I wasn't riding my bike. me and some other guys were moving rusted nails in the woods. if it was biking the sign does not specify distance. rusted nails could cause critical injuries to those that use the facility. their attempt was to block males in Poughkeepsie from using a public facility that is leased by Poughkeepsie to the college with understanding that the public has access. it is a common place for women to jog and the police will often find ways to block access to local male youth in an attempt to exclude them. this isn't an isolated incident. my family is a member of the farm there. I have seen a pattern of hostility directed against young men. their abuse is completely arbitrary and was an attempt to pick straws to find reasons to eject heterosexual males from a community that is generally hostile to men
facebook goes Chomsky

it is bizarre that some of these facebook employees see no correlation between a page for some hate group and what happened this week in Washington at the Holocaust Museum and no correlation between the employees of facebook, their opinions and how facebook follows their own terms
Holocaust denial has not disqualified Abbas from getting Obama’s first phone call from the White House. Why then must Von Brunn stay in prison, instead of being invited to the Oval Office? It couldn’t be because Von Brunn hates Jews or tried to kill them. Von Brunn is an amateur compared to Abbas. the slippery slope is slippery only because it’s mud slide wants to be contained by haters. It all leads right to the top
this won’t get traffic. if it did facebook would follow their own policy and ban hate speech. if any of this caught the attention of advertisers, facebook would be out of business.
‘When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean -neither more nor less.’ ‘The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’ ‘The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master—that’s all.’ — Lewis Carroll
if the person who quoted Chomsky had read anything about Chomsky they would know there isn’t anything systematic about language according to the axioms of Chomsky. Language doesn’t have meaning through systematic method. you can’t prove or disprove semiotics. it is simply understood. to be so obtuse and dry as to pretend that meaning is a mathematical science because you quote Chomsky is an immediate sign of bias. I have asked facebook to be true to free speech for years now. Now I am humbly asking them to at least to be socially responsible with their supposed “discretion”. the fact that they are neither and are in conflict with their own terms is a good argument for AntiTrust laws to be used. I disagree with the expansive mindset of facebook, but the argument is that they are supposedly creating a better environment for communication. enabling hate speech is in conflict with their own arguments. I happen to disagree with their claim that they can censor, but now it seems even their censorship is random and hate based. we would love for facebook to have free speech! what we have instead is populism. facebook caters to the tyranny of the mob. that isn’t freedom. What has happened is Holocaust denial has become hip enough that facebook is allowing it. In the same respect nudity has become culturally taboo in a majority of circles and therefor facebook censors it. In the same respect Jewish Conservative groups go down all the time. for crying out loud! how is this free speech? if facebook wants to enact a policy of free speech I would support it, but if they are not then it is the users interest to influence facebook into responsible behavior.
Holocaust denial has not disqualified Abbas from getting Obama’s first phone call from the White House. Why then must Von Brunn stay in prison, instead of being invited to the Oval Office? It couldn’t be because Von Brunn hates Jews or tried to kill them. Von Brunn is an amateur compared to Abbas. the slippery slope is slippery only because it’s mud slide wants to be contained by haters. It all leads right to the top
this won’t get traffic. if it did facebook would follow their own policy and ban hate speech. if any of this caught the attention of advertisers, facebook would be out of business.
‘When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean -neither more nor less.’ ‘The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’ ‘The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master—that’s all.’ — Lewis Carroll
if the person who quoted Chomsky had read anything about Chomsky they would know there isn’t anything systematic about language according to the axioms of Chomsky. Language doesn’t have meaning through systematic method. you can’t prove or disprove semiotics. it is simply understood. to be so obtuse and dry as to pretend that meaning is a mathematical science because you quote Chomsky is an immediate sign of bias. I have asked facebook to be true to free speech for years now. Now I am humbly asking them to at least to be socially responsible with their supposed “discretion”. the fact that they are neither and are in conflict with their own terms is a good argument for AntiTrust laws to be used. I disagree with the expansive mindset of facebook, but the argument is that they are supposedly creating a better environment for communication. enabling hate speech is in conflict with their own arguments. I happen to disagree with their claim that they can censor, but now it seems even their censorship is random and hate based. we would love for facebook to have free speech! what we have instead is populism. facebook caters to the tyranny of the mob. that isn’t freedom. What has happened is Holocaust denial has become hip enough that facebook is allowing it. In the same respect nudity has become culturally taboo in a majority of circles and therefor facebook censors it. In the same respect Jewish Conservative groups go down all the time. for crying out loud! how is this free speech? if facebook wants to enact a policy of free speech I would support it, but if they are not then it is the users interest to influence facebook into responsible behavior.
Bronx Zoo Talk

some random topics with my Brother regarding the Zoo and other important issues

now this is my idea of Diplomacy!
I demand Von Brunn be invited to the White House for a press conference and a hand shaking ceremony. He has the credentials to shake hands with Obama. The Holy Western Empire as a country is more real then Palestine will ever be. It is time for the Democrats to be consistent. Abbas and his Holocaust denial killed a lot more people then Von Brunn ever did. Obama is rejecting Von Brunn because he is white.
Chomsky's Ravenous Bugblatter Beast

