Wikileaks may have outed 'Mossad agent' causing his death

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A report in the Times of London shows that Wikileaks may have exposed Majid Fashi, a 24-year old Iranian 'Mossad agent' who was executed earlier this week for his alleged role in the assassination of an Iranian nuclear scientist (Hat Tip: Memeorandum).
The Times of London reported Wednesday that a document from the US Embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan, seemingly drew attention to Fashi. The September 2009 US diplomatic document — identified by the code 09BAKU687 — quotes an Iranian source who was a licensed martial arts coach and trainer as describing to his American contacts pressure from the Iranian regime to train soldiers and militiamen in martial arts.
Fashi was reportedly in Baku for an international martial arts competition only days before the US Embassy document was written.
The suggestion is that the Iranian authorities identified Fashi as someone who was in illicit contact with the West on the basis of the document. He was arrested days after the publication of the document by WikiLeaks in December of 2010 and charged with carrying out the January 2010 assassination of nuclear scientist Masoud Ali-Mohammadi on behalf of the Mossad.
The British report Wednesday quotes a UK academic, Birmingham University professor Scott Lucas, speculating that the diplomatic cable may have been a critical piece of evidence or simply a pretext on which to arrest Fashi. “It could have been used as a pretext against him; to set him up as a person who could take the fall for the assassination,” Lucas said.
There is nothing in the US document pertaining to Israel.
The evidence against him certainly sounds flimsy, but if you're an Iranian, how much contact are you going to want to have with the West after this? Let alone actually help out Israel or the US....
You can't trust your own people these days
