The real lesson of Thanksgiving is don't fuck with things. ....oh but we had people who voted for "Change"
apparently there was a woman who used the Thanksgiving meal as a means to establish National unity during the civil war, but she was not successful.
The truth was that the Pilgrim story of Thanksgiving was manufactured from a letter found one hundred years ago.
The idea that the Pilgrims were eating Turkey, cranberry sauce and Pumpkin Pie is a myth. The Pilgrims didn't have any sugar. Most likely they were eating duck and fish... with possibly bread made of corn. They would not of eaten lobster because the Massachusetts lobsters were not tasty.
the largest myth according to this TV show was that the Indians were invited..... in fact they showed up because the Pilgrims were shooting their guns in celebration. Rather then get their ass kicked in by brutal savages the Pilgrims shared their meal.
most of the tradition associated with the holiday comes to us from the government... the armed forces who used it to boost morale during wars and obviously idiot liberals who used it to boost holiday spending.
it was just a TV show... and I don't believe everything I see on TV... but it was interesting.
I sure hope they rerun the show.
Thanksgiving is problematic for many on the left because it provides a positive view of American settlement and the interaction between European settlers and Native Americans. Which is why liberals will try to subvert the story of Thanksgiving by depicting the settlers negatively. This is almost universally common on television nowadays. And for those activists obsessed with what people eat, Thanksgiving with its obligatory heavy turkey dinner, is also a major target. So we get HRH Michelle Obama telling Americans what they can and can't eat for dinner. The difference is that Americans eat their own food. Unlike Michelle and her husband who eat at taxpayer expense.
The protests over the TSA have also failed to lead to a serious dialogue about what we should be doing to fight terrorism. Instead junk catchphrases and people stripping to their underwear while flying have turned media coverage of the situation into a series of running gags. Drudge forced media coverage of the backlash, but he steered it into freakshow areas. The media responded by running stories to pick up some of the traffic, but the stories they ran were more about the publicity stunts, while their above board coverage defended the Obama Administration and the TSA. It's a ridiculous situation when people can Tweet that they're going to fly in their underwear and get major news organizations to go and film them, that does nothing to address the problem. Instead it quickly leads to viewer fatigue and disinterest. And that means the policies will stay in place.
Too much of the backlash has focused on what people don't want, rather than what they do want. That has allowed the Obama Administration to frame it as a choice between security and privacy. When it's actually a choice between good security and bad security. That isn't entirely accidental. Too much of the coverage was led by sources who don't think that there even is such a thing as terrorism. Drudge and other blogs linked to content from 9/11 Truther Alex Jones and Prison Planet. This was Jones' most successful effort to embed himself among conservatives to date. For those such as Jones or Ron Paul, there is no terrorism. The whole thing is a government conspiracy. The way they fed the story, was the way it got told. And an opportunity to actually reform airline security was missed.
And so what should have been an upbeat time, a harvest festival and a reunion with friends and family, instead is tinted in haze. And that seems par for the course under Obama.