Was Sestak THE Test For J Street? Back In July, J Street Seemed To Think So

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Daled Amos
04 November '10
Back in July, the Jewish Telegraph Agency was reporting that J Street saw Sestak as an important test for J Street:

Jeremy Ben-Ami, J Street's director, acknowledged that the Pennsylvania race is a test for his group.
"There's no question that this race is a very important test of what kind of support J Street and its supporters can deliver," he said. "We will show a substantial amount of money can be raised from our political action committee, and that a substaintial amount of money can be raised for a candidate that opposes the right wing on these issues."
Donors thus far have dedicated $100,000 to Sestak's race through the J Street PAC -- a hefty chunk of the $650,000 the organization has raised this cycle.

At the same time, Ben-Ami was hedging his bets:
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