(times247.com) One of the left’s favorite attacks on the Republican Party is that it is the party of old white people, devoid of diversity and probably racist.![]()
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow
If you were watching MSNBC’s coverage of the Republican National Convention in Tampa on Tuesday night, you might believe those assertions, since missing from the coverage was nearly every ethnic minority that spoke during Tuesday’s festivities.
In lieu of airing speeches from former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis, a black American; Mia Love, a black candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Utah; and Texas senatorial hopeful Ted Cruz, a Latino American, MSNBC opted to show commentary anchored by Rachel Maddow from Rev. Al Sharpton, Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews, Chris Hayes and Steve Schmidt.
MSNBC cuts minorities at GOP convention

I was watching MSNBC with my father. My father voted for Obama and is a liberal (he was in a car accident last week after renting a FIAT). He started rubbing my face in the fact that there were not enough minorities being represented. Little did I know that we were viewing an edited version of events.
Museum disinvites Lars Wilks from Art Exhibition for Speaking Out Against Islam

Wow do I know about this kind of thing(Pamela Geller)It's funny (/not) how the art world fashions itself as cutting edge, outside-the-box, brave culture warriors when in fact they step an fetch it for Islamic supremacists and leftist totalitarians.
Lars Vilks er endnu engang endt i et stormvejr. Foto: Stigake Jensson/AP
They should have been 17, now there are 5 artists back in Swedish exhibition.
17 Swedish artists should have presented their works at the exhibition "The pr & Jämt" on länsmuseet Jamtli in Östersund from 30 September.
But at present there are only five artists left who want their art on display at Jamtli.
The reason is the controversial artist and cartoonist Lars Vilks.
Is no longer welcome
Vilks, who among other things is known to have drawn the Prophet Mohammed as a dog, was selected to participate in the exhibition with a video installation.(MORE)
BBC Today Uses Photoshopped Picture of Rachel Corrie Debunked in 2006

The less than objective BBC is also less than accurate, as they use a photoshopped picture that was already debunked 6 years ago.
Here is a secreenshot of the BBC online:
Just one problem: The BBC is using a faked photoshopped picture that was debunked in 2006:
The inconsistencies in the photo are
Add this to the inconsistencies the other International Solidarity Movement recite about Rachel Corrie's death.
- Rachel Corrie casts a shadow to her left, but the tractor does not
- The man in the picture also casts no shadow -- nor does he have any feet
And to the false photos and information we are apparently going to be getting from the media.
See also: The Corrie family should place the blame where it really lies on FaithFreedom.org
Hat tip: Elder of Ziyon
You Only Live ... Once? Swedish security service under fire after $650,000 James Bond party

STOCKHOLM — James Bond is causing a ruckus in Sweden.Sweden really is living in a fiction
Sweden’s prime minister has urged the heads of government agencies to control their spending on staff parties after the SAPO security service admitted it held a James Bond-themed bash for 4.3 million kroner ($650,000).
Did Rachel Corrie get college credit for joining the ISM?

( Elder of Ziyon) There is an interesting detail in this 2003 article from a local Olympia, Washington newspaper that profiles a number of Evergreen College students who traveled to Rafah along with Rachel Corrie:
Rafah is one of the most dangerous places in the Gaza Strip--"a combat zone," according to Captain Jacob Dallal, the Israeli army spokesperson.At the time, the US State Department had a travel warning against Americans going to Gaza.
...My Jewish ass has been to Israel several times, but never to Gaza, and I am a bit scared. I have been told not to use any of my Arabic, lest I be suspected of being an Israeli spy. Above all, I have been told not to mention my religion.
[Corrie's] cohorts at ISM Rafah were an international group, with members from both Europe and the U.S. It was a young group--most people were under 30, and many were closer to 20. And it was a group that held the potential for romance--a Swedish ISMer named Stefan Villkatt would soon become Rachel's boyfriend.
...In addition to Stefan, there was Chris Allert, 31, also from Olympia, who joined the ISM in April 2002 after hearing about the intense fighting in the West Bank town of Jenin.
...There was Will Hewitt, 25, another Evergreen student who arrived in Israel around the same time as Rachel.
..And then there was Joe Smith, 21--yet another Evergreen student who, with his thick beard and red-checked kaffiyeh, looks like a better-fed, Palestinian-territory version of John Walker Lindh. Joe is from Kansas City, Missouri, and says he (like other Evergreen students) is getting independent study credit for his time in Rafah.
If true, Evergreen College was rewarding students to go to a war zone and put their lives in danger.
(h/t Daled Amos via email)
The Geoduck Fight Song
words and music by Malcolm Stilson, 1971Go, Geoducks go,
Through the mud and the sand,
let's go.
Siphon high, squirt it out,
swivel all about,
let it all hang out.
Go, Geoducks go,
Stretch your necks when the tide
is low
Siphon high, squirt it out,
swivel all about,
let it all hang out.
via evergreen.edu
Corrie Verdict Won't End Delegitimization by the ISM

