I received the following email, yesterday, on Facebook. Please note the lovely sentiments expressed by the writer. Isn’t his lack of any bigotry, touching? His grasp of truth monumental?
James Miller November 8 at 6:50pm
i hope all you fake imposter jews have another holocaust and this time they get all of you greedy bloodsucking leechs lol….you have the nerve to call yourselves a chosen race….you were crawling around the caves of Germany and Russia when indigenous nubians and kemetans were ruling the world…..the moors came up to europe for 700 years and brought ur people out of the dark ages….you stole their religions and customs and came to America calling it your own….Hitler knew you weren’t Jews that’s why he tried to exterminate you!!! Quit telling people that he killed 6 million of you….that proves you people are of the beast because you use his number too much……6 million imposter jews supposedly died in concentration camps, the number 6 million has 6 zeros, and you use a 6 pointed star…..you are the 666 people spoken of in revelations….It was written that Allah knows the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not!!! I’m sick of you people trying to corner the market for sympathy….You people are filthy parasites!!! You brought ur diseases to america through Ellis Island in the early 20th century…..and now ur evil doctors have created the biological warfare that exists upon us today….injecting black babies with the HIV virus…..now you have us in this recession because you have hijacked the banking system!!! You try to walk around like ur meek and innocent but you people are the most corrupt…..you are wolves in sheeps clothing!!! You white devils could never be the original Jews….you don’t even speak the ancient language….Yiddish is not an ancient language!!! If you were the chosen people shouldn’t you be able to speak the ancient language??? You always want to holler anti-semitiscm and ur not even semitic people…..The semites were black nubians not white europeans…..make up your minds!!! You want to be semitic and european??? that’s contradictory!!! you were never in Egypt because we all know you don’t have enough melanin to survive the Sun and the heat….so quit telling people that……the hieroglyphs clearly depict dark-skinned people not pale european jews!!! Get ur facts straight!!! Imposters!!!! The truth is coming to the surface and you will be revealed for who you are just as Henry Ford revealed that you people come from Khazaria and not the middle east or northern Africa….you’re not Jewish or Hebrew at all but Khazarian Germans impersonating Hebrews lol….I know more of ur wicked history than you do….
I could comment for many pages on the venom this viper has spewed, I could remind him that were it not for Jews in medicine he would probably be dead by now or perhaps he would never have been born. But… as I already said on Facebook, the individual has done a far better job than ever I could dream of in showing us WHO and WHAT he really is! His spelling prowess, his expletives, all show an exquisitely superior intellect. Don’t you agree, gentle reader?He obviously thought that by emailing me he’ll get his 15 minutes of fame, but I’ve done better for him I just immortalized what passes for his hatred filled “brain.” Hitler must be writhing in his grave with envy!
It Happened on Facebook… | Freedom

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