But we have to acknowledge that kill the unbelievers; is an awkward verse - Jihad Watch

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From left, Sheikh Jamal Rahman, Pastor Don Mackenzie, and Rabbi Ted Falcon read from their respective holy books during their presentation at the Second Presbyterian Church in Nashville, Tenn., in October.
if this verse only applies to situations in which Muslims are in grave danger, such that Islam itself may not survive, they would argue -- and do argue -- that that is precisely the situation that prevails today. Accordingly, the interpretation that is supposed to mollify and reassure Westerners actually only opens the door for more jihad.

" At least Sheik Jamal Rahman is honest enough to acknowledge that there is a problem with the "Verse of the Sword" -- Koran 9:5 -- although he retails the same old tired glib dismissal that we have heard a thousand times before, that it is "taken out of context."

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