Now that the Judge Oded Gershon has ruled that the death of Rachel Corrie her own fault and an accident on the part of the IDF, if anyone thinks this affects the de-legitimization efforts of the IDF to protect the people of Israel or for the nation to protect itself from terrorists, they had better think again.
Judge Gershon, by allowing this publicity farce to be held at all, has unwittingly put Israel in a no-win situation by falling into the ISM’s publicity trap.
Had Judge Gershon thrown the case out of court and saved the Israeli taxpayer wasted time and money for a publicity stunt by the ISM, the Rachel Corrie circus might have finally ended. Now that the case is over, even though the IDF was exonerated and her death found to have been unintentional and an accident, the Rachel Corrie media hounds in the ISM, including her two parents who are making a career off her death rather than discouraging other parents from letting their children to go off to be cannon fodder for terrorist groups in the ISM, can continue their well-paid careers as champions for Hamas.
What Judge Gershon failed to grasp, in allowing the trial to go forth in the first place, is that the ISM will now claim the verdict a sham and try to indict Israel in the Hague for “war crimes”. The same charge in the Hague would have been brought had the IDF been found guilty, as the ISM would then insist on a tribunal to try Israel for war crimes anyway.
In order for matters such as the Corrie case to be presented to the Hague, it is required that the use of the courts in the country accused of such crimes be exhausted first. Now that the trial is over, the ISM groups that generated this farce will approach the Hague, claiming the Israeli court was biased and requesting a trial on war crimes charges.
Hence, Judge Gershon, by permitting this trial, instead of ending the matter, has only led Israel down the primrose path to being accused of war crimes by a kangaroo court of international judges, some of whom are from the most oppressive totalitarian regimes in the world. This is the same kangaroo court that found illegal the Security Fence that was set up to stop suicide bombers from entering Israel to murder Israelis.
Let me tell you about Rachel Corrie: When I visited Israel in 2010 when this trial first began, I brought with me a tape-recorded phone interview I had with ISM activist Joseph Carr, who allegedly was with Corrie when she was killed.
Carr actually used photoshop to create phony photos of Corrie standing in front of a bulldozer that were picked up by the wire services and later retracted. Carr was not called as a witness by the Rachel Corrie Foundation because this canard would have been shown in court.
In that phone interview, Carr described to me how he and Rachel Corrie, not long before her death, had actually walked out into a combat zone to retrieve the dead body of a Hamas terrorist in front of IDF soldiers, because Hamas terrorists had asked them to do so.
Carr described to me in the interview - that I furnished the IDF’s defense lawyers - how he and Corrie would advance bit by bit into the no man’s land, yelling that they were peace activists and unarmed, until they reached the body and picked it up.
I asked Carr if he was afraid at the time of being arrested by the IDF for doing such a thing and he replied, “No. Because we knew the Arab snipers would shoot them if they did.”
It’s all on the tape the government has. What it tells anyone with common sense is that Rachel Corrie knew that she was there to draw fire on IDF soldiers if they ever sought to move her. The IDF video of her being struck by the D9 bulldozer also shows she was not protecting a house, and that the ISM “witnesses” who claimed they were running alongside the bulldozer screaming for it to stop (including Carr who claimed this), were not there.
Rachel Corrie’s mother is a case in point. She appeared on radio in Santa Cruz, California, where she admitted Rachel had told her she had also retrieved the dead body of a terrorist from a weapons smuggling tunnel at one point. “I knew she was really doing something dangerous when she told me that”, she admitted in the interview.
Her daughter had written her about “the martyrs” who died fighting the Israelis and how they lacked the sophisticated weaponry of the IDF.
Did Cindy Corrie tell her daughter to come home and stop being a human shield for terrorists? No, absolutely not. Did she tour the US telling other parents not to send their sons and daughters to Gaza where they would be used by terrorists as human shields? No, she did not.
Later, when Cindy and Craig Corrie were kidnapped for ransom in Gaza by Palestinian terrorists at gunpoint, then released when her kidnappers realized their value for propaganda against the Jews, the elder Corries didn’t bat an eyelash and continued their new career as propagandists for the Palestinian terror groups, particularly Hamas.
Some moron in the US State Department made a statement that the Israeli court’s investigation of Rachel Corrie’s death was inadequate. The US State Department is also to blame for allowing ISM activists to get new passports with no problem when they are deported by the Israeli government so they can continually return to Israel and foment riots in Judea and Samaria.
A real investigation needs to be done to determine what the US State Department’s relationship with the ISM is, and its work as human shields for Arab terrorists. If the US State Department can arm and train a Palestinian army and then have the trainer, General Keith Dayton, say with a straight face the army may attack the IDF in two years if the Palestinians aren’t given a state, how difficult a stretch is it to ask what the State Department has had to do with ISM activities since the gang’s inception in 2002?
ISM co-founders Adam Shapiro and Huwaida Arraf were both low level State Department employees working in Jerusalem when the ISM was first created. In the US Congress, Representative Peter King’s commission on Homeland Security needs to investigate this issue. After this creation, the ISM created a network of movements on US campuses worthy of a Rico Statute investigation.
The death of a stupid (yes, that's the appropriate word) 23 year-old girl, who thought of herself as an anarchist and revolutionary and planted herself in front of a bulldozer in a combat zone because she figured the IDF soldiers inside the tractor would not emerge to move her for fear of being shot by Arab snipers, got an unexpected shock when the tractor, whose driver couldn't see her, accidentally ran over her.
For the Arabs her death was a propaganda bonanza that ultimately opened up the Rafah and Philadelphi Corridor to aid the Hamas regime in Gaza. Now the Hague will only put more pressure on Israel as the nation is falsely accused of war crimes because of this girl and her opportunistic parents, who will gladly make hay joining the bandwagon of de-legitimizers of Israel.
Anything for the ISM to keep the war roiling until - they hope - the end of the Jewish state.
Rachel Corrie just needs to go away, but watch as this next becomes a case accusing Israel of war crimes.
Meanwhile, maybe Israel is growing up, because almost on the same day this verdict came out, 109 ISM activists, more Rachel Corries, were finally turned away at the Allenby Bridge by an Israeli government that has been a fall guy to the ISM and their terrorist sponsors for the last 11 years.
But don’t expect the Rachel Corrie clown show to end with this investigation. Plan on Israel’s lawyers and foreign ministry to be tied up in the Hague for the next few years, while the threat from Iran looms ever closer.
Middle East Non-Solutions

