Jews Flee Sweden

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Ilmar Reepalu:
Arab self determination is fine,
it's Jewish self determination that I object to.

Another antisemitic Swedish/Scandinavian politician denies the Jews their obvious right to determine their own lives. In an interview, ironically about stamping out antisemtism in Malmö, Sweden, Mayor of Malmö, Ilmar Reepalu, blames the collective Jew, Israel, for recent attacks against Jews in Malmö, "due to the conflict in Gaza last year spilled over to Malmo."
But Reepalu goes further to elucidate his true views on Israel, which basically follows the thinking in the Islamic world, that Jews are not allowed a national movement of their own. For him, Zionism equals racism. But he wouldn't ever dream labeling the Palestinian movement as racist, for not wanting a single Jew to remain on "Arab land", as well as the Arab/Muslim states that support their position. From the interview:
Skå "Have You considered to say in public, that Malmö does not accept antisemitism. Or is it controversial?
Ilmar Reepalu: We don´t accept Zionism or antisemitism. They are extremists, which want to set themselves over other groups and believe they are worth less."
*NOTE: A sloppy google trans of the Swedish interview in English is available here.
Previously at Atlas: Swedish Carl Bildt, The Caliph of Malmö
This interview (in Swedish) is related to the previous story about the Mayor of Malmö, who blames Israel for rising antisemitism in Sweden, and stated that Zionism is racism. Here is the reason why Jews are leaving Sweden for the land of Israel. KGS

NOTE: Interesting that haters of Israel use that argument about Israeli politics influencing the Arab street in Europe, though Arab actions in the Middle East against Israel does not result in the same.

*The translation into English is by Google
