When I do agree: Ron Paul is RIGHT about Haiti

CVN--GOP-Ron Paul.JPGCouple of days ago, the House voted to express its condolences to Haiti for the devastating earthquake that hit Jan. 12, commending international relief efforts, calling for a long-term U.S. commitment to rebuilding the hemisphere's poorest nation, and urging Haiti's creditors to cancel its debts.

The vote was 411-1.

The lone holdout? Rep. Ron Paul of Lake Jackson - the former GOP and Libertarian contender for president and advocate for the most limited federal government possible.

"Certainly I am moved by the horrific destruction in Haiti, and would without hesitation express condolences to those who have suffered and continue to suffer. As a medical doctor, I have through my career worked to alleviate the pain and suffering of others," he said.

But he expressed grave misgivings about the "possibility of an open-ended US military occupation" and said voluntarily donations should suffice to help Haiti recover.

I'll stay objective on this: This is where I agree with Ron Paul's foreign policy. Where I disagree is where he blankets all issues together. We pick and choose who we do business with and what conflicts we want to be involved with, but Haiti needs to be dealt a stern hand. They can not get the idea that we will just prop them up forever and an open ended involvement is not prudent.

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