No one ever says a thing about Mecca where non Muslims are not even allowed to visit.
Weinstein: Criminal and disciplinary issues raised by state-employed rabbis' statement about renting to non-Jews will be explored; Yad Vashem states rabbinic letters a "severe blow" to Jewish values.
Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein on Thursday stated that his office would check if the behavior of state-employed rabbis, who signed a letter against renting to non-Jews, was "criminal." via
Weinstein's comments came in a letter to Meretz MK Ilan Gilon who had called on the rabbis to be ousted from their positions.
53% of Israelis say Arabs should be encouraged to leave:

The Israel Democracy Institute released the results of its Israeli Democracy Ranking and poll on Tuesday, revealing that 53 percent of Jewish Israelis say the government should encourage Arabs to emigrate from Israel, and only 51% believe Jews and Arabs should have equal rights.
this is what happens when you deny the limitations of a Democratic Republic. Republics are not meant to mix hostile people into Democracy. That is what borders are for. The problem is that Democracy has become a buzz word for what is ethical. Even the Greeks (for example Plato) understood that pure Democracy is tyranny. More and more Jews are starting to realize that Rabbi Kahane was right. What is ethical for both Jews and Muslims is separation.