...and don't tell me that she might actually deserve her bank job. A woman like this in a bank is going to waste.
As if working in Citibank... were a public service. I know it is government money, but she is not entitled to Engineer a whole corporate culture for her fashion.
h/t Bob Schneider
also a quote from Jon Book:
"For those who speculated on the legal aspects of this, the case was dismissed. The suit was filed nearly a year ago, and was dismissed on the grounds that Citibank's employment contract required parties to submit to binding arbitration in disputes over termination. Since Ms. Lorenzana went to open court instead of to an arbitration, her claim was dismissed."
It just keeps getting better with Miss Lorenzana, the Citigroup employee who was allegedly fired for being too hot.
NY Daily News (via NY Mag) that appears to be from a few years ago. It's an 11-minute documentary on Debrahlee and her quest to get the biggest breasts on Wall Street. She's had two breast augmentations already, bringing her up to a 32D cup.
Oh, but it gets better. Says Lorenzana: "I want to be tits on a stick."
Breast augmentation devotee Debrahlee Lorenzana – now the plaintiff in a lawsuit — probably followed the findings of the professional plastic surgery associations and had some cosmetic plastic surgery to spruce up her appearance in the workplace.
But it may have been a tad overzealous – by a few cup sizes.
In any event, when the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) crunched their annual statistics, they found many plastic surgery patients said came in for a nip and a tuck or more to look better at work.