Obama's hypocrisy is sickening.
Cowards. Complete moral cowards.
The US and British defense chiefs are dismissing the idea that because the international community responded to unrest in Libya with military force, the same should be done in Syria, where a government crackdown on protesters has reportedly killed hundreds.Sorry, but I don't buy this. I also find it hard to believe that Israel is so interested in preserving the Assad regime. I've heard nothing of the sort from anyone in power here. Could a replacement be worse for Israel than the terror supporting Assad? I doubt it.After meeting with Defense Secretary Robert Gates, British Defense Minister Liam Fox said Tuesday that the world's response to popular revolts across the Middle East and North Africa must be tailored to the circumstances of each case.
the double standard here is glaring. Any direct threat to Israel gets kitty gloves. We are in Libya at the behest of Europe's oil interests, but we have no real interest in the rights of people in countries where they are attacking Israel through proxy.