Why did the New York Times scrub out news that it broke about the White House-crashing couple’s ties to an organization that supports Islamic terrorism?
Yes, Tareq Salahi, the male half of the couple who crashed the White House State Dinner for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, is a Palestinian Muslim. And not only that he’s an activist Palestinian Muslim, who is on the board of the American Task Force on Palestine, a group which–as I’ve previously noted on this site–is anti-Semitic and believes that all of Israel is Palestine and which openly supports HAMAS, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and all of their mass-murdering terrorist attacks.
“Hey, Baby, Is That an ObamaCare Bill in My Pocket . . . Or Am I Just Happy to See You?“
“Um, Barack, Who Are You Talking To?“
But, strangely, the New York Times–which first reported Salahi’s membership on the ATFP board– has scrubbed that from the article that first appeared Thursday.
the NYTimes gives good lessons in whitewashing to the ATFP, which also scrubbed all references to Salahi from its site. We wouldn’t want any Americans thinking that Palestinians who support terrorism against innocent people would actually crash a White House party, now would we? Sad that I have to reference the far-left, but only Talking Points Memo bothered to capture the scrubbed ATFP page, below. Too bad they didn’t do a screen save of the New York Times article, too. There’s a whole lotta Formula 409 and Comet being put to use over this strange and calculating couple.
And the wife, Michaele Salahi, is a congenital, psychotic liar, apparently. All of the things the mainstream media reported about her are false. No, she was never a Victoria’s Secret model, as she claims. No, she was never a Washington Redskins cheerleader, as she claims. It goes to show you that the MSM is inclined to believe anything a Palestinian Muslim says about himself on his Facebook page . . . and anything the dhimmi-witted Barbie doll future womb donor who is sleeping with him says about herself on that FB page.
And don’t forget, this is the guy who sued his own parents to take ownership of their winery. One extensive news report of the epic legal battle compared the family’s story to the soap opera “Falcon Crest,” and reported that Salahi blamed his mother for a failed winery purchase bid by NBA star Shaquille O’Neal. Well, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that a guy who supports the homicide bombings of innocent people, would literally run over his parents to get what he wants.