Steven Plautamericanthinker.com
The mantra crops up almost everywhere . "You Israelis have two simple choices ," it goes. "You can either annex all of the 'occupied territories' and grant equal Israeli citizenship to all of the Palestinians there, in which case Israel will no longer be a Jewish state. Or you can agree to a two-state solution, in which Israel continues to exist alongside a Palestinian Arab state. Simple. Make your choice !" The posing of these two "choices" for Israel is part of the campaign to convince Israelis that there is no alternative to the "Two-State Solution."
The first "alternative" is often dubbed these days the "One-State Solution" by its anti-Israel advocates. Israel and its Jewish population would be enfolded within a larger Arab-dominated Islamic state. A better term for this is the "Rwanda Solution." It is little more than a recipe for a second Holocaust of Jews, a Nazi-style final solution, in which the Middle East conflict would end because the Jewish population of the Middle East would be exterminated.
But the "Two State Solution" is little better. The creation of a "Palestinian" state "alongside Israel" would not solve anything and would not end the conflict. To the contrary, it would be the opening round for a major escalation in the conflict and the launching of an all-out war by "Palestine" against the rump Jewish state -- a war in which "Palestine" would be joined and backed by the entire Arab world and much of the non-Arab Muslim world. Like rump Czechoslovakia after Munich, the remaining Jewish mini-state would be the target for aggression and irredentist belligerence, manifested in rocket and missile attacks. The thousands of rockets that were fired at Sderot and the Negev after the unilateral Israeli withdrawal from Gaza will appear as a child's game by comparison.
Let us note that neither the "One State " nor the "Two State" is a viable solution to the Middle East conflict. Neither would resolve anything.
There is no two-state solution -- only a two-state "solution." There is also no such thing as a "One-State Solution," at least if one means by that the granting of Israeli citizenship to all those claiming to be "Palestinians." So how must Israelis respond to the diktat that they choose either the one or the other? They must answer neither.
Israelis cannot formulate and propose "solutions" to the Middle East conflict for the exact same reason why the Western allies could not have proposed or formulated any "solution" to the ambitions of Germany in the late 1930s. No solution would have satisfied those ambitions, and none could have appeased Hitler. The quest in the 1930s for "solutions" resulted in years of delay, during which Germany re-armed and support for Hitler within Germany solidified. Similarly, no "solution" could have prevented the assaults against Pearl Harbor, Malaya, and the Philippines by Imperial Japan. The only solution to those conflicts was Western victory.
In short, "solutions" are magical panaceas sought by lazy, shallow, and impatient minds.
The entire Oslo "peace process" initiated by Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres was based upon the belief that peace can be achieved by pretending that war does not exist. Never mind what the Arabs are saying.
The Middle East conflict also has nothing to do with territory. The Arab countries already control territory nearly twice that of the United States (including Alaska), while Israel is smaller than New Jersey. The architects of the "peace process" argued that possession of territory twice the size of the U.S. without the Everglades-sized West Bank is a recipe for endless war, but if Israel just turns that Everglades-sized zone over to the "Palestinians," all will be peaceful. Twenty-two sovereign Arab states have produced war and barbarism, but creating a 23rd Arab state as a "Two State Solution" will produce peace.
Now, if Israelis refuse to embrace the above two pseudo-solutions, insists the left, then Israel will end up an "apartheid regime" -- one in which "Palestinian Arabs" live under endless Israeli "occupation" and control, but without Israeli citizenship, without the right to vote. It is always amusing to hear whining about the absence of the Palestinian right to vote in Israeli elections, especially when it comes from the very same people who do not care that Arabs have no free elections anywhere else in the Middle East. And never mind that Israel is the only country in the Middle East that is not an apartheid regime. Essentially, the insistence that Israel must choose one of the two pseudo-solutions or else it will morph into an "apartheid regime" amounts to the belief that Israelis are better off allowing their country to be annihilated rather than risk becoming the target of name-calling.
In reality, the most productive way to seek to resolve the Middle East is to take as the starting point the list of what is ruled out, what must never be. No "solution" to the Middle East conflict is possible if it involves creation of an Arab "Palestinian" state, and none is possible if it involves "Palestinians" being granted Israeli citizenship. Both of these nonstarters must be ruled out absolutely. Once that is understood, any proposal based upon those two nevers can be taken into consideration.
The immediate implication is that Israel must remain in the West Bank, and the "Palestinian" population there will be granted neither Israeli citizenship nor national sovereignty. The United States occupied Okinawa for decades, and American national historic and cultural roots did not originate in Okinawa. Indeed, American armed forces still fill that island. There is no time limit on how long Israeli "occupation" can last, and the very word "occupation" is actually a misnomer. In any case, the Israeli presence in the West Bank is sui generis and not comparable to any other case of "occupation."
So if West Bank "Palestinians" will be granted neither Israeli citizenship nor national sovereignty, what can they be offered? The original "peace proposals" offered by Israel in the 1970s and 1980s spoke about limited local autonomy. Had the Palestinians played their cards right, they could have enjoyed as much freedom and prosperity under local autonomy as do Puerto Rica, Guam, and American Samoa. But the Israeli Labor Party lost patience with the idea after a few years and decided to frog-leap to a "Two State Solution." It imported Yasser Arafat's storm troopers into the suburbs of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and proclaimed its "recognition" of the "Palestinian people."
There is indeed another "solution" for West Bank "Palestinians" unhappy with the two nevers defining conflict resolution. They can leave. There are those 22 sunny Arab states, plus lots of other Muslim states, whither any unhappy West Bank "Palestinian" can move and live amongst his kin. After all, Jews unhappy with life in Argentina, France, or Hungary demand not the annihilation of those countries, but merely the right to move to Israel. The fact that the "Palestinians" prefer Israeli "occupation" over blissful residence in these alternative countries speaks volumes about just how badly treated the "poor suffering Palestinians" really are.
The "Palestinians" find these constraints on their options distasteful? Too bad! Part of adulthood means coming to terms with the fact that, as in Mick Jagger's words, "[y]ou can't always get what you want." What the "Palestinians" and their apologists want is the annihilation of Israel and a second Holocaust of Jews.
And they are not going to get what they want.
Woman allegedly attacked man because she hates men

Police say she attacked a 75-year-old man just because she didn't like men.
Unprovoked! Gregory Padilla says he didn't do anything to deserve this and that the woman attacked him with a rock this big leaving a giant welt on his back the size of a tennis ball.
"(Oh yeah, there's a big bump there, does it hurt?) Little bit," said Gregory Padilla, assault victim.
The 75-year-old victim says he just minds his business and walks his dogs.
He says when the 33-year-old Latisha Holloman, whom he doesn't know, came after him near the elevator she was screaming she hates men.
"She just said, 'I'm a lesbian, a lesbian, a lesbian, I hate men!' Never seen her before," Padilla said.
"She threw a rock at his back was yelling how she hates men and how she'd kill a man who even looked at her," said Captain Joseph Schaller, New Rochelle Police.
What do neighbors think about the hate crime charge?
"That's crazy, something happened to her as a child," one person said.
"She's sick, terribly sick woman," another said.
Neither neighbors nor the police can think of a case in which a woman has been charged with a hate crime for allegedly saying she hated men, but it will make a big difference if she's found guilty.
"The hate crime elevates it to a C grade felony that carries 6-15 years," Schaller said.
If convicted Holloman could face twice that time.
Elder of Ziyon: Corrie roundup

CiFWatch points out that the ISM is responsible for Rachel Corrie's death - but no one is blaming them for their cavalir attitude towards the deaths of "activists:"
In a 2002 article, ISM co-founders Adam Shapiro and Huwaida Arraf wrote, “The Palestinian resistance must take on a variety of characteristics, both non-violent and violent,” adding that “[i]n actuality, nonviolence is not enough…Yes, people will get killed and injured.”Commentary notes that Rachel Corrie was no peace activist.
Shapiro and Arraf lauded such deaths as “no less noble than carrying out a suicide operation. And we are certain that if these men were killed during such an action, they would be considered shaheed Allah.”
ISM activists and organizers have time and again justified terrorism and associated with terrorists.
In 2003 alone, for example, ISM activist Susan Barclay admitted in an interview that she worked with representatives of Hamas and Islamic Jidhad; terrorists originating from UK who had attacked the Mike’s Place bar in Tel Aviv, murdering three people, had, according to an Israeli report, ”forg[ed] links with foreign left-wing activists and members of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM)”; and senior Islamic Jihad terrorist Shadi Sukiya was arrested while he was hiding in ISM’s Jenin office and being assisted by two ISM activists.
...Corrie’s ISM colleague and handler, Joseph Smith eulogized Corrie, chillingly justifying the sacrifice of human life for the cause, stating:
“The spirit that she died for is worth a life. This idea of resistance, this spirit of resisting this brutal occupying force, is worth anything. And many, many, many Palestinians give their lives for it all the time. So the life of one international, I feel, is more than worth the spirit of resisting oppression.”
The ISM themselves wrote back in 2002 that they actively encouraged their volunteers to put themselves in danger:
Without a doubt the level of risk dramatically increased in this latest ISM campaign with internationals on the receiving end of shrapnel, live fire over their heads, tear-gassing, rubber bullets, sound bombs, beatings, interrogations, arrests and deportations. Without sounding crass, the benefits were many and obvious.
In an astonishing example of admitted conflict of interest, No comments yet and 0 Reactions notes (after saying that Israeli justice is hopelessly biased). He admits that his wife had volunteered to assist the Corries in the court case. In fact, his wife Stacy Sullivan is the press contact for the Corries! Time apparently thinks that such an egregious conflict of interest is AOK as long as it is parenthetically mentioned in a long screed against Israel.
By the way, Vick quotes Corrie's sister as saying "I can say without a doubt that I believe my sister was seen as that bulldozer approached her." Here's what an Israeli D9 armored bulldozer looks like:
It doesn't look like the driver has a very clear view at all.
I have still not seen anyone actually point out where the Israeli judge says anything that is less than truthful.
And the Philadelphi Corridor that Israel was clearing was, under international law, legally controlled by Israel. As Wikipedia notes:
Under the provisions of the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty of 1979, the buffer zone was controlled and patrolled by Israeli forces. After the 1995 Oslo Accords, Israel was allowed to retain the security corridor along the border.And this classic 2005 piece on The Forgotten Rachels is important to recall as well.
PJMedia had a nice article worth reading from 2010.
And if you are in a very politically incorrect mood, you can always re-watch my 2008 Rachel Corrie music video.
(h/t EG, CHA, Anne)
Zachary Tennen, Michigan State Jewish Student, Victim Of Vicious Hate Crime At Weekend Party

