Al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn Hated Fox News And Thought MSNBC Is Not Neutral Because They Fired Keith Olbermann

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Media_httpuploadwikim_ocdog(Adam Gadahn) I used to think that MSNBC channel may be good and neutral a bit, but is has lately fired two of the most famous journalists – Keith Olberman and Octavia Nasser the Lebanese.
(business insider) CNN, Gadahn's letter reads, is No. 2 on the hit list. He said that it is in the tank for the U.S. government more than anyone else, "except for Fox News, of course." He shared much of the same opinion about CBS, but he did like "60 Minutes" and its "long broadcasting time." And ABC, he wrote, is "all right." He wrote that ABC is "interested in al-Qaida issues, particularly the journalist Brian Ross." (MORE)
if we had told him that FOX NEWS was part Saudi owned... it wouldn't of helped.
