The reports, “Palestinian Hate Education Since Annapolis” and “Funding Hate Education,” detail what the Taxpayers’ Alliance refers to as a campaign of “demonizing Israel” largely funded by European taxpayers, a policy it says diminishes long-term hopes for peace.
The Taxpayers’ Alliance said it has taken up the issue of incitement against Israel in the Palestinian territories because it believes there must be greater scrutiny of aid programs for the PA, so that taxpayer money from the UK and the EU no longer funds programs that harm the peace process and the national interests of British and EU citizens.
Matthew Sinclair, research director for the Taxpayers’ Alliance, said at a press briefing in Jerusalem, held with Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, that in Palestinian society, “we’re looking at a population where 42 percent are under the age of 15. You have a huge younger generation whose views are going to shape the situation for a long time.
“Peace lies in the hearts and minds of people and it’s vital that the right attitudes are encouraged in people and the right conditions are created for peace,” Sinclair continued.
Well, if you live in the EU, you might be a little startled to discover that you do. Click here to see the proof. This EU document reveals that the unelected mandarins are indirectly funding the intifada on your behalf, with millions of Euros in donations to ‘human rights and democracy groups’ that are being made on your behalf. They didn’t mention this in the Lisbon Treaty.
Surprised? There’s more. Take a look at the picture below – these women were released from custody this week after being arrested for overstaying their visas and being involved in violent anti-Israel protests in East Jerusalem. Do they look particularly Middle Eastern to you? No? That’s because they’re not.
In fact the women pictured are from Spain and Australia and are activists for an organisation called the ‘International Solidarity Movement’ – a terrorist-connected leftist front group, which lures students to ‘Palestine’ to agitate against Israeli interests. Idealistic, wide-eyed Western teenagers are placed into often violent conflict zones to make propaganda for ISM paymasters – and as in the case of Briton Tom Hurndall and American Rachel Corrie, the consequences can prove deadly.
Two ISM members - an Australian and a Spaniard - were released from custody this week after their involvement in 'violent protest'
Not that that bothers the ISM too much, who continue their operations today. Neither does it appear to bother university administrators – they also remain active and high-profile on just about every university campus in the West.
"Hey, let's play terrorists!" - ISM members play with guns while on a visit to a West Bank prison (really - you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried!) while a member of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade looks on
So the next time you see TV images of protests and riots in Israel – we hope you’ll take pause and ask yourselves the questions the mainstream media almost never asks of itself:
Who stands to gain? Who’s behind it? Who’s funding it?
Note: video is a Playlist and all three parts will play in sequence automatically
To examine the situation at at face value (and certainly after watching the BBCs shamefully-biased Panorama coverage - according to them, the history of Jerusalem appears to begin in 1948), you would be forgiven for thinking that the situation is clear cut – those evil Israelis are committing some kind of ‘religious cleansing’ operation – turfing out innocent Palestinian Arabs and stuffing the affected districts with Jews. It’s obvious – isn’t it?A closer look, however, reveals other forces at work – agitating behind the scenes to foment unrest and violence; and to implicate the Israelis.
Far left organisations such as the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) are stirring up opposition – Hagai El-Ada, director of ACRI was arrested after he was found among around 150 people rioting outside a recently-built Jewish home. But who’s behind this organisation? Who funds it?
Well, if you live in the EU, you might be a little startled to discover that you do. Click here to see the proof. This EU document reveals that the unelected mandarins are indirectly funding the intifada on your behalf, with millions of Euros in donations to ‘human rights and democracy groups’ that are being made on your behalf. They didn’t mention this in the Lisbon Treaty.