Tennen, a 19-year-old sophomore at MSU, was at an off-campus party in the wee hours of Sunday morning in East Lansing, Mich. According to reports, two college-aged males approached him and asked if he was Jewish. When Tennen said indeed he was, the men made the Hitler salute and said they were part of the Ku Klux Klan.
Then Tennen was attacked, punched in the face which knocked him unconscious and broke his jaw. While Tennen was out, his mouth was stapled shut while about 20 people watched. No one attempted to intervene.
When he came to, no one offered to help him. To the contrary, Tennen told The State News, he was kicked out of the house. Tennen had to take a cab to get to the hospital.
"I'm really, really upset in a few ways; First of all it is a terrible experience, physically and also mentally to know someone would do something like this,” he said. “It almost seemed like they tried to kill me, and to think about that in my brain, physically — it isn't very pleasant."
Bruce Tennen, the victim's father, told The State News he plans to contact the Anti-Defamation League and the FBI regarding the incident. The hospital did not call law enforcement, and neither did anyone at the party, so police did not know about the incident until Tennen's family contacted them Sunday.
East Lansing police are still investigating and the Tennens say they do not know the two men's names yet.
When the Detroit Free Press attempted to speak with people at the house where the party and the attack took place, the person who answered the door told them police instructed them not to speak about the incident.
Zachary Tennen was scheduled to undergo surgery Monday and is currently on a liquid diet.
"Michigan State University's Student Affairs and Services office has reached out to the family of the student assaulted in East Lansing to provide the academic and other support the student needs,” MSU spokesperson Kent Cassella said in a statement. "MSU will work with the student and his professors to ensure he can fulfill his academic requirements, as we would with any student in need."
Tina Tennen, the victim's mother, confirmed the university has been in contact with them. "They've outreached to us. But we’re still trying to find them [the attackers]. The job isn’t done."
Column One: Israel faces a cynical world By CAROLINE B. GLICK

