Genocide and slavery OK, lighting makeup for a male model and sharing the catwalk with women - er, not so OK...
But, naturally in the surreal world of the RoP, it’s completely OK to kidnap your compatriots and enslave them:
A Sudanese court convicted seven men of indecency on Wednesday after police accused them of wearing makeup during a fashion show in Khartoum, their lawyer said.
The men, amateur models at the “Sudanese Next Top Model Fashion Show” in June, were arrested by the public order police, a body known for its crackdowns on perceived indecent dress and drinking in the Muslim north, one defendant told Reuters.
All seven were found guilty on Wednesday and each fined 200 Sudanese pounds, as was a woman who faced the same charge for applying the makeup, said lawyer Nabil Adib.
“The court thought that they were indecently dressed … The judge thought that wearing makeup could be offensive for men and allowing a woman to put makeup on men was against the law,” said Adib.
The lawyer said he had argued in court that men, including religious preachers, regularly wore makeup for appearances on Sudan’s state television station.
The defendants could have faced a maximum punishment of 40 lashes and imprisonment, said Adib.
Sudanese U.N. official Lubna Hussein was briefly jailed for wearing trousers in public after being found guilty for the same offence in 2009, a case that drew international criticism.
It isn’t the first time that the Sudanese version of the successful ‘America’s Next Top Model’ format has been the target of Islamist ire. Earlier in the year, the whole contingent of one of the shows was arrested for sharing a mixed catwalk (the horror!).
And it appears from the pictures we’ve seen that we’re not talking about cross-dressing of any kind here – the models appeared merely to be wearing lighting makeup and the clothes themselves seemed fairly conventional.
But that’s more than enough for some good old Morality Police action, it seems, once the now-familiar green mist of Islamic outrage begins to effuse.
The twin hallmarks of Muslim-majority countries practising Sharia (in this case one run by a genocidal maniac) are all too evident in divided Sudan – low levels of economic and human development and high levels of state-imposed ‘morality’.
But things may be about to change in this most benighted of countries.
We await with interest the result of an upcoming referendum to split the country between the Muslim North and the Christian South, which is due to take place on January 11 next year.
The coming years (if they are not blighted by civil war and terrorism which, if either occurs, will almost certainly have been instigated by the Muslim North), will bring into sharp relief the difference between the associated cultures of the two faiths.
We think that the South, given the opportunity, will rapidly out-develop its northern neighbour (indeed, there are signs it’s already happening); as the superior combination of Christianity and a secular state tends to focus on the work ethic and the wellbeing of it people; as opposed to the constant invocation of inimical 1400 year-old rules and ‘values’.
[Source: Manila Bulletin/Reuters]