Our friend Debbie Schlussel is on the ball, yet again, with exclusive analysis on hate crimes in America:
Please read her full breakdown here, and follow her on Twitter, hereWell, the FBI official hate crimes statistics are out for 2008. And like every year since the 9/11 Muslim terrorist attacks on America, the vast majority of religious hate crime victims on U.S. soil are America’s Jews. While the Pentagon and US Army did overtime pandering to Muslims like Nidal Malik Hasan, the real hatred was against one set of his mortal enemies.......more than a few of those anti-Semitic hate crime perpetrators are, in fact, Muslims....Missing from the FBI stats are the stats on the perpetrators of these crimes, which I’d bet would be very telling.

EXCLUSIVE Analysis: Sorry, Islamophobia Pimps – 67% of US Hate Crimes Against Jews
That’s right. A whopping 66.69%–or just over 2/3rds–of America’s religion-based hate crime incidents are committed against Jews. But, hey, there’s no anti-Semitism. I’m just imagining it. The real condition afflicting America is Islamophobia, right? Let’s ignore that only 6.91% of hate crime incidents were against Muslims, with Catholics very close behind comprising 4.94% of hate crime incident victims. Sadly, some Catholic leaders look the other way on anti-Semitism (more on that below).
Another fact that is very inconvenient to Muslim propaganda is the fact that hate crimes against Jews and Catholics are growing, but hate crimes against Muslims, not. In 2007, there were 969 reported hate crime incidents against Jews in America. In 2008, it’s 1,013. In 2007, there were 61 anti-Catholic incidents. In 2008, there were 75. For Muslims, in 2007 there were 115 reported incidents against them. In 2008, it’s 105. And all of this is despite the fact that unlike other groups, Islamic groups work overtime to get alleged Islamic victims to report hate crimes.
Yup, America’s hate is carried out not against the fellow co-religionists of the 9/11 hijackers–you know, the Muslims. They’re carried out against the most hated targets of the Muslims: the “evil Zionists.” And–guess what?–more than a few of those anti-Semitic hate crime perpetrators are, in fact, Muslims. Missing from the FBI stats are the stats on the perpetrators of these crimes, which I’d bet would be very telling.
Groups like CAIR, ADC, ISNA, MAS, and MPAC–the alphabet soup of Muslim and Muslim-dominated Arab groups–love to tout “Islamophobia” as a vast and wide-spread “bigotry” in America. But it ain’t so. The numbers simply don’t back it up.
Incidentally, while I lament that hate crimes against Catholics are slightly up, I have to laugh at Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, who was quoted in USA Today upset over this. I made him aware that Emily M. Zanotti, a Catholic working for his Catholic friend Richard Thompson at the Catholic Thomas More Law Center, spent all day long on the payroll blogging in support and praise of Muslim Holocaust-denying anti-Semitic death, rape, and torture threats against me and my family (including my Holocaust survivor grandmother). He looked the other way. Ms. Zanotti is now employed by the Sam Adams Alliance, which is aware of her anti-Semitism and praise for violence and torture . . . and doesn’t care. Michelle Malkin (also Catholic) was made aware of this and continues to help Zanotti and Sam Adams Alliance, anyway.
Stuff like this is why anti-Semitic hate crimes are up. It’s not just Muslims and others who are perpetrating it. It’s phonies in positions of influence who are looking the other way and giving it tacit approval.