This week a German doctor in Bavaria filed a criminal complaint against Rabbi David Goldberg.
Rabbi Goldberg’s “crime”? He performs ritual circumcisions on Jewish male infants in accordance with Jewish law.
The doctor’s complaint came shortly after a ruling by a court in Cologne outlawing the practice of male circumcision.
The Austrians and the Swiss also took the ruling to heart and have banned infant male circumcision in several hospitals in Switzerland as well as in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg. Denmark and Scandinavian governments are also considering limiting the practice of circumcision which has constituted one of the foundational rituals of Judaism for four thousand years.
Meanwhile, in Norway Dr. Anne Lindboe has come up with the perfect way out of the artificial crisis. Lindboe serves a Norway’s ombudsman for children’s rights. And she proposes that we Jews just change our religion to satisfy anti-Jewish sensitivities. She suggests we replace circumcision with “a symbolic, nonsurgical ritual.”
It’s worth mentioning that circumcision isn’t the only Jewish ritual these enlightened Europeans find objectionable. Sweden, Norway and Switzerland have already banned kosher slaughter.
Attacking circumcision isn’t just a European fetish. The urge to curb Jewish religious freedom has reached the US as well. Last year San Francisco’s Jewish Community Relations Council had to sue the city to strike a measure from last November’s ballot that would have banned circumcision if passed. The measure’s sponsor gathered the requisite 12,000 signatures to enter the proposition on the ballot. Circumcising males under the age of 18 would have been classified as a misdemeanor punishable by a $1,000 fine and up to a year in prison. Sponsors of the measure distributed anti-Semitic materials depicting rabbis performing circumcisions as villains.
The people involved in banning or attempting to ban circumcision are not on the political fringe of their societies. They are part of a leftist establishment. They are doctors and lawyers, judges and politicians. This doesn’t mean that all their fellow leftists are anti-Semites. But it does mean the political Left in the Western world feels comfortable keeping company with anti-Semites.
This state of affairs is even more striking in international affairs than in domestic politics. On the international level the Left’s readiness to rub elbows with anti-Semites has reached critical levels.
While the Europeans have long been happy to cater to the anti-Semitic whims of the Islamic world, the escalation of the West’s willingness to accept anti-Semitism as a governing axiom in international affairs is nowhere more apparent than in the Obama administration’s foreign policy.
And the American Left’s willingness – particularly the American Jewish Left’s willingness – to cover up the administration’s collusion with anti- Semitic regimes at Israel’s expense is higher today than ever before.
A clear-cut example of both the Obama administration’s willingness to adhere to anti- Semitic policies of anti-Semitic governments and the Left’s willingness to defend this bigoted behavior is the Obama administration’s decision not to invite Israel to participate in its new Global Counterterrorism Forum.
The GCF was founded with the stated aim of fostering international cooperation in fighting terrorism. But for the Obama administration, it was more important to make Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan, who supports the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist groups, feel comfortable, than it was to invite Israel to participate.
Not only did the US exclude Israel, at the GCF’s meeting last month in Spain, Maria Otero, the State Department’s under secretary for civilian security, democracy and human rights, seemed to embrace the Muslim world’s obscene claim that Israelis are not victims of terrorism because terrorism against Israel isn’t terrorism.
In her speech, titled “Victims of Terrorism,” Otero spoke of terror victims in Jordan, Turkey, Pakistan, Uganda, Colombia, Northern Ireland, Indonesia, India and the US. But she made no mention of Israeli terror victims.
Rather than criticize the administration for its decision to appease bigots at the expense of their victim, American Jewish leftists have defended the administration. Writing in The Atlantic, Zvika Kreiger, senior vice president of the far-left S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace, wrote that allowing the Jewish state entry to the GCF parley would have “undermined the whole endeavor.”
Kreiger sympathetically quoted a State Department official who explained that actually, by ostracizing Israel the administration was helping Israel.
The source “reasoned the progress made by the organization would ultimately better serve Israel’s interests (not to mention those of the United States) than would the symbolic benefits of including it in a group that likely wouldn’t accomplish anything. [Moreover]... once the organization was up and running, and its agenda was established, they could find ways to include Israel that would not be disruptive.”
So despite the fact that Israel is a major target of terrorism, and despite the fact that many of the states the US invited to its forum condone terrorism against Israel and support terrorist groups that murder Israeli Jews, Israel is better off being excluded, because the anti-Jewish governments invited by the Obama administration will somehow totally change their perspective on anti-Jewish terrorism as long as they don’t have to suffer the irritation of sitting in the same room as real-live representatives of the Jewish state.
THE CYNICISM of the State Department official’s statement to Kreiger is only outpaced by Kreiger’s stubborn refusal to acknowledge that cynicism.
Kreiger’s behavior makes sense. If he acknowledges the bigoted nature of the Obama administration’s policies he will have to stop defending them.
To a degree, Kreiger’s willingness to defend and justify the Obama administration’s anti-Israel behavior parallels the behavior of Israelis who argue against Israel unilaterally striking Iran’s nuclear facilities in order to delay the Iranian regime’s acquisition of nuclear weapons.
Since 2003, when Iran’s nuclear weapons program was first revealed to the world community, Iran’s leaders have succeeded in convincing world leaders that Israel is No. 1 on their target list. And so, the international debate about what a nuclear-armed Iran will mean for the world has always followed the Iranians’ lead and centered on the dangers it would pose to Israel.
Israel’s leaders from then-prime minister Ariel Sharon down to the last governmental spokesman have maintained that Iran’s nuclear program threatens the entire Free World. Sharon – like his leftist disciples today – claimed that given the threat Iran’s nuclear program constitutes for global security, Israel has no reason to lead the global fight to destroy Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Indeed, Israeli leadership of the campaign against Iran’s nuclear program would cause some countries to do nothing because they hate Israel even more than they fear Iran.
Like his followers today, Sharon insisted that the US, as the leader of the Free World, is responsible for preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. And they are right. Iran’s nuclear program does threaten global security and Iran’s nuclear program does threaten the US specifically. Iranian dictator Ali Khamenei just ordered his troops to carry out terror attacks against the US in retaliation for US moves to overthrow Iran’s Syrian puppet Bashar Assad. Iran was the principle sponsor of the insurgency in Iraq and remains the principle supporter of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
It’s not that Israel’s leaders belittle the threat Iran’s nuclear weapons program constitutes for Israel. Across the spectrum on the Iran debate in Israel – from former Mossad director Meir Dagan and President Shimon Peres on the Left to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak on the Right – everyone agrees that in light of the Iranian regime’s religious fanaticism and its millenarian belief that Armageddon will hearken the coming of the Shi’ite messiah, Iran cannot be trusted not to use nuclear weapons against Israel.
Everyone admits that given Iran’s open sponsorship of terrorism, it is a certainty that terror groups would use the Iranian nuclear umbrella to massively expand their terrorist war against Israel.
Just as Dagan, Peres and their associates share Netanyahu’s assessment of the threat Iran’s nuclear program poses for Israel, Netanyahu agrees with their assessment that Israel’s options for contending militarily with Iran’s nuclear program are limited and imperfect. No one argues that Israel has a magic bullet to destroy Iran’s nuclear project.
Netanyahu and Barak have repeatedly warned that Israel has no perfect strike option. They have also warned that a response from Iran and its proxies in Syria and Lebanon to an Israeli strike will likely be harsh and deadly. All they say is that it is better than the alternative of Iranian acquisition of nuclear weapons.
The doves agree with Netanyahu that a limited Israeli strike is better than the alternative of a nuclear-armed Iran. They differ with Netanyahu on only one issue: their assessment of the US’s willingness to use military force to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power.
Voicing the doves’ assessment of the Obama administration and Europe, this week former commander of Military Intelligence Maj.-Gen. (res.) Aharon Zeevi Farkash told NBC news, “I think Western leaders realize a nuclear Iran is the No. 1 challenge facing the world.”
Unfortunately, Farkash is wrong. Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, made this point earlier this week in an interview from Afghanistan. There Dempsey said frankly, “Israel sees the Iranian threat more seriously than the US sees it, because a nuclear Iran poses a threat to Israel’s very existence.”
In other words, Dempsey told us that Iran’s cynical packaging of its nuclear program as an anti-Israel initiative has worked. The Americans – and the Europeans – believe that Iran’s nuclear program is Israel’s problem to deal with. The Israelis are right that as the leader of the Free World it is the US’s responsibility to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power. But as Dempsey’s statement shows, the US is not interested in fulfilling its responsibility.
Like the Europeans, the Americans will only act when Iran forces them to do so. And that means they will do nothing to prevent Iran from developing the bomb. They will only move when Tehran has already crossed Israel off the top of its target list.
Israeli opponents of an Israeli strike against Iran don’t want to believe that Americans are capable of such cynicism. They would like to believe that the only government capable of behaving cynically is their own. They want to believe that the US – with its vastly superior military capabilities to destroy Iran’s nuclear program – will do the right thing and not leave it to Israel – with its limited means – to take care of the problem for a cynical world.
But just as Kreiger’s defense of the Obama administration’s courtship of anti-Semites at Israel’s expense crosses the line separating naivete from willful, bigotry-enabling blindness, so Peres, Dagan and their colleagues cross the line. And it is not mere bigotry they are enabling.
via jpost.com
Classically Liberal Swedish SD party seeks to ban Islam from Sweden

(Vlad Tepes) There was an interview with Pär Norling, group leader of the Sweden Democrats which I am having some dificulty finding although the clip below seems to be a small part of it. In it he explains that he would like to ban Islam from Sweden.
What is interesting is the media reaction. One site calls the SD party, “Neo-Nazi”. Of course in oder to be actually be Neo-Nazi in the sense people usually mean, they would actually have to have made a deal with Muslims to let them command their own whole SS divisions to help kill all the Jews that much faster.
Parties that wish to ban Islam would be closer to the position of Thomas Jefferson (despite the utter crap Obama says) and therefore, a classically liberal position.
After Munich massacre Germany cooperated with Palestinian terrorists

