MK Zahalka: Committee must probe Arafat's death

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Hundreds of people participated in a Balad rally in Umm al-Fham in memory of former Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat, who died six years ago.  Knesset Member Jamal Zahalka called for the establishment of an international committee which would probe the circumstances of Arafat's death. (Roee Nahmias) via
If the doctors had had the slightest doubt, they would have referred it to the police. I note that permission was given for him to be buried," a government spokesman, Jean-Francois Cope, told reporters after the weekly French cabinet meeting, according to news accounts. He repeated France's refusal to release Arafat's medical records to anyone but his family, saying, "The public authorities can in no case violate this law, which touches on fundamental freedoms.
