to those that were wondering about the rumor that I was back on twitter. it is true. the name @NoahDavidSimon was left open and I was not going to risk Loren Feldman or "HuffPo" friends co-opting my name again. I guarantee I have no interest in setting up new panopticons. I have a very strong network set up on facebook and I'm sticking to it. I will use twitter mainly to contact people associate with @JIDF
twitter account confirmed

to those that were wondering about the rumor that I was back on twitter. it is true. the name @NoahDavidSimon was left open and I was not going to risk Loren Feldman or "HuffPo" friends co-opting my name again. I guarantee I have no interest in setting up new panopticons. I have a very strong network set up on facebook and I'm sticking to it. I will use twitter mainly to contact people associate with @JIDF
I got hit by a car tonight on my bike

pissed. and black and blue. damn cops were suspicious of a dude that didn't want to go to a hospital. they arbitrarily started making stuff up about a ticket. they don't like a guy who doesn't trust the system
told the guy who hit me that I was fine... but he called an ambulance. the ambulance said I had high blood pressure... well duh!!! I hate the Poughkeepsie police. they don't like young looking men because Vassar college is here.
the thing that really angers me is I was nice enough after getting hit by a car to drop all accusations even though the guy didn't look for traffic. I assumed if I was cool they would leave me be. they were punitive to someone who doesn't accuse. I'm thinking about fighting this. the actual ticket is $25, but they had a lot of nerve after I had just been hit by a car. sad the way they kept on changing their accusation. they claim I didn't stop for the car. that wasn't what I said and they weren't there to see it. when I proved that they were wrong for giving me a ticket for that then they changed their accusation. they were determined to punish me for not going to a hospital. I should of just run after I got hit. believing in the traffic system in Poughkeepsie NY is a mistake.
one of the reasons I don't have a license is I know what arbitrary jerks the cops are to young men in upstate NY. It is just easier not to drive. last time I had my license some young girl passed me on the right in a dangerous fashion and a cop car pulled me over and not the woman. once they pull you over illegally they look for reasons. in my case it turned out my parent's car that I had been driving had been unregistered. my parents had been told it was registered by the used car salesman who gave me a drivers lesson from the driving school. but we can't prove we had been deceived. at any rate I couldn't afford to pay the ticket and my parents just decided it was better for me not to drive here even though I'm 35. that was why I bike around in the first place.
told the guy who hit me that I was fine... but he called an ambulance. the ambulance said I had high blood pressure... well duh!!! I hate the Poughkeepsie police. they don't like young looking men because Vassar college is here.
the thing that really angers me is I was nice enough after getting hit by a car to drop all accusations even though the guy didn't look for traffic. I assumed if I was cool they would leave me be. they were punitive to someone who doesn't accuse. I'm thinking about fighting this. the actual ticket is $25, but they had a lot of nerve after I had just been hit by a car. sad the way they kept on changing their accusation. they claim I didn't stop for the car. that wasn't what I said and they weren't there to see it. when I proved that they were wrong for giving me a ticket for that then they changed their accusation. they were determined to punish me for not going to a hospital. I should of just run after I got hit. believing in the traffic system in Poughkeepsie NY is a mistake.
one of the reasons I don't have a license is I know what arbitrary jerks the cops are to young men in upstate NY. It is just easier not to drive. last time I had my license some young girl passed me on the right in a dangerous fashion and a cop car pulled me over and not the woman. once they pull you over illegally they look for reasons. in my case it turned out my parent's car that I had been driving had been unregistered. my parents had been told it was registered by the used car salesman who gave me a drivers lesson from the driving school. but we can't prove we had been deceived. at any rate I couldn't afford to pay the ticket and my parents just decided it was better for me not to drive here even though I'm 35. that was why I bike around in the first place.
Girl On The Street

my dog arrested for being off leash

I bike in Poughkeepsie NY. I go to Vassar college to the farm and bike with my Labrador Retriever (she's faster then me on the offroad). there is a sign that says "no biking". I take that into consideration. I figure it is one of those slippery slope arguments. it doesn't specify the distance that the sign applies me to. I don't go within five feet of the sign. just in case they arrest me. I have my argument already prepared
my dog arrested for being off leash on
Nipple Twisting

you making child payments yet? know any gays that knocked up their wives? WAKE UP. it isn't constitutional. infidelity is a breach of contract. gay marriage is nothing but punitive anger. I'd sooner be skeptical of w4 tax forms then a marriage contract... and yet marriage is what the online tyrants are snarky about. a voting Democracy is right on this one. not one election won by the beauty pageant bullies. sadly the gay community will eventually understand that they need their own contracts to protect their own needs. till that time we will protect society from arbitrary abuse of the left. the Prop8 protesters are more hypocritical then a San Francisco politician on a Gitmo briefing. aren't honest about the nipple twisting that you knew about? well you can troll online because if you go public people will tear you a second asshole like Nancy Pilosi. Gay Marriage just isn't transparent. we need honesty. not lies. in related news: "'Gay' gene claim suddenly vanishes " no inherantly "Gay" people according to the American Psychological Association woman like PreJean get ahead without controversy. it was admirable of her. we live in a dangerous culture of parasites playing at slippery slopes. everything is debatable. Israel is just one argument away from over. people should be snarky at other documents besides marriage. marriage protects people because it reflects their relationship. it is transparent because it is reflective. true transparency reflects at certain angles and allows you to see through it at others. men have to pay child support. women can get pregnant. this is something the government needs to address. you can not grant rights by taking authentic dignity away. PreJean might not understand this and takes her opinions on faith (which I respect)... but there are very good reasons why religion is against "Gay Marriage". We have become so sarcastic as a society that we have forgotten to analyze what institution the angry pitchfork mobs are attempting to tear down.
You Don't Mess with the Zohan? *#(% the Zohan! I'm messing with him

Mexican Hookers

Media Abuses Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter is right and does not offend me at all I need to stand up for her perspective to be right if I ask others to stand up for mine. Did you think I was offended by her?
Ann Coulter is right and does not offend me at all I need to stand up for her perspective to be right if I ask others to stand up for mine. Did you think I was offended by her?
Ann Coulter is right and does not offend me at all I need to stand up for her perspective to be right if I ask others to stand up for mine. Did you think I was offended by her?
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