Ofer Aderet..
26 August '12..
After the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics, Germany cooperated with Black September, the Palestinian terrorist group that orchestrated the deadly attack, the German weekly Der Spiegel revealed Sunday. Following the tragedy in September 1972, Germany tried to establish a relationship with the group’s leaders, hoping that this would dissuade them from carrying out any more attacks in the country, the paper reported.
In this context, the German ambassador to Lebanon, Walter Novak, met with Yusuf Najjar, also known as Abu Yusuf, the head of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s intelligence arm, which ran Black September. Just a week after the meeting, in April 1973, Najjar and two other PLO operatives were killed by Israel in a reprisal raid in Beirut called Operation Spring of Youth.
At the meeting, attended by other members of Black September, Novak suggested the parties sign a contract that would be “the basis for a new understanding” between Germany and the terrorist organization. To further advance this understanding, a meeting between Abu Yusuf and German foreign minister Walter Scheel was planned in Cairo, but it never took place.
Najjar’s death did not end the Germans’ courtship of the Palestinian group. According to Der Spiegel, high-ranking German officials met with Ali Hassan Salameh, the Black September operations chief who masterminded the Munich massacre (he was assassinated by the Mossad in Beirut in 1979) and with Amin Hindi, another of the organization’s leaders, who later became the Palestinian Authority’s intelligence chief. These meetings were attended by representatives of the Bundespolizei, Germany’s federal police force.
German cooperation with the terrorists was not limited to secret agreements between the parties; it also included expressions of sympathy toward the terrorists. For example, the Munich massacre was called “an act of resistance” in internal German correspondence. This is especially true in the case of the German Foreign Ministry; Novak told Abu Yusuf that Germany empathizes with and can understand the suffering of the Palestinian people, since many Germans live as refugees around the world.
Link: http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/germany-cooperated-with-palesti...
Community of the Wrongly Accused: The unfortunate politicization of the University of Montana's mandatory sexual assault training

Students are forced not only to watch rape propaganda, but to parrot
back the information in quizzes if they want to remain enrolled at the
All men on this campus should protest. The fact that
they felt it necessary to entrust them with a patina of extremist gender
advocacy is disheartening. Does it really ring true to anyone's
experience that one of our cultural norms is to encourage sexual
Amanda Marcotte (feminist) refutes normalization of rape in Lisak/Miller study:The script for the videos was written by two professors from the school's Women and Gender Studies program. “We know this video can evoke strong feelings on the part of men and women,” one of them said. “This training is designed to create the opportunity for dialogue and discussion and to make sure we’re not silent about these issues.” You can watch the videos here: http://www.umt.edu/petsa/
The videos focus, among other things, on "America’s 'rape-prone culture.'” One of the videos says: “Many scholars warn of a rape-prone culture, where prevalent attitudes, norms and behaviors excuse, minimize and even encourage sexual violence. This environment creates stereotypes and beliefs about women, men, sexuality and power.”
One of the videos also debunks what it calls lingering "myths" surrounding rape, including this one: “People lie about sexual assault.” The tutorial clarifies that "the vast majority of sexual assault reports are true. Not believing a survivor can be emotionally damaging and may prevent others from coming forward."
"Far from being ordinary men who get out of control from lust, the roughly five percent of men interviewed who are rapists are men who seek out opportunities to rape women. . . . they pride themselves on their methods of identifying victims and separating them from potential help."
Image Francois Boucher - The Rape-of-Europa: While Europa and her female attendants were gathering flowers, she saw the bull, caressed his flanks, and eventually got onto his back. Zeus took that opportunity and ran to the sea and swam, with her on his back, to the island of Crete. He then revealed his true identity, and Europa became the first queen of Crete.
Note from Noah: This same viewpoint was given a platform at Carnegie Mellon University and while it was consensual, I went. I argued that same point at the forum and had the security called on me. Women do in fact lie about rape... and we shouldn't blame people who are smart enough to point this out
Designer Loses Award Over Anti-Semitic Tirades

Cer Some
it is a start. It won't bring back Jewish citizens that were murdered in France because of the lie of Multiculturalism... but it is a start. Some Cultures are superior to others. That isn't racism... and you enable hate when you deny that some cultures are hateful. The fashion world is as a whole a very sick culture.
France's President Francois Hollande (Image Reuters/ Israel National News)French President Francois Hollande stripped British fashion designer John Galliano, who was convicted last year of making anti-Semitic remarks, of France’s prestigious Legion d’Honneur award.Galliano, 51, was involved in two drunken episodes in a small Paris bar and restaurant. His anti-Semitic remarks, some of them caught on video, led to his conviction last year on charges of “public insults based on origin, religious affiliation, race or ethnicity.”
In February 2011, Galliano berated a museum curator about being Jewish and uttered racial insults at her friend, who is of South Asian origin.
The court also saw a video of Galliano, the previous November, declaring his love for Adolf Hitler.
Galliano blamed his outbursts on addictions to drugs and alcohol.
Hollande, elected in May, has been outspoken in condemning anti-Semitism and crimes against Jews committed by the French police under Nazi occupation.
The Legion d'Honneur is France's highest award and is given to individuals who have served France and its ideals.
Dog-walking protest planned for Toronto mosque

Woof!Toronto Sun:
TERRY DAVIDSON | QMI AGENCYAllan Einstoss, a jewish man is removed from the crowd at an Al-Quds rally is held at Queen’s Park in Toronto on Saturday, August 18, 2012.
TORONTO – A Facebook event has been launched inviting people to walk their dogs outside an east-end mosque during Islamic prayer sessions.
The call to action was launched to protest a man being arrested while walking his English mastiff at an anti-Israel rally at Queen’s Park last Saturday.
The Facebook page encourages people to bring dogs “of all colours and breeds” to the Salahuddin mosque in the city’s east end on Sept. 14.
On Saturday, a Jewish man was arrested while his dog near a rally held outside Queens Park by an Islamic group marking Al-Quds Day, a yearly event calling for the destruction of Israel and the establishment of a Palestinian state.
Allan Einstoss, a Jew who opposes the Al-Quds doctrine, showed up at the rally with his big-yet-friendly English mastiff, Cupcake. After Einstoss was allegedly told by an Al-Quds demonstrator to keep the dog away, he claims to have been punched in the chest by another. When Einstoss pushed back, he was handcuffed and held by Toronto police.
Channel 10: Netanyahu determined to attack Iran before US elections

(Carl) Prime Minister Netanyahu is determined to attack Iran before the US Presidential election.
The TV station’s military reporter Alon Ben-David, who earlier this year was given extensive access to the Israel Air Force as it trained for a possible attack, reported that, since upgraded sanctions against Iran have failed to force a suspension of the Iranian nuclear program in the past two months, “from the prime minister’s point of view, the time for action is getting ever closer.”For those who understand Hebrew (sorry, no English on this one), let's go to the videotape.
Asked by the news anchor in the Hebrew-language TV report how close Israel now was to “a decision and perhaps an attack,” Ben-David said: “It appears that we are closer than ever.”
He said it seemed that Netanyahu was not waiting for a much-discussed possible meeting with US President Barack Obama, after the UN General Assembly gathering in New York late next month — indeed, “it’s not clear that there’ll be a meeting.” In any case, said Ben-David, “I doubt Obama could say anything that would convince Netanyahu to delay a possible attack.”
The report added that Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak believe Obama would have no choice but to give backing for an Israeli attack before the US presidential elections in November.
Occupy Admits Its Real Goal: Communism ... Que: @RedScareBot

