Whoopi then answers -O'Reilly tells Whoopi that, actually, Jews are about ten times more likely to be victims of hate crimes than Muslims.
(these 2009 stats; from a conglomerate of 14,222 federal agencies, as reported to the FBI)
"Well, some folks may believe that, but I believe...."
via bokertov.typepad.com
photographic portrait by Annie Liebovitz, |
Religious bias
Of the 1,575 victims of an anti-religious hate crime:
- 71.9 percent were victims because of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias.
- 8.4 percent were victims because of an anti-Islamic bias.
- 3.7 percent were victims because of an anti-Catholic bias.
- 2.7 percent were victims because of an anti-Protestant bias.
- 0.7 percent were victims because of an anti-Atheist/Agnostic bias.
- 8.3 percent were victims because of a bias against other religions
(anti-other religion).- 4.3 percent were victims because of a bias against groups of individuals
of varying religions (anti-multiple religions, group). (Based on Table
via www2.fbi.gov
Here's what's interesting.
Which mass media outlets will report how much the numbers differ from the perceptions that many of them have worked so hard to promote?
How many mainstream publications will carefully avoid pointing out who the real main victims of hate crimes are in today's America? Note how many mass media outlets cover this story while avoiding the facts laid out above.
Is anyone going to do some soul-searching or change their behavior regarding the bashing of Jews and Israel, especially on campuses?
Will people in academia, media, and government sing the praises of America as a remarkably tolerant society when it comes to religion?
UPDATE: I am told that the CNN coverage explained none of the above points, focused on hate crimes against homosexuals, and blamed an upsurge in "fundamentalist" Christianity for these attacks.
[Note: African-Americans are roughly four to six times more numerous in the American population but suffer only a bit more than twice as many hate crimes.]