It's like this :
"They drink your Milshake" as the movie based on Upton Sinclair's novel ....yes Upton Sinclair wrote.
The Conservatives might say take tiny sips and Conserve and the Liberals might want to gulp that milkshake down, but in the end.... honey they "DRANK YOUR MILKSHAKE".
We need to stop it with the Left and Right. We need to close those trade borders down.
Stop saying Ron Paul is an isolationist. He isn't. If he was then I would like him. He wants free trade with Iran as well. you can't have internationalist free trade without backing that up with a military. Paul knows this. That is how you know he is a hypocrite. let those Persians eat their own Pistachio nuts and let the Saudis use their own oil.
Internationalist Corporate Anarchy is not the answer. We need to protect the sovereignty of the Republic. That is what real Republicans would do. Not these idiots that live on economic Capitalistic theory.
WAKE UP AMERICA. it is pointless to be all about free trade if your workers are going to be undercut by Chinese labor. If the so called Conservatives really were Conserving then they would be protecting more then just a fiction of Capitalism. Without checks and balances there is no American Republic.
Both political parties are in bed outside of our country. not just the Democrats that ran our tax dollars outside of our fiscal ecosystem through federal buyouts.
FOX NEWS is just the tip of the ice berg.
Now more than ever, we need an independent media. In the "information battle space," the playing field is heavily weighted in favor of the enemy.
A few people sent me a Financial Times headline they read, today, on the Drudge Report, regarding Rupert Murdoch’s and FOX News Channel owner News Corp’s purchase of a large stake in Saudi Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal’s Rotana Media. But to readers who’ve been here since, at least, September, it is old news. I covered it here before FT and Drudge, back in the beginning of September. Read the details. And as I reminded you then, there’s a reason I call FOX News Channel, “PAWNN,” the Prince AlWaleed News Network.
FLASHBACK –, September 3, 2009: Rupert Murdoch, FOX News Parent Co Increase Ties w/ Extremist Saudi Prince, Seeking Arab Street Viewers
Remember: read it here first, or get it from Drudge and FT (without my in-depth info and analysis), half a year later.
read the rest at
Prince Alwaleed, chairman of Kingdom Holding Company, addresses a news conference in Riyadh on Tuesday. (AN photo)
Published: Feb 23, 2010 11:45 PM Updated: Feb 24, 2010 12:12 AM
RIYADH: News Corp, the media empire owned by Rupert Murdoch, is to buy a 9.09-percent stake in Rotana, the Saudi-based Middle Eastern music and entertainment group wholly owned by Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.
The $70 million deal, announced at a news conference by the prince at his Kingdom Tower headquarters in Riyadh on Tuesday, deepens the burgeoning partnership between the two media moguls. Prince Alwaleed already holds a seven-percent stake in News Corp, whose stable includes 20th Century Fox, Fox News, the New York Post, the London Times and Sky TV.
Under the agreement, News Corp has an option to acquire a further 9.09-percent stake in Rotana. The option will run for 18 months after the deal is signed.
New Corp has been seeking to expand its presence in the growing Middle Eastern entertainment market for some time and has been considering a number of ventures in partnership with the prince's Kingdom Holding Company (KHC). Five months ago it was reported in the Wall Street Journal that the Murdoch group was looking at a 20-percent stake in Rotana.
Prince Alwaleed told Arab News that the deal was not cash-driven. It went "way beyond finance." Rotana, which owns the largest record label in the Arab world and 11 television channels, was "fully financed" he said. The deal was about News Corp's confidence in Rotana and commitment to it. It will enable the media group to gain from News Corp's experience in movie production, television, the news media and technology. He spoke of its providing a "qualitative leap" not just for Rotana but for the Arab world.
The prince said that the deal would strengthen the existing relationship with News Corp — "building Rotana's presence across the region and expanding its reach to the Arab diaspora around the world."
In a prepared statement, Rupert Murdoch's son James, who heads News Corp's European and Asian arm, said that the newly acquired stake would help his company expand its presence in "a region with a young and growing population where GDP is set to outstrip that of more developed economies in the years ahead."
Prince Alwaleed also announced that shares in Rotana will be floated on the stock market. Advisers will be appointed within the next two months in order to prepare an initial public offering (IPO). Decisions still need to be made as to the number of shares to be issued, where they would be traded and what changes in business and management were required prior to an IPO, the prince said. The deal values Rotana at just over $770m.
Alwaleed also has significant stakes in a number of other media and entertainment corporations including LBC, Time Warner (owner of CNN, HBO and Fortune Magazine as well as Warner Bros and Time Magazine) and Euro Disney. KHC has a 29.9 percent stake in Saudi Research and Marketing Group, the parent company of Arab News.
tell the ignorant progressives to shut up about being RIGHT WING.