(IBD) The Left: An Occupy organizer admitted over the weekend that the goal of his protest group was to "overthrow the capitalist system and build communism." So the cat's out of the bag again on this bunch. Where is the outrage?
The true agenda of the Occupy movement has been revealed — it's a totalitarian one. Billing itself as a spontaneous people's revolution and embraced by the media and Democrat political establishment, Occupy is really a destructive band of thugs whose goal is the violent demise of democracy.
Speaking at a "People's Assembly" in Washington, former Amalgamated Transit Union local 689 president Mike Golash told Occupy members his goal was to "make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism."The Occupy organizer added that he was "trying to learn something from the examples of the Soviet Union, Red China and Castro's Cuba. ... What can we learn from them so we can build a more successful movement to transform capitalist society?" he asked.
This attachment to the miserable failure of communism — an ideology that left 100 million people dead in the 20th century and met its demise as an idea after millions rose up in 1989-90 to repudiate it — is insane.
Remarks like Golash's were common among the Occupy mobs who filthied up Los Angeles and other cities last year — perfectly representative of Occupy thinking.
Such talk never fazed anyone at the "People's Assembly" either. Maybe that's because it's of a piece with the thinking of Occupy master planner, SEIU boss Stephen Lerner, who in 2011 said he wanted to bring down the stock market and destroy banks such as JPMorgan.
Occupy flourishes because it draws support and legitimacy from the media and like-minded Democratic politicians who pitch a fit anytime someone accuses them of supporting the destruction of democracy.
Not long ago, Democrats pounded Rep. Allen West for pointing out that Congress is loaded with soft-core communists who sugarcoat themselves as the "progressive caucus." They are Occupy's loudest supporters.
Democratic leaders such as then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hailed Occupy as "spontaneous," while President Obama himself heaped sympathy on the group, even intervening in a local police matter to keep Occupy Portland members from being arrested.
It's a disgrace. Occupy is nothing but a far-left group, learning nothing from the past yet drawing support from the left. Is communism the agenda they really stand for? From Golash's remarks, it looks like it.
Jewish Woman after 'victory' in Custody Battle With Saudi Prince falls out Window? Police call it an ACCIDENT?

How is that for a Multicultural Hollywood ending? She was probably murdered.
(mfs-theothernews.com)'Strange' Tragic End For Jewish Woman after 'victory' in Custody Battle With Saudi Prince.(YNet).Paris - The tragic story of Candice Cohen Ahnine, 35, a French Jewish woman who was in the midst of a bitter custody battle for her daughter came to a sad end last week when just a short time before she was finally set to see her daughter, she fell to her death from her Paris apartment window.
Cohen-Ahnine was involved in a custody battle with the father of her 11-year-old daughter Aya, a Saudi prince - Sattam al-Saud since 2008 when he kidnapped Aya. After years of courtroom struggles, the court ruled that Candice had a right to visit her daughter, and Candice was set to leave for Riyadh to visit Aya next month.
In January she won her first legal battle when a Paris court declared that Aya must be returned to her mother’s custody.
Investigators reportedly had been leaning towards an accident as cause of death, but reports in the French media suggested Ms Cohen-Ahnine had slipped and fallen to her death “as if she was escaping something dangerous.”Britain’s Daily Telegraph reported. Cohen-Ahnine’s lawyer, Laurence Tarquiny-Charpentier, said the death “seemed to be some sort of accident,” and did not know whether foul play was involved. She said witnesses had been at the scene of the crime, and more information about the circumstances of the death is expected Monday. “What I can tell you is that it wasn’t a suicide,” Tarquiny-Charpentier said.
“She was a woman who was a real fighter and a very positive person, and plus, there were plans to see Aya in mid-September. That was her greatest motivation of all.” Cohen-Ahnine recently wrote a book describing her fight to “get back” her 11-year-old daughter, Aya.
She alleged that when she agreed to visit Prince Sattam with her daughter in 2008, she was immediately locked up in a Riyadh palace, and accused by authorities of being a Muslim who converted to Judaism, a crime punishable by death in Saudi Arabia.
When a maid left her door open she was able to escape to the French embassy, and return alone to France. In January, a Paris criminal court ordered Prince Sattam al-Saud to hand over custody of his daughter to her mother and provide child support of 10,000 euros a month.
But the prince reportedly dismissed the ruling, and said: “If need be, I’ll go like (Osama) bin Laden and hide in the mountains with Aya.” Nonetheless Cohen-Ahnine’s lawyer said delicate negotiations with the prince had led to improved ties, and a planned visit with Aya was due next month. Simply obtaining the visit was, “already a positive first step, because getting to open the doors to the prince’s palace was very complex, and required the work of a huge team of people,” her lawyer said.
“We were so close to her goal. And we spoke on the telephone the day before she died. We were supposed to meet tomorrow to get things ready,” said Tarquiney-Charpentier. “It’s so painful, and at the same time, there is this feeling of failure.” Cohen-Ahnine and the prince met in London and their daughter was born in November 2001. Their relationship continued until 2006 when he allegedly announced he was obliged to marry a cousin, but that she could be a second wife. She refused and they separated. The prince denied ever having kidnapped the child or the mother. Reacting to the death, Jean-Claude Elfassi, co-author of Cohen-Ahnine’s book wrote in his blog on August 17: “I can only show my disgust at the slowness of the investigating judge in charge of her case, who after three years of investigating never delivered an arrest warrant for Prince Sattam al-Saud,” wrote Elfassi. He added: “Fate has been cruel to her (Cohen-Ahnine). When they parted she promised her daughter” ‘We will meet again, I’ll come get you, I’ll never leave you.’”Read the full story here.
Rosie a 911Truther saved by a pharmaceutical company ad? That's poetic! Ain't it?

(people) G-d obviously wanted to give her a second chance... let's hope she does better things with her fame this time around.
Calling it a "miracle" she's still alive, Rosie O'Donnell suffered a heart attack last week and is now recovering at home.
Calling it a "miracle" she's still alive, Rosie O'Donnell suffered a heart attack last week and is now recovering at home.
O'Donnell, 50, credited her survival to quick Internet research on her painful symptoms and a Bayer aspirin she had seen recommended in ads.
"Thank god/saved by a tv commercial/literally," she wrote Monday in her usual verse form on her blog.
O'Donnell said she had a stent inserted after doctors found that her coronary artery was 99 percent blocked. In a statement on Monday, her rep Cindi Berger tells PEOPLE, "She is now home and resting comfortably. She is very, very lucky."
"They call this type of heart attack/the Widow Maker/i am lucky to be here," she wrote.
Earlier this month, O'Donnell, 50, shared the news that her fiancée Michelle Rounds was diagnosed with desmoid tumors, a very rare affliction.
O'Donnell said her own health problems started on Aug. 14 after she helped "an enormous woman" struggling to get out of her car in a parking lot in Nyack, N.Y.
A few hours later, her chest ached, both arms felt sore as if they were bruised, she became nauseous, and had clammy skin.
"maybe this is a heart attack," she wrote. "i googled womens heart attack symptoms/i had many of them/but really? – i thought – naaaa."
She took the aspirin recommended for people who think they are suffering a heart attack but didn't call 911. She said that hundreds of thousands of women die each year of heart attacks and that many never dial the emergency number.
"by some miracle i was not one of them," she wrote, adding: "know the symptoms ladies/listen to the voice inside/the one we all so easily ignore/CALL 911/save urself."
ALMOST DEAD: "The Village Voice"