if the person who quoted Chomsky had read anything about Chomsky they would know there isn’t anything systematic about language according to the axioms of Chomsky. Language doesn’t have meaning through systematic method. you can’t prove or disprove semiotics. it is simply understood. to be so obtuse and dry as to pretend that meaning is a mathematical science because you quote Chomsky is an immediate sign of bias. I have asked facebook to be true to free speech for years now. Now I am humbly asking them to at least to be socially responsible with their supposed “discretion”. the fact that they are neither and are in conflict with their own terms is a good argument for AntiTrust laws to be used. I disagree with the expansive mindset of facebook, but the argument is that they are supposedly creating a better environment for communication. enabling hate speech is in conflict with their own arguments. I happen to disagree with their claim that they can censor, but now it seems even their censorship is random and hate based. we would love for facebook to have free speech! what we have instead is populism. facebook caters to the tyranny of the mob. that isn’t freedom. What has happened is Holocaust denial has become hip enough that facebook is allowing it. In the same respect nudity has become culturally taboo in a majority of circles and therefor facebook censors it. In the same respect Jewish Conservative groups go down all the time. for crying out loud! how is this free speech? if facebook wants to enact a policy of free speech I would support it, but if they are not then it is the users interest to influence facebook into responsible behavior.
facebook goes Chomsky story continues here
facebook goes Chomsky story continues here
facebook urls open for hate speech

Holocaust Museum Shooting

I don't care if it is the left or the right that did it. they are both bad. but the website of the killer today reads out of an Alex Jones Text Book. it is Bilderberg Conspiracy crap. Lies about the Rothchild family... the FEDERAL Reserve.... you get the idea?
and we wonder why these people think these things?
and we wonder why these people think these things?
Nets Arena Brooklyn

I disagree with the NYTimes take on the new design of the Nets Basketball Arena. The restraints of the new economy has forced Brooklyn to scale down their dreams and I think the possible design is more beautiful then what they had previously conceptualized. While I like the idea of a rooftop park and the integration with the street and community form, I think design and community should develope organically and if they trully wanted they could set code for future development, but to ask for the taxpayers to throw in the kitchen sink is poor archetecture. Gehry's design was just too grandiose
Ethnic Cleansing

the gun pointed to my head from scripture reflecting the present is very different then scripture that reflect an altered reality. people that attempt to follow violence... will act according to the wording. fundamental hostility would be hostility of the moment. using a blanket argument of religious universal hostility, one could summarize that anyone who disagrees and feels a bitter end will be the result is violent. these arguments are proven conjecture. Islam's nature is self evident from it's writing. in some slippery slope everyone feels that the errors of humans around them will lead to their demise. the beauty of Western thought is that it creates a safety device. the present situation is not the axioms of finality. Islam does not have this institution. in fact Islam repeatedly reminds it's followers that if they are not committing aggression that the messiah will not come. the burden is on Islam to fight. it is an irony that the safety device in Western thinking that protects our culture from acting erratically is the fixation of terrorist sympathetic arguments. the end of time can not be brought on pro-actively in Judeo-Christianity.
"The agreement with the administration was publicly announced in May 2004 by then president George W. Bush at the White House following his meeting with Sharon and published in a public letter from Bush to Sharon. Bush's letter recognized that Israel would not return to the 1949 armistice lines and that major communities and blocs of settlements in areas within its domestic consensus like the Adumim bloc, the Ariel bloc and the Etzion bloc would remain under Israeli control in perpetuity. The same is true for areas like the Jordan Valley which are essential for ensuring that our borders are defensible. Sharon upheld the Bush letter as an "unprecedented achievement" in a speech before the Knesset. And he, his chief of staff Dov Weisglass, Livni, and Ehud Olmert all presented it as the payoff for leaving Gaza."
even CNN has the Bush/Sharon letters that contradict the Obama administration and Clinton
"The agreement with the administration was publicly announced in May 2004 by then president George W. Bush at the White House following his meeting with Sharon and published in a public letter from Bush to Sharon. Bush's letter recognized that Israel would not return to the 1949 armistice lines and that major communities and blocs of settlements in areas within its domestic consensus like the Adumim bloc, the Ariel bloc and the Etzion bloc would remain under Israeli control in perpetuity. The same is true for areas like the Jordan Valley which are essential for ensuring that our borders are defensible. Sharon upheld the Bush letter as an "unprecedented achievement" in a speech before the Knesset. And he, his chief of staff Dov Weisglass, Livni, and Ehud Olmert all presented it as the payoff for leaving Gaza."
even CNN has the Bush/Sharon letters that contradict the Obama administration and Clinton
Playboy: conservative women hate f*(% top 10

updated from last week. the original post was 6/2/09
I find it amusing that they didn't just go with it. it would of been interesting to establish the libidinal nature of all of this. when it got outside of the frame of slander they just censored. there is such a thing as hate sex... in language. but the reality is that people who sleep with those they disagree with... are usually not disagreeing privately. they might turn it into play, but the media and the left had a preoccupation for decades with Clintons campaign advisor James Carville (married to Republican political pundit Mary Matalin). the reality is that the polarity of politics is rarely reflected in the bed room. it is just a matter of time before all of us are arguing as "liberals" against American Sharia Conservative law. those that are really against us are not sexy.
Pussy aMANdaCHAPel

Alexis de Tocqueville

"I studied the Quran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. So far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion more to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself."
-Alexis de Tocqueville
-Alexis de Tocqueville
Gay Arabic Speakers in the Military

What did you think about the hearing on the future of journalism?

http://new.seesmic.com/threads/u1KswBsMH8 taken from a Seesmic thread
why the media is failing. an analysis and an example.
why the media is failing. an analysis and an example.
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