and become American). All of these things we need. We take care of each other are committed to each other and deserve all the same recognition of that.
You don't seem to be talking to me about my words or experience but something you've decided on the basis of your experiences with others. I know lots of other Jewish men but I don't imagine everything they did or said is the same as what you would do or say.
Straight folks absolutely choose to have children. Every child born is not an accident.
Noah David Simon at 2:10pm February 4
no. I don't only make arguments on theory and logic when arguing hate. that is a given. I only want your social contract to reflect the reality of your situation and not reflect a lie. Is the Gloria Steinem one size fits all part of your feminism 2.0?
Heather Milk Gold at 2:58pm February 4
I honestly do not understand the points you are making. My marriage and our commitment and life needs are all real. We need protection so that our children cannot be taken away from us in other states and so that we are both recognized as our children's parents. That is the reality I'm doing my best to plan for given the drastic legal inequality in many parts of US.
We cannot receive social security and other benefits for each other etc. We will be spending our lives together. That's our reality. Do we have spousal immunity in courts of law? These and many other questions generally leave us unprotected until the law is amended.
Noah David Simon at 3:07pm February 4
when you respect my right,... and the reality I deal with (where pregnancy is not an option it is part of life that happens in unwanted circumstances. Abortion is not a healthy option and it is proven to be that even if you think it is a moral thing)... perhaps then you will see what you are talking about is just more blacklisting and hate. you ask for respect, but you give none. your legal status is like Palestine's. it will be DENIED, till it is safe for the other party who is threatened. You can violently reject my rights... or you can acknowledge your situation. the fact that you voted for Sheehan doesn't leave me with much confidence in your understanding of an existential situation.
Heather Milk Gold at 3:19pm February 4
1. You don't know who I voted for and it wasn't Sheehan.
2. What have I done that you feel is violent to you?
3. How are you unsafe? How, specifically am i making you unsafe? I desire safety for everyone. That includes you.
Noah David Simon at 4:08pm February 4
you had not corrected me, and I know Sheehan was a major opposition to Pelosi. I brought it up above.
violence would be attempting to take my rights to special government support away for your theoretical needs that you can chose to burden yourself. I've experienced tremendous hostility from the "Gay" community in NYC. I've lost my job at "The Black Book" due to this exact issue partly. The man I worked next to was gay and while I showed him nothing but tolerance, he showed nothing but contempt, which is ironic because I was one of the few heterosexual males that didn't contempt people for sexual lifestyles at that company. I've had a $4000 PowerBook destroyed at Starbucks merely for questioning this issue. I do not feel safe. I understand your community has been burdened by bigotry, but you are giving off nothing but that hate. This is not theory. This is real. I sympathize with your situation, but your community is not compromising on taking away straight people's rights
Noah David Simon at 4:25pm February 4
compound this to a NYC environment where people were telling me I should have to get a license to procreate? how about the "breeder" jokes. if it weren't real I wouldn't be involved. The law will evolve when the hatred is put away, but I assure you that marriage is a civil contract that needs to reflect people, not the theory that you can chose to go to a sperm bank. where is my choice? this is some affirmative action you will not get from me. my rights will not be compromised by your hypothetical mono culture.
Heather Milk Gold at 5:21pm February 4
Overall it sounds like you've had some bad experiences with other people (none of which are me). So I'm not sure why you assume I believe or support things that others may have that you feel hurt you.
One thing at a time here so I can handle it:
"violence would be attempting to take my rights to special government support away"
What are you your rights to special gov't support ? I don't know what this is. I don't advocate you losing any rights whatsoever, and no gay equality or gay marriage group I'm aware of does either.
Noah David Simon at 6:14pm February 4
there are violent economic ramifications in California and New York. To deny this is silly and you would have to be pretty smug to pretend the social networking "blocks" haven't gone haywire over this issue.
Noah David Simon at 6:44pm February 4
to be supported in "hetero" needs are the government institutions I ask for and we get this through "marriage". Marriage is a convention and social contract you want to water down with people that don't have the situation where they are facing a reality where they face no choice.... which you have. the violence comes from your inability to realize that there is a real threat from your community to people that speak out or finance Prop8... especially in places where the Gay Community is powerful. it is violence to ignore that reality... I have faced it first hand. there is also smug lack of respect that I am feeling. The first part of respecting difference is in respecting my difference. which you and the gay community have not. you are denying a real violence. economic and physical. try being a young poor single straight male in an urban gay community and try renting an apartment. try socializing outside the "Republican" community onlline and meet the Scoble fascists. bigotry
Milking the AList with TROLL BOOBS

conversation on friendfeed
Jason Calacanis calls Igor a Troll to promote his site
What is Female Desire? POSTFEMINISM from the NYTIMES

"fantasies of rape. According to an analysis of relevant studies published last year in The Journal of Sex Research, an analysis that defines rape as involving “the use of physical force, threat of force, or incapacitation through, for example, sleep or intoxication, to coerce a woman into sexual activity against her will,” between one-third and more than one-half of women have entertained such fantasies, often during intercourse, with at least 1 in 10 women fantasizing about sexual assault at least once per month in a pleasurable way." "I had been thinking about three ideas from our many talks: the power, for women, in being desired; the keen excitement stoked by descriptions of sex with strangers; and her positing of distinct systems of arousal and desire. This last concept seemed to confound a simpler truth, that women associate lubrication with being turned on. The idea of dual systems appeared, possibly, to be the product of an unscientific impulse, a wish to make comforting sense of the unsettling evidence of women’s arousal during rape and during depictions of sexual assault in the lab." "Wearing goggles that track eye movement, her subjects looked at pictures of heterosexual foreplay. The men stared far more at the females, their faces and bodies, than at the males. The women gazed equally at the two genders, their eyes drawn to the faces of the men and to the bodies of the women — to the facial expressions, perhaps, of men in states of wanting, and to the sexual allure embodied in the female figures." "evidence involving rape has influenced her construction of separate systems. She has confronted clinical research reporting not only genital arousal but also the occasional occurrence of orgasm during sexual assault. And she has recalled her own experience as a therapist with victims who recounted these physical responses. She is familiar, as well, with the preliminary results of a laboratory study showing surges of vaginal blood flow as subjects listen to descriptions of rape scenes. So, in an attempt to understand arousal in the context of unwanted sex, Chivers, like a handful of other sexologists, has arrived at an evolutionary hypothesis that stresses the difference between reflexive sexual readiness and desire."
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