New York City is one quarter Jewish. Its culture reflects it's Jewish character. One would think a city that is 1/4 Jewish and influential would have an "Alternative" newspaper that reflected the values of it's readers.... and yet the Village Voice became a conglomerate that dictated internationalist Pro Palestinian values. When a paper fails to appeal to it's readers and starts dictating the values of an aggressive oppression culture like Leftism and Islamic loyal political slants to free thinking New Yorkers, don't you think it is hysterical that the management can't figure out why their paper didn't make money? It isn't just intriguing. It's pathetic that people in the media really thought they would push these values in New York.
You can't save even a feminist rag with prostitution I guess.
The rest of the article is predictable. They blame management and fail to realize how out of touch with working people the newspaper is. It is the editorial that was the problem, not internet strategy. They might have even made money off prostitution for a while longer had they not backed just about every liberal fascist. it isn't internet strategy or business decisions that leads to media demise... it's the fact that the media isn't in touch with the working people and their needs. The left is dead. It's been dead for a while. It was on life support with the Palestine crowd, but the lies have been exposed there too... and so went the readers.(buzzfeed.com) Alt-weeklies are always dying. But the news Friday that four editorial staffers were laid off or had their hours cut to part-time at The Village Voice — two features writers, a news blogger and a listings editor — makes the sad fact of that paper’s eventual demise, evident for years, more immediate. The paper now has one news blogger, two features writers, a music editor, a few people working on listings and one critic, aided by a couple contributors, writing about food.
You can't save even a feminist rag with prostitution I guess.
Bloomberg: The Government Should Make Immigrants Live In Detroit, If They “Survive 7 Years” Make Them Citizens…Bloomberg: The Government Should Make Immigrants Live In Detroit, If They “Survive 7 Years” Make Them Citizens…

(CNSNews.com) – Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York said last week that the federal government should assign immigrants to live in cities such as Detroit and “if they survive seven years” make them citizens.
“All the federal government’s got to do is say, ‘We’re gonna welcome here in this country–first come, first served–families, if they’re willing to come here under the following terms,: Bloomberg said in Boston on Aug. 14. “We’re going to assign you a city–let’s say Detroit–you got to agree to not be arrested and not take any federal, state or city money, and you’ve got to live there for seven years, and if you survive seven years, we’ll make you and your family full citizens.”
Bloomberg was speaking along with News Corporation Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch at a forum sponsored by the New England Council.
Bloomberg predicted if the federal government assigned immigrants to cities such as Detroit they would buy and fix up “houses that are derelict,” improve the local schools, create businesses and stimulate the local economy.
via weaselzippers.us
Sarcastic, but think what a city like Detroit would do to Catholic immigrants from Mexico? They'd all get converted to Islam... I suppose Bloomberg would be fine with that.IDF Survey: Highest Number of Reservists Per Capita Come from Judea and Samaria

(Algemeiner) IDF reservists. Photo: Tazpit News Agency. By Aryeh Savir and Gil Lavie
A newly released IDF survey has found that the highest number of reservists per capita recruited by the Israeli Defense Forces over the past year have come from the Judea and Samaria region. The survey, conducted annually by the Israeli army, has found that Judea and Samaria residents are the top geographic group of Israeli citizens serving in the army at 34%. Residents of the North followed at 29%, 28% from Jerusalem and Central Israel and 27% from the South. Of the reserves members from Judea and Samaria, a majority of 60% were found to be serving in combat units.
The poll also showed surprising results in the national diversity it found in the Israeli Defense Forces. 1,200 of the reservists were from the Republic of Georgia, 720 originated from Iran, 30 from the Philippines, and 4 from Bahrain. The study highlights a rarely seen picture of reserve duty personnel, showing that minorities and immigrants play a larger role than previously thought. A total of 19% of reserve soldiers were born outside Israel.(MORE)
Israel to help restore Lake Victoria in Africa

The goal of the project is to promote fish farming techniques and desalinate and purify the waters of the lake, which is one of the main sources of livelihood for some 5 million people living in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.
According to the agreement, Israel will donate advanced technologies especially developed in the Jewish state, as well as knowledge and professional guidance.
Deputy Minister Ayalon said that "projects of these kinds show the true and beautiful side of Israel, and strengthen Israel's ties with the continent of Africa.
"While Iran tries to get a foothold in Africa with weapons, bombs and terror, Israel brings Africa progress, as well as agricultural and economic humanitarian aid. This is just an example of the difference between the fanatic ayatollahs' regime and the Israeli democracy," he added.
Israel's Ambassador to Nairobi Gil Heskel said Israel intends to develop more projects, noting that it was received with "tremendous appreciation."
"We have since received many requests from other heads of African states to expand the project to their countries as well," Heskel added.
The most generous states in America: Republican and religious

...and that my friend is family values: if Socialism were effective it might look a little like that.Surveys have shown this phenomena before, but this study by The Chronicle of Philanthropy seems very thorough.
ABC News:
Which states are more generous about giving money to charities? Red or blue states? A report by The Chronicle of Philanthropy, "How America Gives," uses the most recent available IRS data from 2008 to find out.Of the top 5 most charitable states, only Washington, D.C. - which isn't a state at all -- made the rankings. Utah was first:
The answer, according to the report, is that people in Republican-leaning states give somewhat more, mostly because of religious ties. The Chronicle studied individual tax returns and studied demographic characteristics such as religion and political affiliation. The report found that states that were in favor of the 2008 presidential candidate John McCain gave higher percentages of discretionary income toward charities.
Click for a map of how much states give to charities.
The state of Utah, where a majority of residents are Mormon and encouraged to give ten percent of their income to the church, had the highest percentage, 10.6 percent. Residents in Utah had an estimated median discretionary income of $49,551, or after taxes, housing, food, and other living expenses.
The state of Utah shows how important religion is to giving, said Peter Panepento, the Chronicle of Philanthropy's assistant managing editor. In Utah, the estimated median contribution was $5,255, as reported to the IRS on itemized tax returns.Utah was followed by Washington, Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee. Utah topped the list with 10.6% of median income given to charity. By contrast, true blue Massachusetts gave only 2.8%.
The states and communities that tended to give the highest percentage of income to charity were those with high rates of religious participation.
"Utah, far and away, has given the most to charity, with its strong tie to the Mormon religion," he said.
Many religions, including the Mormon faith, encourage or direct believers to give 10 percent, or tithe, from their income to the church.
Don't you wish those conservatives weren't so heartless and uncaring about the poor?
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