Turkey views nuclear proliferation as a consequence rather than a cause of insecurity. It acknowledges the threats and risks of further proliferation in its region and beyond, and has been a committed member of international regimes on non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.17 Ankara has plans to harness nuclear technology for electricity generation, and would be adversely affected by proliferation trends in the region. Additionally, its ties with the Middle East (historical and cultural) and the West, particularly its strategic relations with the United States and the accession process to the European Union, grant Turkey with the ability to “speak both languages.” More importantly, it is one of the countries that would incur the negative impact should negotiations with Iran fail and proliferation trends rise in the region. In sum, Turkey is fit to play an active role in negotiations and it is willing to do so
Military strikes are less credible, particularly for Israel, given Iran’s vast network of tunnels which hide the various uranium enrichment facilities around the country?
Who says Israel has to attack only once? There are no rules to survival.
The virtual defection of Turkey’s regime from the Western alliance (yes, it really is that bad) and the end of the special relationship between Jerusalem and Ankara is a bad thing. But the Turkish semi-Islamist rulers are restrained by their desire to play a role in regional peacemaking and not to make the Americans or Europeans too angry.
While America has been absorbed by the Afghan election imbroglio, a
less-noticed event slid into place in the Middle East. It is less dramatic than
President Hamid Karzai's near removal; but this event tilts the strategic
balance: Turkey finally shrugged off its United States straight-jacket; stared
past any beckoning European Union membership; and has fixed its eyes toward its
former Ottoman Asian and Middle Eastern neighbors.Turkey did not make this shift merely to snub the West; but it does reflect
Turkey's discomfort and frustration with US and EU
via atimes.com
Turkey is less interested in being in the EU... why? because a new aliance is in the making and it would seem Obama isn't on the ball. The northern Middle East states are principal suppliers of natural gas to Europe, displacing Russia as the dominant market of gas to central Europe.
The prospective Nabucco gas pipeline to central Europe may gradually eclipse the energy primacy of Saudi oil. This article is accusing Israel of creating the situation where they are responsible of demonizing not just Iran, but rather a whole region that is becoming allied for economic and strategic reasoning. It is interesting that the journalist downplayed the Chinese and Russians.
Turkey is now allied with Iran and Syria. How would they benefit by such military castration? I don’t see this happening. Wishful thinking, but the only solution is to invade Iran. Iran isn’t going to listen to another Islamic state either.