J Rats

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Freedom has become a very loose term, now used by the Left to attack every principle of our free society.It is now clear that the degenerate Israeli, mostly the Leftist, "progressive," elite academia is on rampage to attack the country from which it operates.
The worst case is when Jews go against other Jews . I call such doubtful Jews, unJews.
The unJew organizations, such as J Street and J-Call as well as individuals such as Shlomo Sand, Neve Gordon, and Gershon Baskin, Tel Aviv University president, Professor Joseph Klafter and the like, can all be lumped into one new "J" name, this time, "J Rats", a name derives from the derogative term Judenrat.
For those who are not familiar with the meaning of the term Judenrat, plural Judenräte, in the German language its meaning is "Jewish council." These were administrative bodies Nazi Germans required of the Jews to form in the German occupied territory of Poland and later in the occupied territories of the Russia/Soviet Union. The Judenrat served as a liaison between the Nazi German occupying authorities and the Jewish communities under occupation. The Judenrat operated pre-existing Jewish communal properties such as hospitals, soup kitchens, day care centers, and vocational schools. Though in a number of cases, such as the Minsk Ghetto and Lachwa Ghetto, Judenrats cooperated with the Resistance Movement, in most other cases, Judenrats collaborated with the Nazis, on the basis that cooperation might save the lives of the ghetto inhabitants, more so to save their lives only. Therefore, the word Judenrat attained derogative connotation.
In their false claim to be helping the State of Israel, or along their thinking that the State should adopt their suggested policy, J-Rats collaborate with and aid and abet Israel's enemies. Such ongoing efforts subvert the State and derail its sovereignty.
Nurit Greenger May 19, 2010 via docstalk.blogspot.com
